ILB Monthly Fitness Success Magazine: 2nd Edition

Post on 19-Feb-2016

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Our monthly magazine disseminating healthy lifestyle tips and keeping up to date with our current members!

Transcript of ILB Monthly Fitness Success Magazine: 2nd Edition



Win $200 over and over again until Monday, Nov. 26! Details on Page 4





By Kristen Nolan, Owner, I Luv My Body Fitness

Kristen, Missy and John Spend 4 Days Learning about How to Make our Clients Stronger Through Targeting Different Systems in the body AND all about How

Clients Change and Become Motivated to workout.


6 Stages of Change:

1. Pre – Contemplation – This is the entry point to the process of change. A person is not even considering the possibility of changing and does not even see themselves as having a problem in the first place. The best thing to do in this stage for yourself and others is to not Force change upon someone (which is our natural instinct to help kicking in). We must help the person raise their awareness gently that their current behaviors may have a bad impact on their health later in life. Being too persistent in this stage can often make people shy away from the possibility of changing completely. Raising doubts in their minds and increasing perception of the risk of their current behaviors can help move them along to the second stage where change becomes a possibility.

2. Contemplation – The best way to describe contem-plation is Ambivalence. One day you want to change, the next day you don’t. Most of the time you don’t want to change because you do not believe that it is actually possible for you to do so. The more I learn about change, the more I understand that change is a skill that can be learned as long as you put in the effort to make it happen. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is more difficult. But the point is that it is always possible. The best thing we can do to help others in this stage is to

strengthen the belief that they are in fact capable of mak-ing change happen. They may just need to learn the skills required to make their specific change occur.

3. Preparation – The number 1 mistake most people make with their change efforts is not spending enough time in this stage before taking action. In the preparation stage, we have come to an understanding that change needs to occur. We make our own decision that we must do something about the problem and will either make the choice to to move into action or with inappropriate interactions with others, flip back into the contemplation stage. In this stage, we must decide the best and easiest course of action to take to start moving forward with the change process. We also must spend time in this stage preparing for situations that may

As you all know, I Luv My Body Fitness Instructors have been huge proponents of integrating Z Health Performance Solutions techniques and training into our clients’ programs. This is because they are the leading experts in the fitness industry with regard to neuromuscular performance enhance-ment. One aspect that has been astronomical in our growth as fitness coaches is learning about behavior change and how to help our clients modify their personal habits successfully to get healthy. You have probably heard me say before, exercise is not a 1 month sprint, (by this I mean, you can’t just workout for 1 month and have your fitness taken care of forever!;-) Integrat-ing healthy habits like exercise has to be forever and does take work and time. And in any change process, whether it is trying to get better at exercising regularly Or eating healthy for weight loss, it takes much effort and attention on your part to plan and prepare for so you can be successful with your goals. If you have ever wanted to do something but can’t seem to get yourself to take action, this is probably why… Because most of our daily activities are habituated, change is PAIN so your brain actually has to work harder to change what you want to. Since our brains always want to take the easy way out and conserve energy, there is no way anyone can change un-less they come to this decision from their own demise and behavior.

So, to help you see a step-by-step habit change model that helped over 30,000 successful self changers lose weight, quit smoking, start exercising - amongst other things - I wanted to introduce to you the Stages of Change Model.

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Stages of Change, continued...

about how to prepare to make changes that stick. You can read this at:

4. Action – This is where we are actually taking steps to make our change occur. If it is to get healthy, we are getting in our workouts, making healthy choices nutrition-ally, going to sleep 1 hour earlier, etc. The goal here is to continue to take steps necessary for the change we want to make.

5. Maintenance – The changed behavior is now becoming habitual. Working out and eating right are now second nature and are starting to feel easy. The best thing we can do in this stage is to continue to create strategies that make it easy for us to maintain the changes we made and provide ourselves with the necessary accountability to prevent relapses of old behaviors.

6. Relapse and Recycle or Termination – This is where we have considered our old habit corrected or we revert back to the original problem behavior. The most important thing to understand is that this is Normal and expected when we are trying to change something we have been struggling with for years and to not feel defeated or demoralized if we go back to square one. Again, this is normal, we are only human. The biggest goal here is to renew the process of remembering why we wanted to make a change in the first place, our personal reasons for making it happen and re-engaging in our new behaviors to make the change occur.

This Stages of Change Model has been astronomical in help-ing me as a coach to develop an understanding of where my clients are in each stage and the best course of action I can take that will help them make decisions that will better their lives. Remember, that you cannot make decisions for other people. If they are not ready to change, there is not much you can do to make them change but you can raise their aware-ness without sounding too pushy. And the Ultimate Predictor of Success for anyone who comes to the realization that they want to change is their level of Persistence and Willing-ness to continue working through the stages of change will aid them to continue moving forward with their change efforts.


