IIf Agrirulturt - University of Minnesota...

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Transcript of IIf Agrirulturt - University of Minnesota...

N nrt4wtllt ~r4nnl IIf

Agrirulturt of tift

lIlniurrsity of .innrsuta

&tnrntrrnt~ Annual Qtommrnrrmrnt Ntnl'ttl'n I;unbrtb mlttl'ntv-fiPl'

Wqr 1J1 atuIty Hub

IDqr ~rninr C1IIaali nf 1925 of

milt lluiutrsity of SlliuUtsotu

N ortqmrst ~t4nnl nf Agritulturr


anuount~ tl,rtr

l\ttuuul (!)rubuatittg1.EXtrri!lts

Nltuttm mUltntll-fiut


atnmml'tttl'ml'ttt ~l'tmnu Sunday, March Twenty-Second

Fir.st M_ E. Church, Seven-Thirty O'Clock

Il'damutnry <!!nntl'st Monday Evening, March Twenty-Third

Auditorium, Seven,Thirty O'Clock

itttl'pttntt tn OiIralluatttt!,l <!!laa.!I Tuesday Evening, March Twenty-Fourth

Superintendent and Mrs. S.elvig at Their Home

<!!nttttrl 3R1'tital Wednesday Evening, March Twenty-Fifth

Auditorium, Seven-Thirty O'Clock

t;t4nnl Uttll .Alumui iGuutirl'nu Thursday, March Twenty-Sixth

Dining Hall, Twelve-Thirty O'Clock

t;tutnr <!!{a.61i £Xl'rrhil'li Thursday, March Twenty-Sixth

Auditorium, Three O'Clock

Q!nmmtutl'ml'ut £xl'rd.!Il'.6 Thursday Evening, March Twenty-Sixth

Auditorium, Eight O'Clock

(!1ommrnrrmrllt ~rrmnu Sunday Evening, Seven-Thirty O'Clock

March Twenty-Second First Mlethodist Church, Crookston

P rocessional March Organ Opening Prayer Dr_ F. J. Hibbard H ymn-"Come, Thou Almighty King" S cripture Lesson Rev. W . G. Griggs Anthem<--"Kyrie at Sea" Durrner

Boys' Glee Club H ymn-"Holy, Holy, Holy" Address-"Who's Who in the State of Prosperity"

Dr. C. H. McCrae Pastor of First Methodist Church

Anthem-"Praise Ye the Father" Gounod N. W. School Mixed Chorus

Hymn-"Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing" Benediction Rev. L. A. Roseland P ostlude Organ

3Jutrr-~orttty itdnmntnty mnuttst M,onday Evening, March Twenty-Third

Auditorium, Seven-Thirty O'Clock Agrarian-Home Economics-Lincoln-Pioneer~

Sanford Mr. E. n. Clark, Presiding

Overture Northwest School Orchestra Home Economics Club-

Helen Gibbons, Crookston-"T.he Lost Word" Frances Lindahl, Hallock-"Patsy"

Maria Sanford Club-Emma Nelson, Gatzke-"Laddie" Mlabel Larter, Lancaster-"Cinderella Dyes 'Em

. Black" Lincoln-

Robert Davids, Bagley-"Opportunities· of the Scholar"

W·esley Sheldrew, Grygla-"Patrick Henry's Call to Arms"

"The Composer and the Street Band" __ . __ .. ___ ____ Brahms Girls' Glee Club

Pioneer-Wallace Mliller, Roseau-"Vision of War" M·elvin Pearson, Ulen-"Repeal of the Union"

Agrarian-Ben Hurner, Glyndon-"A Nation's Struggle for

Freedom" . Harold Walters, BeltramF-"The Personal Cry of

Liberty" "Procession of the Toreadors" from "Carm.en" .. __ Bizet

Girls' Glee Club

Q!uttrtd iRtrilnl ltg

IItpartmtut of Sltust! Wednesday Evening, Seven-Thirty O'Clock

March Twenty-Fifth

Under the direction of Agnes Bothne, Reefa G. Tordoff and Alva Sherwood

Auditorium [nvictus

Boys' Glee Club

Piano-''First M·azurka" Ingeborg Skavdahl

Songs-"M'y Heart is a Lute" "Rain"

