Hypovolemic shock ( related cardiac output)

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Hypovolemic shock ( related cardiac output)

Clinical vignette 2

Shock Ghaida Al-



What would be the cardiac output (Low, normal, high )?



Cardiac output: is the amount of blood that the heart can pump out in one minute.

Stroke volume: The volume of blood ejected with each beat.

Preload: is the volume of blood lead to ventricular stretch at the end of diastole.

Afterload: is the amount of resistance the heart must overcome to open the aortic valve and push the blood volume out into the systemic circulation

Hypovolemic shock

is a condition characteristic by loss of intravascular volume + reduced tissue perfusion

resulte from decreased blood volume caused by blood loss

leads to reduced cardiac output and organ perfusion.

Decrease Intravascular Volume

Decrease Systemic arterial blood pressure 

Decrease Venous return

Decrease Preload (ventricular filling )

Decrease Stroke Volume (the volume of blood ejected with each beat).


Cardiac Output Equation

Factors influencing the cardiac output

Exercise. Chronic high blood pressure.Some medication. Kidney disease.High cholesterol.

In our case :What would be the cardiac output (Low,

normal, high )?

Will be low

The cardiac output would be …… ??

Due to?? ..…

cardiac output falls.

Since preload is one of the determinants of stroke volume fall.


Related to cardiac output


Hypovolemic shock

Thank you