Josephine Tchang - 10/1Maria Miller - 10/1

Stacey Wexler - 10/2Anand Dias - 10/3

Dana Nelson - 10/5Min Park - 10/9

Fiona Higgins - 10/14Sinead Hayes - 10/19Leticia Dorado - 10/31



Behind AT&T Park (if it’s raining, it will be at My Gym)

Bring your friends and family for our 3rd an-nual Turkey Busting workout! Work off your meal before you eat it ;-). Bring a min of $5 donation (no canned food please). $$ Goes

further than canned food for them.


21 Days Boot Camp between Thanksgiving and Christmas

- Unlimited Boot Camp access- 3 Weeks meal plans


There will be ONE workout on Thanksgiving day, 11/22 at 9 AM at My Gym.

Classes will be cancelled all Friday and Saturday.

Missy and John will reschedule all missed Semi-Private Training classes.

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John's Birthday at I-PhaseWoo hoo, gettin' certified on his bday!

“A life spent making mistakes is not

only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

-- George Bernard Shaw

Think about this...

You live or work here in San Francisco right?

If so, do you have any friends or co-workers that you believe could benefit from our services?

Maybe 2 or 3 people you’ve known in your workplace for a while or sit next to regularly?

You see, our 3rd year anniversary is coming up (actually the Monday after Thanksgiving;-). I can’t believe it! 3 years already…

Anyhow, because of this I will be run-ning a 21 Day Holiday Burn Challenge from Monday November 26th - De-cember 18th!!

I am really looking to expand our mem-ber base from people like you (so we don’t have to keep spending big dollars to get our name out there.)

(**Trust me I realize that since this week in particular classes will be full, it may not appear that we need to generate new referred business. But we definitely do and need your help!)

And after thinking all this through this over the weekend, I came up with a great system that may entice you to spread the word to your friends, co-workers or family so they can kick start their New Years resolutions early with you!

So here is the plan:

If you can refer in 3 of your friends to do the 21 Day Holiday Burn Challenge, I will reward you $100 CASH. And in addition to that:

If any of your referrals decides to stay

on for one of our 4, 8 or 12 month boot camp or semi-private programs, you will receive another $100 CASH per referral!

Sound good?

Then keep reading!

Your amazing instructors and I are looking to add some awesome clients like you to our membership base.

We want people you know who are:Busy professionals who need a done-for-you training program to tone and strengthen their bodies and especially to off-set their Holiday sweets! Basi-cally, we want to work with clients who are as excited as you to get the job done!

The 21 Day Holiday Burn Challenge is going to be pretty awesome this year and easy to talk up…

We are including:- A Live Pre-Boot Camp Certification 8pm Monday Dec 18th- 21 Days of Meal plans and grocery lists- 21 Days of Unlimited boot camp access- Private dress shopping tour with a personal stylistfor the winner!- Big Celebration at Sports Basement on Tuesday Dec 18th(shop and get 10% off everything in the store)!!

And we are doing a great intro rate of only $147 so your friends can try our programs out before they buy!

Check your email and visit to find out how!! Page 4 - Next page to continue

Staff Appreciation Day!At the end of October, Kristen took some of the ILB team (We missed you Jabes!) and cute little Zoe out for some love and appreciation for holding down the fort and taking care of our AMAZING members! On a gorgeous Friday morning, the team headed out to a surprise outing and were incred-ibly excited to find out the destination was Napa! Woohoo!

What better way to treat personal trainers and fit-ness enthusiasts than with good food and drink ;-) Kristen knows what’s up! But don’t worry every-one, we took a nice, long stroll afterwards to burn off that delicious-ness from Ad Hoc.

To end the delightful trip, we had a little wine test-ing session at Jessup Cellars - wine to die for!

Next trip, John wants to go kayaking. Who wants to come with?

What did one eye say to the other?

Between you and me, something SMELLS!!

BAD joke corner

WIN $200 in Cash from Now through Monday

November 26th!

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October’s Member of the Month has a story many of us can relate to. Claire has always been an active person, and she described her life before ILB as someone who “ran on the treadmill and around my neighborhood, I lifted light weights at the gym in my building and played co-ed softball on the weekends.” Despite her active lifestyle, Claire found it difficult to get to her ultimate goal weight and health and was getting frustrated. Like most of us, ACCOUNTABILITY is our biggest obstacle when trying to find a fitness program that delivers.

Claire initially started I Love My Body Fit-ness as a summer time ‘Grouponer’ , as she likes to call it, and after her initial month she was hooked! “I truly enjoyed the physical challenge each class offered, the structured workout programs and the welcomed soreness that the following mornings were laced with,” she said.

