Immaculate Conception Church · MONAGUILLOS Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Domingo, 7 de...

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Transcript of Immaculate Conception Church · MONAGUILLOS Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Domingo, 7 de...

Immaculate Conception Church Roman Catholic Parish & Guadalupe Mission

505 S. Avenue B ♦ 417 Avenida 15 ♦ Yuma, Az 85364 ♦ (928) 782-7516 Visit us on our new website!

May 31, 2015/31 de Mayo, 2015

Follow us on:

Immaculate Conception Catholic

Preschool – 8th Grade



Call or stop by to become a part of the first Catholic Preschool in

Yuma or to join us in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade! Space is limited!

Financial assistance is available through tax credit programs for families with a need or with more than one child.

The registration deadline for the 2015-2016 school year is Friday, June 26, 2015

Immaculate Conception Preschool – 8th Grade 501 S Ave B, Yuma, AZ 85364

(928) 783-5225 The school office will be open Monday through Friday from

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon June 1 through 26, 2015.

“Soaring To Heaven and College”


June 1-7, 2015 Monday 8:00 a.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception Tuesday 8:00 a.m. + Jerry Lloyd Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception Thursday 8:00 a.m. Ag Mary Lou Van + Joe Estel and Estel Family Ag Trini & Maria Aguirre Friday 8:00 a.m. + Albert Jung Saturday 8:00 a.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception 5:30 p.m. Le Harry Fleddermann Sunday 7:00 a.m. + Julian Presloid + Mark, + Mariana & + Teresa Pinzon 8:30 a.m. + Isabel Pinzon + Jorge Pinzon Ag Henrietta Garcia *10:00 a.m.+ Carlos Ballesteros 11:30 a.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception 1:00 p.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception 5:00 p.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception *7:00 p.m. Benefactors of Immaculate Conception

+ Deceased / * Spanish Mass / Le Sickness or Special Favor / Ag In Thanksgiving, A

Special Intention, Birthday, Anniversary, etc.

THE CATHOLIC BIBLE INSTITUTE OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA (CBISA) is a three-year program that involves a comprehensive study of the Sacred Scriptures, with particular focus on methods of biblical study, sharing and praying with scripture, and the application of skills in Bible-Study leadership. If you are interested in becoming an instructor of this program, you will need to go to Tucson one Saturday each month for three years. For more information, pick up a flyer as you exit the main church.

II COLLECTION TODAY The II Collection today will be for the support of our St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generous contribution will keep our less fortunate families from going hungry. God Bless you.

NEXT SUNDAY IS SOS SUNDAY We ask each wage earner to contribute at least $5.00 for the support of our School and CCD Programs. YES LORD. Your weekly support through the Sunday Offertory was $9,280.40. The II Collection for the victims of Nepal Earthquake was $2,014.00. Thank you.

MASS SERVERS Saturday, June 6, 2015 5:30 p.m. Angelina Garcia, Jaime & Julianna Rivera Sunday, June 7, 2015 7:00 a.m. Seanna Engel 8:30 a.m. Mauricio Rodriguez, Lenora, Michael & Patrick Argomaniz 10:00 a.m. Abram Jaramillo, Andres Duron, Leopoldo Ramirez and Reyna Armendariz 11:30 a.m. Grayson Flowers, Hayden Potter, Joey & Mia Lehto 1:00 p.m. Angel Gonzales, Gael Rios and Jovenes Arcoiris 5:00 p.m. Mathew Reardon, Kiara Hinton & Christian Zazueta 7:00 p.m. Marco Reyes, Amaury and Ezequel Barcelo

LECTOR Lauren Mulloy

The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015

SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the Immaculate Conception School Graduation Mass. American Legion Citizenship Award: Isabel Herrera and Matthew Thurber American Legion Constitution Award: Sophia Marquez President’s Award For Academic Excellence: Alenia Esquivel, Nicole Gutierrez, and Sophia Marquez President’s Award For Academic Achievement: Francisco Enriquez, Cutberto Hernandez, Isabel Herrera, Alexia Johnson, Cesar Pompa, and Sarah Trujillo

A BIG thank you to our dedicated teachers and staff for a successful school year!

School is out for the summer! Please continue to save your Campbell’s labels and Box Tops For Education. They can be deposited in the boxes at the entrances of the Church. God bless you for your support and prayers. We appreciate our parishioners at Immaculate Conception School!

