Human Development Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow -English Proverb.

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Transcript of Human Development Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow -English Proverb.

Human Development

Great Oaks

From Little Acorns Grow

-English Proverb

Developmental Psychology

is the study of the changes that occur as people grow up and grow older.

The study of YOU from womb to tomb.


Physical, Cognitive, Social Development across the life span

Enduring Issues in Psychology Nature-Nurture Continuity-stages Stability-Change

Prenatal Development

Conception begins with the drop of an egg and the release of about 200 million sperm.

The sperm seeks out the egg and attempt to penetrate the egg’s surface.




Once the sperm penetrates the egg- we have a fertilized egg called……..

The ZygoteThe first stage of

prenatal development. Lasts about two

weeks and consists of rapid cell division.




After two weeks, the zygote develops into an….Lasts about 6

weeks.Heart begins to

beat and the organs begin to develop.




FetusBy nine weeks a fetus

is formed.By about the 6th month,

the stomach and other organs have formed enough to survive outside of mother.

At this time the baby can hear (and recognize) sounds and respond to light.




In the Beginning, the Competent Newborn

Born with Reflexes Rooting Grasping Sucking Moro See Moro Video…

Born with ability to sense…have to learn to perceive Do you remember the definitions?

Sensation Perception Learning




Healthy NewbornsTurn head towards

voices .See 8 to 12 inches

from their faces.

Gaze longer at human like objects right from birth.




Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary…

How do Babies Grow?Babies growth = Maturation + Learning

…We learned about learning…

…So what’s Maturation????


Defined: The growth over which we have no control Maturational readiness

18 months walking 2.5 talking

What will hinder maturation? Lack of food, stimulation, physical movement

Physical and Motor Development

Schemes help us learn

Schema - a plan for knowing Assimilation

Fit the world into our scheme Stacking blocks per usual

Accommodation Changing the scheme to fit the world

Changing the way you stack the blocks




Jean Piaget

Father of Developmental Psychology

Piaget Born August 9, 1896 in Neuchatel, Switzerland

Died September 16, 1980 in Geneva, Switzerland

Got his first degree in zoology (specifically mollusks)

Published his first paper at age 11 - it was about albino sparrows...

So what does that tell you?


Interested in Natural Sciences. Studied/worked in BINET’s lab (developer of the

intelligence test) Got married to Valentine Chatenay in 1923 and had

three children Studied his own kids???? Based theories on his


What’s up with that?


Fundamental Question: How does knowledge grow

Answer: In stages from lower, less logical to higher, more


Conclusions: Children are not mini-adults Children’s logic and cognitive processes are entirely

different than that of adults

Key Concepts

Object PermanenceRepresentational ThoughtConservationEgocentrism

COGNITIVE Development Piaget father of Cognitive Psychology

Object permanence - understanding objects exist even when it can’t be seen or held

COGNITIVE Development Piaget father of Cognitive Psychology

Egocentrism – Inability to see another’s perspective

Representational thought - ability to picture in mind’s eye

All of this is COGNITIVE


Piaget father of Cognitive PsychologyConservation - appearance change doesn’t

mean the quantitity changed

Conservation - appearance change doesn’t mean the

quantity changed4.5 yrs

6.5 Years

Conservation - appearance change doesn’t mean the

quantity changed4.5 yrs

6.5 Years

Tasks To Measure Conservation

Cognitive DevelopmentPiaget’s Theory and Current Thinking

Examples of Concrete Thinking

Better to be safe than _____ Punch a third grader

It’s always darkest before _____ Day light savings

Don’t bite the hand that _____ Looks dirty

You can’t teach an old dog _____ New math

The pen is mightier than the _____ pigs

A penny saved is _____ Not much

Children Say the Darndest Things …


Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and ______

You have to blow your nose

Children should be seen and not _____ spanked

Better late than _____ Pregnant

Harry HarlowSOCIAL



Harry Harlow

Touch is critical in forming attachments.There is a critical period for forming


Types of AttachmentMary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation.Three types of attachment:

1.Secure-secure in knowledge that caregiver will be there to help in distress

2.Avoidant – avoid caregiver

3.Anxious/ambivalent – no difference between caregiver and stranger


Parenting Styles

Authoritarian Parents

Permissive Parents

Authoritative Parents

Sigmund Freud• We all have a libido

(sexual drive).• Our libido travels to

different areas of our body throughout our development.