Helen Gibbons

Piano-"Doll Dance" Esthe,r Strickler



Woodman Curran


Songs-"Saeterjenten's Sondag" (The Chalet Girl's Sunday) Bull

"Ashes of Roses" Woodman "I Passed by Your Window" Brahe

Robert Davids

P iano-"Mazurka" M!argaret Selvig

Songs-"At Dawning" "Irish Love Song"

'Frances Lindahl

Piano-"Country Gardens" "Londonderry Air" "Second Mazurka"

Stella Oarlson


Cadman Lang

Grainger Grainge r


mlJt .aktr of Irtams A Fantasy in one act, by Olliphant

Presented under direction of Miss Anne Simley

Song, "Pierrot," sung .by Elizabeth Jones, '25

The Manufacturer Pierette Plerrot

Howard Balk Helen Gibbons Robert Davill a

~tninr <lHass iExtrtiSt8 Thursday Afternoon, Three O'Clock

March Twenty-Sixth


Elmer Miller, Vice President of Senior Class Presiding

Song-Selected Greeting Class of 1925 Response for the Class of 1926 l\'[\usic-(a) Winter Song

School Mildred Schenck Einar Loven, '25

- Harold Walters, '26

(b) Sailor's Home Song Senior Boys' Octette

Bullard - Ames

Class Prophecy Stella Carlson, '26 Class History - iFrances Lindahl, '26 Music-(a) Carmena Wilson

(b) The Swan Saint-Saens Girls' Quartette

Class Will Joseph Parks, '26 Address Mr. O. M. Kiser Song-Selected School

Note: The Senior class play, "Three Live Ghosts," was presen'ted under the direction of Miss Anne Sim­ley, head of the English Department, Monday and Tuesday evenings, February 23 and 24.

C!!nmmtnrtmtnt iExtrrists Thursday Evening, Eight O'Clock

Auditorium Processional March Invocation Rev. Frank Davis Demonstration-"Farm Marketing"

Einar Eilertson and Frank Groves Music-Selected Orchestra Demonstration-"How to Choose Hats"

Elizabeth Jones and Margaret Woods Class Address-"Life's Journey Begun"

Theodore Neske Music-"Stillas the Night"

Mixed Chorus Address-"The Practical in Education"


D. D. Mayne, Principal, School of Agriculture, University Farm, St. Paul

Mlusic-"Snow" Elgar "On Music's Wings" Mendelssohn

Agnes Bothne, Nora Ulland, Mrs. R. E. Buckingham Accompanist, Reefa G. Tordoff

Presentation of Diplomas and Scholarship Awards Superintendent C. G. Selvig

"M.innesota, Hail to Thee" .