Dearest Parishioners, The first four bottom stained glass windows have been installed. The side panels have been redesigned with new pictures of Our Virgin Mary. All of these side panels are available for purchase at $2,000 each. If you or anyone you know is interested in purchasing a window, please contact Kathy at 580-7948 or stop by the main entrance of the church and write your name and phone number on the form.

2015 is the year of Immaculate Conception School and the third year of our Parish Diamond Celebration! It is also the 85th anniversary of Catholic education in our Parish! Each month is dedicated to the celebration. September 2015 Friday, September 11, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Main Church –Mass for Law Enforcement/Public Safety.

ATTENTION: IF you would like to assist in the “community” purchase of the stained glass window of Our Lady of Guadalupe at IC Church, you can make your donation at the Rectory. The inscription would read, “Donated by the Community of IC Parish”. Any questions, please contact Trini Aguirre at (928) 246-5641.

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish Yuma, Arizona

PLEASE PRAY for the mother of Celine Marie Matus Carreño. May she rest in peace.

Father’s Day Cards. Give your Father, living or deceased, a treasured gift of the Holy Eucharist by including him in the Novena of Masses that will be offered during the month of June. Father’s Day intention envelopes are available at the entrances to the church. Please fill out the envelopes, put in your

offering, and return it to the Parish office or put it in the collection basket. Father’s Day cards are available at the Parish office. You make take your intention envelope there, or you can complete an envelope, make your offering, and select a card at the Parish office.



2015 Parish Goal $ 108,400.00 Pledge Total $ 71,901.00

Pledge Percent of Goal 66% Please join with your fellow parishioners in making a

united effort to reach our Parish goal! Together we can fund the many charities and ministries and make a real difference for families and individuals throughout the Diocese. If you have not made your pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Catholic Appeal, please pick up an envelope from the back of the church and take your donation to the office or put it in the collection basket next Sunday. Your help is essential to continue serving the 26 Ministries of Charity in the Diocese of Tucson. Thank you for your support and participation!

Make your pledge today!

The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015

Go … and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. -Matthew 28:19














Religious Education News Parents, is your child/children between the ages of 5 and 17? It’s very important that our children know our Catholic faith. Immaculate Conception Parish offers a continuous education program on the Catholic Church and Bible study for your child’s ongoing religious and spiritual growth.

English Catechism registration will begin on Monday, June 15. The CCD office will be open between the

hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Monday; between the hours of 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on

Thursday; between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Friday.

Men’s Silent Retreat

2015 Theme: Family: Today and in Our Catholic Tradition

May 29-31, 2015 El Carmelo Retreat House

926 E. Highland Ave. - Redlands, CA 92374 Yuma. Az-Immaculate Conception, St. Francis, and St. Thomas Indian Mission. For more infor-

mation please call Mike Fox at (928) 210-9764 or

SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS/CLASES MATUTINAS ¿Necesitas el Sacramento de Primera Comunión o Confirmación? Las inscripciones ya están abiertas. Las clases se llevaran a cabo cada Miércoles a las 10:00 de la mañana. La primer clase inicia el Miércoles, 3 de Junio. Cuota de inscripción: $20.00 por Sacramento. Puedes registrarte en la oficina de la Parroquia. Para más información llamar a Raquel Saldaña al (928) 502-9661.

ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Les hace una cordial invitación a que vivan la experiencia del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial, para enriquecer y fortalecer su relación de esposos o pareja que se llevara a cabo el 26,27 y 28 de Junio de 2015. Para mas información comuníquese con Alberto y Rosa Gutiérrez al (928) 488-1892.

II COLECTA HOY. La segunda colecta de hoy será para ayudar a nuestra Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. Su contribución generosa ayudara a alimentar las familias mas desafortunadas. Que Dios los bendiga.

II COLECTA EL PROXIMO DOMINGO. Es para la ayuda de la Escuela y el Programa de Educación Religiosa. Les pedimos a los que reciban ingresos su contribución de $5.00 a esta colecta. SI, SEÑOR. Su ayuda semanal a través del ofertorio Dominical la semana pasada fue $9,280.40. La II Colecta para ayudar a las Victimas del Terremoto en Nepal fue $2,014.00. Muchas Gracias.


