IEA Presentation

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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How I completed my IEA Diploma

Transcript of IEA Presentation

by Mariyah Hoosenally

Depending on your teacher, you will either have to make an e-Portfolio or a Google Doc folder-

Make sure these are organised!

Before you start your planning and research section, download the Planning and Research Evidence Rubric and read through it carefully: make a checklist of what you have to complete. This will help guide you through the Planning and Research section.

- IEA section of Wisdom and downloaded the document ‘Choosing my Project’, which gave me some Ideas as to what my project would be about.

- Mindmap 3 Ideas on clients, pros/cons

- Through this, choose your project ideas.

On the IEA declaration form, you have to include a short summary of the project, show what type of programs you will be using, and state your objectives and success criteria which are appropriate for your client and which show your technical abilities.

The brief descriptionof the project should beno more than 100-150 words long, and has to include :- Clients objective- What you are making- Purpose

Web Authoring- creating awebsite

Digital Images- manipulatingimages using hi-tech programssuch as Adobe Photoshop

Digital Video- editing a video

The objectives have to beclear and concise, aswell as measurable.

The success criteria is there as a guide, telling you what you have to do in order to achieve that objective.

My objective example:

Objective: Create an efficient website that is compatible with all majorbrowsers

Success Criteria: When the website is published, checkthat the website loads on all browsers (firefox, I.E,safari) and all system platforms (Mac & Windows).

- It is vital that throughout the project, you constantly communicate with your client and RECORD the evidence.

- You may communicate with your client via email, telephone, skype etc. What’s important is that you record this! Use audacity, Jing, Screen Captcha, Screen shots, etc.

- I communicated with my client via email, taking screenshots of my replies and her emails and putting them in a communication folder, my blog

Some examples of my email screenshots: Your blog should be filled with these!

Remember to keep a formalsetting throughout your emails, even if your client is family.

- Email your client and ask for a photocopy/

picture of their business card; this is essential

for the project. - You will then need to write a detailed description

on what the project will have. First, you need to email your client and ask WHAT will be on the product, WHO will it be for, WHAT will it be used for and your AIMS.

- The aims on this section can be taken from your IEA declaration form.

- Then write ¾ of a page of a detailed description, and put it on your ePortfolio with the title

There are 6 sections to the IEA: planning and research, design, implementation, testing, evaluation, and submission.

On the mindmap, you will have to write the tasks you will have to do in each section of the IEA, using the rubric and the wisdom page.

Research Gantt Charts on Google, documenting the website you used on the Website Source template, located on Wisdom. I used the website:

Count how many weeks of the IEA you have left, including holidays, and make a list of ALL THE TASKS you have to in the IEA.

• On an excel spreadsheet, write the weeks on the x-axis and the tasks on the y-axis. Then, allocate the time needed to complete each task, so that youwill finish the project in time. Use this Gantt chart as a timeline for your IEA.

Using Google forms, I made a survey about what to include on my website, what are the necessary elements, what information should be included, and the relevance of a tourism website.

I sent the survey to a range of people: Choose different genders and ages, as this will give you a more well rounded accurate result (depending on your product).

Once I got all the results, I put them into graphs and pie charts and analyzed each individual question and answer.

Using the answers, I wrote what I would do in order to meet that criteria.

Put all of this on your IEA portfolio.

As I am making a website on a Mac, I researched Mac friendly website creation software's, and came up with iWeb, Rapid weaver and Dreamweaver

For each software, you will have to find a range of tutorials and do a write up stating:

- The name of the tutorial : iWeb Skills- A description of what it has: Created by the apple website, it

shows you how to master the techniques of iWeb etc. - The skills you have learned: Creating a webpage, Add images etc. - An evaluation of the tutorial: I found this useful as it taught you

the basic facilities on iWeb, but it did not show any advanced features of the software

- You will then have to state what program you have chosen based on the tutorials.

This is the easy part! User spec: what must the user be able to do in order to

use the product? Must they be able to use the computer? Connect to the internet? Make at least 3 specifications.

Justification of using an ICT solution: why do you have to

use ICT to make your product? My reasons for making a website were: it is much more

economically efficient, people use media more than any other source, and using paper would harm the environment.

Find a project that is similar to yours- Since a made a website on Ladakh tourism, I found a website that was specifically about Ladakh Tourism:

Find the similarities and differences that you see between your impending

produt and this one: Color scheme? The information content? Overall structure? Media?

Hardware? Mimimum Hardware is what you will need, Optimum Hardware is what you want to have.

What software will you need? I needed iWeb, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator to make all my product.

Furthermore, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using those software. If you weren’t using those products, what would be a suitable alternative?

You will need at least ¾ of a page to complete this section.

Ask your client what they want, exactly, for their website design. Then begin 5-6 initial designs for the website on paper, color and annotate them, scan them in and send them to your client.

Using your clients feedback, make 2 final designs using ICT- Adobe Illustrator and iWeb were the programs I used. Annotate and label them, email them to your client, and let her choose which one she likes best.

Make a short list of what you have to do: use your Gantt Chart to help you

First thing I had to do: edit the photographs for my website using Photoshop

Second thing I had to do: design the website using iWeb

Third thing I had to do: make the banner for the website using Adobe Illustrator

Remember to document ALL YOUR WORK, especially you using the advanced features: it is the only way you will get marks!

You can document it by doing screenshots, taking videos, etc.

I documented my work by taking screenshots and making a annotated slideshare/prezi presentation, and embedded all of it onto my IEA website

Before andafter shotsof my editedimages

annotated stepby step of my editing process.Advanced Features are captured here.

For both of these, I used the PowerPoint and Slideshare to help document these processes.

Remember to email your client, and make sure that EVERYTHING about your work is correct and up to her standards.

If your client says yes, then you must document this email, put it in your communication folder, and YOU ARE DONE WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION.

I looked an analyzed all the objectives I made at the beginning of my project on the IEA declaration form Using the success criteria I made a judgment on if I achieved those objectives or not.

You may need evidence on whether you achieved it or not For example, on objective was that my website would work on all website browsers.

I made a survey for the quality of my website, and sent it to around 20 people.

The survey questions tested the objectives in my IEA declaration form, so it would give me an idea on whether I achieved these goals and if my website is fit for purpose.

I analyzed the survey results and made a PowerPoint.

If your product is going to be used by the public in a commercial manner, you need evidence of this! For example, above is a picture of my client using the website and a pictureof my clients customer using the website as well. You will only need this if your website is going to be used commercially: if it isn’t, this is not necessary.

Conclude whether or not your website is fit for purpose-

If it isn’t, that is alright- as long as you say why it isn’t and what you can do to improve it next time.

Personal Evaluation: Strengths and Weaknesses

Improvements: List improvements, why you need them and how long they would take.