• If we become preoccupied with any one area, Freud said we have become fixated on it.

• Together Freud called these stages our Psychosexual Stages of Development.

Oral Stage• Seek pleasure

through out mouths.• Babies put

everything in their mouths (0-2).

• People fixated in this stage tend to overeat, smoke or have a childhood dependence on things.

Anal StageDevelops during

toilet training (2-4).Libido is focused on

controlling waste and expelling waste.

A person fixated may become overly controlling (retentive) or out of control (expulsive).

Phallic Stage• Children first

recognize their gender (4-7).

• Causes conflict in families with the Oedipus and Electra Complexes.

• Fixation can cause later problems in relationships.

Latency StageLibido is hidden


Cooties stage.

Freud believed that fixation in this stage could lead to sexual issues.

Genital Stage

Libido is focused on their genitals (12-death).

Freud thought fixation in this stage is normal.

Exploring the UnconsciousPsychosexual Stages

Erik Erikson

A neo-FreudianWorked with Anna

FreudThought our personality

was influenced by our experiences with others.

Stages of Psychosocial Development.

Each stage centers on a social conflict.

Trust v. Mistrust

Can a baby trust the world to fulfill its needs?

The trust or mistrust they develop can carry on with the child for the rest of their lives.

Autonomy V. Shame & Doubt

Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training).

Control Temper Tantrums

Big word is “NO”Can they learn

control or will they doubt themselves?

Initiative V. Guilt

Word turns from “NO” to “WHY?”

Want to understand the world and ask questions.

Is there curiosity encouraged or scolded?

Industry v. InferioritySchool beginsWe are for the first

time evaluated by a formal system and our peers.

Do we feel good or bad about our accomplishments?

Can lead to us feeling bad about ourselves for the rest of our lives…inferiority complex.

Identity v. Role Confusion

• In our teenage years we try out different roles.

• Who am I?• What group do I fit

in with?• If I do not find

myself I may develop an identity crisis.

Intimacy v. Isolation

Have to balance work and relationships.

What are my priorities?

Generativity v. StagnationIs everything going

as planned?Am I happy with

what I created?Mid –life crisis!!!

Integrity v. Despair

Look back on life.Was my life

meaningful or do I have regret?

It is time for the psychology final exam. Ms. Smith administers a multiple-choice test and monitors the test carefully for the first 40 minutes. At that point, another teacher knocks on the door and asks for a conference. Ms. Smith stands in the doorway, her

back to the class and confers with her colleague. Crystal quickly pulls out her cheat sheet and adjusts some of her answers. To

her left sits Sam, who has never cheated in his academic career. Sam notices her behavior but quickly averts his eyes, focusing only on his own work. Pat, who studied all night to catch up on reading for the course, sits to the right of Crystal. Pat notices

Crystal’s behavior but commits to a confidential conversation with Ms. Smith after the exam. Pat intends to report Crystal’s

behavior during the interruption.


Moral DevelopmentKohlberg Born 1927 in New York. Attended Phillips Academy in

Andover. Out of high school joined Merchant

Marines. Part of a project that, during WWII, smuggled shiploads of refugee European Jews into Palestine.

Then BA in Psych in 1 year… Interested in Psychology and

Philosophy, particularly Ethics. Caught an intestinal bug that caused

him much sickness during his life.

Heinz Dilemma In a European town, a woman is near death from a special kind of cancer;

a new drug, discovered by a druggist in the town, might save her, but he is a profiteer and charges ten times what it costs him to make the medicine. Heinz, the woman’s husband, can borrow only half the amount and pleads with the druggist to cut his price, but the druggist refuses. Heinz thinks about breaking in and stealing the drug to save his wife’s life.