Intenciones de Misas 1 al 7 de Junio, 2015

Lunes 7:00 a.m.+ Pedro Lara Martes 7:00 a.m.+ Pedro Lara Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Benefactores de la Misión de Guadalupe Jueves 7:00 a.m. + Manuel De Jesús Ruiz 7:00 p.m. + Mario David Gonzales Muñoz Viernes 7:00 a.m. Benefactores de la Misión de Guadalupe Sábado 7:00 p.m. Benefactores de la Misión de Guadalupe Domingo 7:30 am. Benefactores de la Misión de Guadalupe 11:30a.m. Benefactores de la Misión de Guadalupe Ag Misa de Acción de Gracias, Intención Especial, Cumpleaños, Aniversario, etc.,/

Le Enfermo o Favor Especial /+ Difunto

MONAGUILLOS Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Domingo, 7 de Junio 7:30 a.m.

Ricky, Juan and Julianna Lugo 11:30 a.m.

Mary Lucero and Jose Medrano

La Santísima Trinidad 31 de Mayo, 2015

Queridos feligreses, Ya se instalaron cuatro vitrales en la parte inferior de la Iglesia Inmaculada. Los paneles laterales han sido rediseñados con nuevas imágenes de nuestra Virgen Maria. Estos paneles laterales están disponibles por $2,000. Si usted está interesado o conoce alguien que desee adquirir uno de estos paneles comuníquese con Kathy al 580-7948.

El año 2015 esta dedicado a la Escuela Inmaculada Concepción y es el tercer año de la celebración Diamante de Nuestra Parroquia y el 85 aniversario de la educación católica en

Nuestra Parroquia!

Verano, 2015 Publicación de libro de recetas de la escuela Inmaculada.

Tarjetas para el Día del Padre. Incluya su Papa, vivo o muerto durante la Novena de Misas que se celebrante durante el mes de Junio obsequiándole el valioso regalo de la Santa Eucaristía. Los sobres de intención del día de los Padres están disponibles en la entradas de la Iglesia, complete el sobre y tráigalo a la oficina de la Parroquia o póngalo en la canasta de la colecta. Puede recoger su tarjea en la oficina de la Parroquia.

Bienvenido a la Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Yuma, Arizona



2015 Meta de Parroquia $ 108,400.00 Compromiso Total $ 71,901.00 Porcentaje de Meta 66%

Por favor únanse con sus compañeros feligreses en un esfuerzo por alcanzar la meta Parroquial. Hagamos una gran diferencia, unidos podremos continuar apoyando a las agencias de caridad y ministerios haciendo una gran diferencia en las familias mas necesitadas en Nuestra Diócesis. Si aún no ha hecho su promesa a la Campaña Católica Anual, recoja uno de los sobres que se encuentran colocados en las mesas atrás de la Iglesia Inmaculada, llévelo a la oficina Parroquial o deposítelo en la canasta el próximo domingo. Su promesa ayudará a la Diócesis para que pueda continuar con la labor de apoyo de los 26 ministerios de caridad. ¡Gracias por su participación!

¡Haz tu donación hoy!

El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo 7 de Junio de 2015

Levantare el cáliz de salvación e invocare el nombre del Señor.

-Salmo 116 (115) :13


POR FAVOR recen por la mama de Celine Marie Matus. Que descanse en paz. ATENCION SI desea participar con una donación para comprar el vitral representando Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Iglesia Inmaculada, pueden hacer su donación en la Rectoría. La inscripción será, “Donación comunidad de la Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción”. Si tiene preguntas comuníquese con Trini Aguirre al (928) 246-5641. $108,400 












Schedule for Lector, Commentator and

Extraordinary/Ministers of

Communion for the month of JUNE


Saturday - 5:30 p.m. Anthony Acosta (L) Cathy Magdaleno (C) Sunday - 7:00 a.m. Charles Gutierrez (L) Ramona Williams (C) 8:30 a.m. Michelle Umbower (L) Veronica Guzman (C) 11:30 a.m. Ray Urias (L) Adrianne Vasquez (C) 5:00 p.m. Kevin and Marcella Reardon (L/C)


Ministers Saturday - 5:30 p.m. Loyola Walls and Randall Farmer Sunday - 7:00 a.m. Kettie Parks Barbara Acosta 8:30 a.m. Socorro Fernandez Francisco (Paco) Guzman 11:30 a.m. Cindy Norma Chavez Lauren Mulloy 5:00 p.m. Doug and Norma Lancaster

Edson Elizarraras Hi! I’m Edson Elizarraras. My home Parish is Immaculate Conception, where Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe served as Pastor for more

than 30 years and was succeeded by Father Javier Perez. I am currently studying at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/