For Claire, there were many factors of motivation. “I had outgrown a closet full of beautiful clothes that where a full size or two too small for me, the pressures of my up coming wedding and the anxiety that goes along with dress shopping and pictures,” she recalls. “Lastly, I wanted to stop saying to

myself, ‘I’m going to finally loose all the weight I gained in college’- The moment where you can finally stop repeating that to yourself is a truly liberating moment.”

To date she has lost a few pounds and several inches, and gained an a notable difference in overall strength. “These past 3 months with ILB has been a lesson in self motivation, discipline and fun,” said Claire. “Workouts are no lon-ger a chore, nor a task that must be completed before the day is through, rather they’ve become the highlight of my day- 45 minutes to give back to my self.”

Now Claire fits into ALL of her pants that she wasn’t able to fit into before AND a particular pair that had been her goal for over three years. “I feel stronger. I look leaner. I am healthier. I can say with self assurance that I Love My Body (and my booty),” she said.

A word to future members, “Stick with it, you’ll see and feel the results,” Claire said. “It’s one of the best things you can ever do for yourself!”

October Member of the MonthClaire Ilog

ADVANCED MOBILITY TRAINING THURSDAYS @ 6pm Starting Thursday, November 15th.

The moment where you can finally stop repeating that to yourself is a truly

liberating moment.CLaIrE ILOg ”


Other Scheduled dates are Thursdays: November 15th, 29th, AND December 6th and 13th all at 6pm. Kristen, Missy, John and Melissa have been doing some awesome education to bring your training to the next level.

- This will be a 20 min class focused on performance en-hancement to bring your exercise form to the next level, mus-cular recovery to make your body stronger for your workouts, and increased range of motion - to get more flexible.

* This is open to all fitness levels and is a FREE Additional class for you in the months of November and December. To get the fastest increases in lean muscle mass and exercise

form all starts with targeting the nervous system (the fastest moving system in your body). We want to provide you with additional training in this and to show you how you can assess and re-assess your progress in your workouts on the spot dur-ing class. John will be donating his time to instruct this. If you are the type of person who wants to focus on exercise form enhancement, building lean muscle mass and to learn the best muscular recovery protocols, you will want to be a part of this class.

Please email John - if you have any questions! See you November 15th at 6pm.

I Luv My Body Fitness901 Minnesota StreetSan Francisco, CA 94107

THIS JUST IN!Member of the year applications are in! We will keep you up to date with the voting procedures to see who will win a trip to napa!

Where Has Kristen Been?"Lessons I've learned"getting over mental plateaus

- How would it affect your life overall?

The more you can think through your answers to these questions, the more engaged you will feel in the process of getting fit and staying that way, even when you feel like you don’t have time.

I hope you find it helpful too!

Other than that some other very cool things happened this month...

While I was in Phoenix I got to co-star in a New Vision training video that can decrease your eye site prescription and reliance on glasses with one of my mentors in the fitness industry, Dr Eric Cobb from Z Health. I was so honored to be invited to get involved with this project because of how many people this information will help and getting to work with one of the leading experts neuro-muscular research!

Since I’ve been home, I have signed my life away to get my loan to open up our facility, and have been on the hunt for our studio space to open up our 2nd location. I am hoping to have something singed by November 15th if all goes well. I will of course keep you posted...

That’s it from me for now.

Thank you for your continued support and being a part of our lives. I can’t wait to fill you in on all the things we have going on in 2013.


Have you ever gotten so busy that you’ve completely forgotten about prioritizing yourself, your body and your health needs?

October has been a blur of getting myself out there, learning new concepts and meeting new people.

It all started the first week when I headed to Phoenix for an amaz-ing marketing conference.

One of the speakers asked a brilliant question that I have been thinking over a lot this month. As you can imagine, trying to open a studio and space that belongs to my trainers and I has been incredibly exciting, overwhelming and busy.. So learning this question came at the exact right time for me.

And I wanted to share it with you all because of how much it’s changed the way I am prioritizing myself and my body so I can have the energy and mental capacity to do all the things I want to do for our members.

If you are new to our membership base, answering this question is a great place to begin setting your mind for success in what you want to get out of your fitness plan. If you have been with us for a while now, this question is good to reflect upon frequently so you continue to set your mind to prioritize your health and fitness.

So get your pen and answer it! We have left space for you to Start brainstorming right on this page:

‘How would you behave if you were living in the most healthy version of yourself that you could imagine?’

- How would you dress?- How would you eat?- Who would you spend your time with?- When would you exercise?- How would you exercise?- How would you feel on a daily basis?

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