1. Should he? 2. Why or why not? 3. Does he have a duty or obligation to steal the drug? 4. Should he steal the drug for his wife if he doesn’t love her? 5. What if the person dying were a stranger - should Heinz steal the

drug for him? 6. It is against the law to steal; does that make it morally wrong?


Kohlberg: Stages of Moral

DevelopmentEgocentric/Preconventional Naïve Moral Realism Pramatic Moral Realism

Sociocentric/Conventional Socially Shared Perspectives Social System Morality

Independent/Postconventional Human Rights and Social Welfare Morality Universal Ethical Principles

Kohlberg …and FinallyKohlberg had two dreams...neither of which he met.

1. Kohlberg worked with prisoners to try and raise their moral reasoning to stage four. 2. Kohlberg worked with adolescents in schools in Boston to try and do much the same he’d been trying to do with prisoners.

His health was deteriorating (intestinal parasite).

He became deeply depressed.

Discussed the moral issue of suicide

.........................On January 17, 1987, his car was found was a tidal pool outside of Boston.

.....................................................In April, his body washed up at Logan Airport.



Theories of Adolescence Hall

Time of storm and stress Mead

Culture important Havinghurst

9 tasks… A. Freud

Mental Illness? Elkind

All Grown Up & No Place to go.

Pipher Saplings in the storm

Old Age and Sexuality Just as young people tend to think sexual

activity diminishes at midlife, they often believe it ceases altogether in old age.

Yet the majority of people over the age of 65 continue to be interested in sex.

Percentage of Older Population

Changes in Mental Functioning

John Horn (1982) has proposed two types of intelligence:

– Crystallized intelligence–the ability to use accumulated knowledge and learning in appropriate situations. Increases with age/experience.

– Fluid intelligence–the ability to solve abstract relational problems and to generate new hypotheses. Declines with age.

Senile Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is an affliction more commonly seen among the elderly.

Alzheimer’s is a neurological disease marked by a gradual deterioration of cognitive functioning.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Biopsychosocial Influences on Successful Aging

Dying and Death

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying and Death

Denial• People’s most common reaction to learning

that they have a terminal illness is shock and numbness, followed by denial.

• They react by saying, “No, it can’t be happening to me,” or “I’ll get another opinion.”

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying and Death


• They feel anger–at fate, at the powers that be, at every person who comes into their life.

• At this stage, they are likely to alienate themselves from others, for no one can relieve the anger they feel at their shortened life span and lost chances.

• During the second stage, anger, the reaction of dying people is “Why me?”

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying and Death

Bargaining• During the stage of bargaining, people change their

attitude and attempt to bargain with fate. • For example, a woman may ask God for a

certain amount of time in return for good behavior.

• She may promise a change of ways, even a dedication of her life to the church.

• This stage is relatively short.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying and Death

Depression• During depression, dying people are aware of the losses

they are incurring (for example, loss of body tissue, loss of job, loss of life savings).

• Also, they are depressed about the loss that is to come: they are in the process of losing everybody and everything.

• Kübler-Ross suggests that it is helpful to allow such people to express their sadness and not to cover up the situation or force them to act cheerfully.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying and Death

Acceptance• The struggle is over, and they experience a

sense of calm. • In some cases, the approach of death feels

appropriate or peaceful.

• They seem to become detached intentionally so as to make death easier.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying and

Death• Not all terminal patients progress through the

stages that Kübler-Ross describes.

• Some people may go through the stages but in different order, or they may repeat some stages.

• Critics note that individuals are unique and sometimes do not follow predictable patterns of behavior.


DISORDERSLATER IN LIFE Alzheimer’s Disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Huntington’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease

EARLIER IN LIFE Friedrich’s Ataxia Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Clip from Suicide Tourist


The End