Mundelein Seminary and am in my 3rd year of Theology. At the age of 9, I immigrated from Mexico City to Yuma with my very

loving and united family. I am the youngest of three children and the only one to graduate high school --which was Cibola High in

2005. While deciding what my place in society would be, I continued with my studies in the Nursing Program at Arizona Western

College. I received my certification as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). While working at Yuma Regional Medical Center with the sick and most vulnerable,

I strongly felt the call to serve the Lord in the unique vocation of the priesthood. In 2008, I was accepted into the Diocese of Tucson as a Seminarian and

began my journey at Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon. In 2012, I graduated with a BA in philosophy from Mount Angel Seminary and was transferred to

Chicago to continue my graduate studies and my formation to the Priesthood at Mundelein Seminary. This “yes, Lord” has taken me on a journey filled with

setbacks and challenges, while still trying to be a witness of the Gospel to others. At the same time, however, this path to holiness has been an experience

of both joy and peace from God that can never be taken away.

God willing, in the summer of 2016, I will be called to the Holy Orders of the Priesthood. Please keep me in your prayers and I will pray for you


UPDATE DIAMOND CELEBRATION As you know, each calendar year from now through 2016 will emphasize a different aspect of our Parish. The first year, 2013, was dedicated to the Mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe; the various groups that were a part of the fabric of Our Lady of Guadalupe were emphasized. The second year, 2014, was dedicated to the Franciscan Sisters and began on January 12, 2014 with a Mass and reception. The history of the Sisters and other events were emphasized. The year closed with a Solemn Mass presided over by the Most Reverend Gerald Kicanas on December 7, 2014. This year, 2015 is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception School. It began with an Open House at the School on Sunday, January 25, 2015. When our Diamond Celebration started in January 2013, we encouraged our Parishioners to support a campaign to raise the necessary funds to continue the celebration through 2016. At that time, each family was asked to pledge $600.00 over a 3-year period. Many of you did so and we THANK YOU, but others haven't had the opportunity. To date we have received pledges of $264,125.10 but it is not too late to make a pledge at this time. We have made some great improvements to Our Lady of Guadalupe and to the convent, and we hope to continue our goals at the school and in our Church. The Parish office can assist you with any questions. Thank you.

ACTUALIZACION CELEBRACION DIAMANTE Como usted sabe, cada año hasta llegar al 2016 se hará hincapié en un aspecto diferente de Nuestra Parroquia. El año 2013, fue dedicado a la Misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe; se destacaron los diversos grupos que formaban parte de la tela de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. El segundo año fue dedicado a las Hermanas Franciscanas. El año 2014 inicio con una Misa y recepción el 12 de Enero. Se hizo hincapié en la historia de las hermanas y otros eventos. El año cerro con una Misa solemne presidida por el reverendo Obispo Gerald Kicanas el 7 de Diciembre, 2014. Este año estará dedicado a la escuela Inmaculada Concepción. La celebración dio inicio con una bienvenida el Domingo, 25 de Enero de 2015. Cuando nuestra celebración diamante dio inicio en enero de 2013, animamos a nuestros feligreses para que apoyaran una campaña para recaudar los fondos necesarios para continuar con la celebración hasta 2016. Se le pidió a cada familia una donación de $600.00 durante un período de 3 años. Muchos de ustedes hicieron su promesa, pero otros no. Hasta la fecha hemos recibido $264.125.10. Aun no es demasiado tarde para hacer su promesa. Hemos hecho algunas mejoras a nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y al convento y esperamos poder continuar con las metas de la escuela y de nuestra iglesia. Llame a la oficina Parroquial para cualquier pregunta. Gracias.

Are you being called to evangelize and help God spread the good word? Is your journey to live a life full of grace and great faith that includes prayer, action, and study? God is inviting you to come live an encounter with Christ, where you will learn more about your faith and God’s immense love for us in a fun and interesting

way. The 2nd English Young Adults Arcoiris Encunter, ages 18-25, will be taking place this summer form June 4 to June 7 at Immaculate Conception Parish. Entrance fee is $35.00 per person or $25.00 if two or more immedi-ate family members. The fee will cover all meals and other materials throughout the encounter. Applications can be found at your Parish office or at Santa Cruz Catholic Store, located at 1840 S. 4th Avenue, Suite 16. For more information, please contact Francisco Montano at (928) 261-7442 or Brianna Villa at (928) 446-1130. Hope you answer God’s call. God Bless you!.