allass of 1925 REGULAR COURSE

' Alice A. Amundson Harold Amundson Elmer O swald Anderson Cecil Raymond Bergh Stella Matilda Carlson Mildred Estelle Dunn Einar Eilertson Helen Flekke Oscar A. Forseth Agnes Forsness

~~~~f ¥~r~r':,ves . Lois Anetta Gunderson Kenneth LeRoy Halvorson Selma Viola Hamre Viol ette Beatrice Hanisch Anna M. Hoper Ross Weldon Jacobson Chester C. J o1:.nson Margaret Elizabeth Jones Elmer Oliver Krogstad Frances M. Lindahl Einar A . Loven Elmer Severn Mmer Ferdinand LentTd Nelson Julius T. Nelson Robert F. Nelson Theodore F. Neske Clarence Stanley Ofstedal Amy Claire Onneland .T oseph Henry Parks Lorena E . Quesnell Emma T. Satre Jacob Sharpe -Benneth Sharpe Theodore G. Silnes James A. Skaurud Cora Sorenson Helga J . Sorenson Esther May Strickler Della Alice Stromrrler Cora Mae Thomfson Christine Vigsto -Cora Margaret Walters Margaret M. Woods

East Grand Forks East Grand Forks

Clearbrook Halstad Hallock

N orthote Drayton, North Dakota

Thief River Falls Halstad

Greenbush Shevlin Bemidji

Gary Gary

McIntosh Stephen Stephen

Clitheral Fergus Falls

Lancaster Fertile

Hallock Gatzke

Erie Hallock Radium Radium

Princeton Fertile

East Grand Forks Borup

Mentor St. Hilaire

Shelly Shlly Halma

Twin Valley Plummer Plummer

Euclid Clearbrook

McIntosh Donaldson

Beltrami Winnipeg

ADVANCED COURSE Theresa Dorothy Aakre Howard E. Balk Robert H. Davids Myrtle Erickson Allen Kenneth Gandrud Helen Dorothy Gibbons Lois Anetta Gunderson James Hanson - -Raymond B . Hogenson Oliver H. Howard Ross Wieldon Jacobson ·Walter W. Luchau Lydia M . Miller Wallace W. Miller Emma M. Nelson Joseph Henry Parks Cora Sorenson Helga J. SOTenson -Stella Magdelina Sorenson

Goodridge Guthrie BaglEY

Goodridge Detroit

Crookston Gary

Twin Valley Winger

HigrJanding Clitheral

Gary Roseau Roseau Gatzke Borup

Plummer Plummer Plummer

:taltu.sir itrritals

&tu1l1'uts making ,rtuatt rotssous JarltrtpaUng VOICE

Aakre, Arnold, Goodridge Kozojed, Rose, Erie Aakre, Richard, Goodridge Lindahl, Frances, Hallock Aakre, Theresa, Goodridge Lorentzon, G. L., Fosston Anderson, Elmer, Clearbrook L uchau, Walter, Gary Balk, Howard, Guthrie M'agneson, 'Ray, Grygla Chandler, Leota, E . G. Forks Miller, Elmer, Erie Christopherson, Ray, Angus M iller, WIallace, Roseau. Dahle, Thelma, Fertile Nelson, Ferdinand, Hallock Dale, Gertie, Fertile Ofstedal, Clarence, Winger Dale, Hilda, Fertile O lson Doris, Fertile Davids, Robert Bagley Osterloh, Amber, Angus Erickson, Myrtle, Goodrid ge Parks, Joseph, Borup Erickson, Ralph, Goodridge Peterson, Edna, Grygla Eklund, Elwilda, Gilbert Sand beck, Harry, E. G. Forks Eklund, I var, Gilbert Satre, Emma, St. Hilaire Gibbons, Helen, Crookston Sharpe, Jacob, Shelly Gunderson, Louise, Gary S ilnes, Theo., Halma Halvorson .... Kenneth', Gary Skaurud, James, Twin Valley H anson, LTyda, Fertile Skavdahl, Ingeborg, Halstad Hanson, James, Cass Lake Sorenson, Helga, Plummer Hoganson, Ray, Winger Sorenson, Stella, Plummer Hoper, Anna, Stephen Strommer, Della, Clearbrook Howard, Oliver, Highlanding Vigstol, Christine, Donaldson Hurner, Ben, Glyndon Walhaug, Clarence, Oklee Johnson, Chester, F . Falls Walhaug, Lilly, Oklee J ones, Elizabeth, Lancas ter \Voods, Margaret, Wlinnipeg

VIOLIN Eldevik, Sigurd, Shevlin Garrison, Claude, Rothsay Hoper, Anna, Stephen Havorkaj Thomas, Wannaska Joringda, Maynard, T. R.


