Impetus Technologies: How To Get Maximum Roi Using Test Automation

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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The Impetus Test Engineering Group, focuses exclusively on strategic software testing solutions. It offers a rigorous technical delivery foundation that is continuously fine tuned through innovation and research on emerging testing techniques, methodologies, and best practices. Impetus' specialized testing services ensure that your solutions are delivered in a reduced timeframe with least defects, and at economical costs. Impetus specialize in defining Test Strategies and help you select the most appropriate state-of-the-art software testing tools and practices that will enhance productivity, minimize risk, improve product quality, reduce time-to-market, and extend unparalleled strategic advantage.

Transcript of Impetus Technologies: How To Get Maximum Roi Using Test Automation

How to get maximum ROI using

Test Automation


Test Automation Background qLabs Automation Approach iLeap - qLabs Test Automation Framework Advantages



85% of all Test Automation initiatives did not give enough ROI

Automation Without Framework


Traditional Automation Approach


qLabs Automation Approach


* iLeap is Impetus LabsTest Automation Framework


Test suite development equivalent to writing manual test cases

Eliminates the communication overhead between manual and automation engineer.

Easy migration from one tool to another

Unattended execution with inbuilt recovery mechanisms

Publishes the test results in easy to read format.

Supports all major functional automation tools and technologies including AJAX, Silver Light 3.0

Enable conditional execution feature to take care of complex real time business scenarios


Define Application Under Test (AUT) object properties in a segregated environment

Application Under Test


Unique Identifier

Scalable with respect to incremental build changes

Improves the ease of test script maintenance

Enables fast delivery and early detection of defects

Automation Suite Development – Create Object Repository


Object Properties

Automation Suite Development – Create Test Case Action Repository

Action values are maintained in keyword tables

Test case repository is used to store definitions of test cases with respect to test data.

Improves efficiency by separation of the code from the data

Improved maintainability of test scripts.



Test case functional steps

1: Enter the value in the Login Name edit field

2: Enter the value in the Login Password edit field

3: Click on Login Button


Verify that the next page appears and the

Dashboard link is visible

Expected result

Automation Suite Development – Create Test Case Data Repository

Multiple iterations with different test data

Iteration 2 ValuesIterations 1 Values


Contains control parameters for the test execution

Parameter to control Test Environment

Parameter to control Test Execution

Application Parameters

Test Suite Execution - Control Configuration

Execution Status

Parameters to control Result Reporting

Execution Priority10

Test Suite Execution - Result Reporting

Results of Test Case Execution

Result file created with the date and time stamp, version number appended to the filename

A standardized method to log test results is used throughout

Relevant Pass/Fail information is generated along with test case details


Customization in execution

Incorporates best practices of test automation engineering which results in:

No framework development is required, resulting in lower risk and a quick jumpstart. Highly robust and scalable solution Rapid test development; productivity increases up to 40% Minimized tool dependency and empowered manual test engineers Effective handling of incremental changes results in 60% cut in maintenance costs Web based ROI Calculations showcase the overall automation benefits for any application


Advantages Over Alternative Options