Lewis, Harry, Warroad Mandt, Alvin, Rhoda Paulsrud, Sigurd, Nielsville Skonovd, Theo., Viking Stenborg, Phinney, Clearbrook Ramse, Arthur M .. , McIntosh

PIANO Aakre, Arnold, Goodridge Amundson, Ahce, E. G. Forks Anderson, A~nes, Greenbuslo Anderson, Ahee, Greenbush Breiland, Sophie, Hazel Burk, Earl, Brooks Carlson, Stella, Hallock Christopherson, Ray, Angus Dahle, Thelma, Fertile

. Dale, Gertie, Fertile Degerness, Hannah, Gary Dunn, Mildred, N orthcote Eklund, Elwilda, Gilbert Ellingson, Myrtle, Highland-

ing Fingalson, Myrtle, Callaway Foker, Dorothy, Crookston Gibbons, Ruth, Crookston Gunderson, Lois, Gary Hall, Helma, GOtwick Hall/sch, Violet, Stephen Hetland, Myrtle, Shelly Hoppe, Alicia, Crookston Hruska, Anna, Lockhart Hruska, Carohne, Lockhart Hukee, Selma, Badger Kotrba, Matilda, Erie

Zurn, Monica,

Kiser, Joy Crookston Kittleson, Howard, Crookston Kveste, Asbjor, Highlanding Larson, Lillian, Wlarroad L etnes, Lawrence, T. R. Falls Maruska, Vickie, Angus Myrfield, Alma, Buchanen,

Canada Onneland, Amy, E . G. Forks Parnow, Alice, Erie P Eterson, Edna, Grygla Radniecki, Anna, Wanke Satre, Emma, St. Hilaire Selvig, M\argaret, Crookston Skavdahl, Ingeborg, Halstad Smith, Glenn, Wadena Sorenson, Cora, Plummer Sorenson, Helga, Plummer Sore nson, Stella, Plummer Strickler, Esther, Euclid Strommer, Della, Clearbrook Swenson, Cora, Twin Valley Swenson, M.abel, Twin Valley Smisek, Genevieve, Fertile Tr.ompson Cora, McIntosh Vigstol, Christine, Donaldson Wlalters, Cora, Beltrami Lake Park

Nnrt~mr!lt §;r~nnl §;r~nlur.B~ip

nub @lprrtul Amurb1i

CALEB DORR SCHOLARSHIP A W ARDS-Dur­ing the present year, 1924-1925, a scholarship of Forty Dollars each was awarded for leadership in Boys' and Girls' club work to Reuben Anderson, Earl Bengtson, Orville Blasey, Claude Garrison, Ed­win Husby, Paul Urtel, Ervin Wiebe and Monica Zurn.

On Commencement Day ·s·even scholarships· of Twenty-five Dollars each for diligence and progress made in school work will be awarded. In addition awards will be made for .the best home project by a boy and by a girl; the best essay on school assem­bly programs by a boy and by a girl; the best de­clamation given by a student for each of the five student literary societies; and to the members of the Inter-School debating teams.

CLASS OF 1917 TRUtST FUND-The Olass of 1917 has provided $140 to be used as a students' loan fund.

FAIRFAX-ANDOVER SOCIAL CL UB LOAN FUND-This fund of $150 is used as a students' loan fund.

OLASSES OF 1923 AND 1924-The members of the classes of 1923 and 1924 donated to the school the beautiful taupe color velour curtains for the auditorium stage, at a cost of nearly $400.00. This sum was provided nearly equally .by these two classes.

STUDENTS' STOCK JUDGING TROPHY­Awarded in 1925 to the Freshmen Class Stock Judg­ing team, consisting of Randolph Ostlie, Olaf Sten­borg, and Oscar Sletteland

INTER-SCHOOL CONTEST-The following stu­dents represented the school in the first Inter-School Stock Judging Contest, winning second place: El­mer Anderson, '25; Ray Magneson, '26, and Phinney Stenborg, '26.

SELVIG DEBATING TROPHY-Awarded in 1925 to Lincoln debatip.g society, represented by Oliver Howard, Highlanding; Robert Davids, Bagley; Einar Eilertson, Drayton, N. D., and Elmer MUller, Erie.

HOME PROJECT TROpHIES-Awarded in 1924 to Lawrence Letnes and Caroline Hruska. , I