Human body proyecto final

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Human body proyecto final


This lesson plan is for Primary 2 level kids. Since in my school we are implementing a bilingual program and I am in charge of it, apart from the 3 sessions of English established by LOE, I teach an Art session and a Science session through English, too. Therefore, I teach 5 hours per week in English to my class. Teaching in Primary Education should be a cross-curricular and global process. That is why, instead of dividing the 5 sessions into English, Science and Art ones, I will carry out a global and cross-curricular lesson, where activities belonging to the three subjects are mixed up.

DIDACTIC AIMS OF THIS LESSON PLAN: Once this Lesson Plan finished, children will be able to:

Listen and understand the general gist of stories. Follow simple instructions. Sing a song about the topic. Identify, name and label different parts of the body. Identify, name and label different parts of the skeleton. Identify, name and label different parts of the circulatory system. Show comprehension through non verbal answers. Use measures, superlatives, comparatives. Use ICT to work the vocabulary and structures of the lesson.


This Lesson Plan consists of 10 sessions of 55 minutes each. Timing will always be open and flexible, as we cannot predict, before hand, the length of the activities planned. More or less, we can count on certain duration, but it will depend on many factors, such as children’s mood, weather, time of the school day, if they have had a PE session before, etc.



o Assembly

o Daily routines: calendar, weather, season, register.



Activity 1: Song: “Hokey-Cokey”. Action song to introduce the parts of the body.

Activity 2: Assembly to know about children’s prior knowledge, we can ask them: “What can we do with our body?”

Activity 3: Science-Art activity. Kids have to articulate the parts of the body in different actions. We give them four different colour sheets and they have to make four different body actions by cutting and pasting a paper body and its parts. This activity helps to review vocabulary, to realize that arms and legs consist on two parts each and to know that the limbs have movements.

Activity 4: Phonics: Jolly Phonics


Activity 1: TPR Game. “Touch your…” Actions: touch your…, bend your…, stretch your… First step: I say it and demonstrate how to do it and they look at me. Second step: I say it and do it and they copy me and last step, I just say it and they have to do it.

Activity 2: Activity sheet about parts of the body and the movement it can do.

Activity 3: Story: “Doctor Monkey”. “Hello, good morning, I’ve got a pain in my… head, stomach, back, leg.”

Activity 4: Phonics: Jolly Phonics


Activity 1: Story Map. First I will remind the children the story about the Doctor Monkey and then we can make an activity about sequencing the story. In a pocket chart and each word written in a colour card we can make a story map by writing captions of the main elements of the story (characters, setting, time, beginning, plot, ending) and writing sentences about it. Then, children will make pictures that illustrate the sentences and match them together. At the end, we will have a colourful story map displayed on the wall.

Activity 2: Label the human body. In groups of 4, one child lies down on the floor and the other 3 trace the shape of his/her body on some construction paper. Then, they have to colour it and label it. Finally we can display it on the wall.

Activity 3: Phonics: Jolly Phonics


Activity 1: Bodies in Art. Present the children some famous sculptures and paintings about the human figure through History and Art and talk about them, if they are thin, fat, tall, short, etc. We can also introduce the names of the authors.

Activity 2: Game: “Burst the bubble”. Game to review the vocabulary. It consists on making bubbles with a bubble bottle and telling children to burst them with a different part of the body each time.

Activity 3: Activity worksheet: “My body”. Individually they have to label the human body Activity 4: Phonics: String Matching. The children have to read each word and put the string through the hole to match it to the correct picture. The aim of this activity is for children to practice reading by blending the sounds.


Activity 1: “The magic sentence”. In a pocket chart we put word strips to make the sentence: “With my______ I can clap”. The children have to guess the word missing. If they do not know, we can give them clues by showing the first letter (h), then the second one (a) an so on. Once they complete the sentence, we can enlarge it by adding: “I can also touch, I can flick my fingers, I can paint, etc”.

Activity 2: “Funny bodies”. We need a paper plate and magazines. Children have to cut parts of the body and glue them on the paper plates to make a funny body. Then we can display them on the wall.

Activity 3: Game: “Pelmanism”. A memory card game in which two identical sets of cards about the topic human body are shuffled and put face down on a table. Players take it in turns to pick two cards up, turn them over and see if they match. If they do, they keep the pair and continue playing. The child with more pairs wins.

Activity 4: Phonics: Jolly Phonics


Activity 1: Power Point presentation.

First we present the body outside and then inside.

Activity 2: Skeleton talk. We bring to class a real skeleton and make questions to the kids. “What’s the skeleton for?” And explain them (it holds the body, protects the organs, etc). We can demonstrate it with a clothes hanger (as if it were the skeleton) and hanging a jacket/coat from it and checking how it holds up. Then, we can demonstrate the opposite by holding the coat with our hands (no hanger now) and pulling them away, so the coat will not hold and fall on the floor, as it would happen if we didn’t have a skeleton.

Activity 3: Skeleton puppet. Make a big skeleton with card and fasteners so it can move. We introduce the bones skull, rib cage, pelvis and femur.

Activity 4: Game: “Pin the bone on the skeleton”. We can make a version of this famous game and pin a part of the skeleton, like the femur, rib, skull, etc. Each day we pin a different bone. We practice the words up, down, left, right.Activity 5: Phonics. Jolly Phonics


Activity 1: Art: Hand X-ray. We start making questions like: “Can you see your bones? How do you know that you have bones?” After we listen to their answers we show them a real hand x-ray. Then they will have to make their own hand x-ray with a black card and a white crayon.

Activity 2: Maths activity worksheet: “Measure the bones”. In pairs, one kid measures the other kid’s bones and writes it down on a worksheet. With this activity we can introduce the comparatives and superlatives concepts; longest, shortest, biggest, smallest.

Activity 3: Art: Pasta skeleton. With different types of pasta we make a skeleton and glue in onto a card sheet.

Activity 4: Game: “Pin the bone on the skeleton”. Today we work with a different bone.Activity 5: Phonics: Jolly Phonics


Activity 1: Game: “Skeleton relay”. In four groups, make relays to complete the skeleton on the wall. Only one child at a time on the wall. When they seat, the other ones in the groups can stand and play.

Activity 2: Activity worksheet Cut the names of the bones and paste them on the skeleton.

Activity 3: Story. “Bumps in the night” by Allan Ahlberg and André Amstrutz.

Activity 4: Game: “Pin the bone on the skeleton”

Activity 5: Phonics: Jolly Phonics.


ICT: We will go to the ICT room to practice with the interactive board and the PC’s some activities related to the topic “Human Body” such as: watching, labelling, word puzzles, identifying, sequencing and classifying.


Activity 1: Assembly to talk about their previous knowledge about the circulatory system. We can ask questions like: Where is the heart? Can you feel it? And your partner’s heart?

With paper rolls we can feel our partner’s heart as if it was a stethoscope. Count the bits in 6 seconds

Activity 2: Math activity: chart to compare the beats. In pairs we count each other’s beats and write them down on a chart.

Activity 3: In a big A2 card with a picture of the human body shape, I will colour the arteries red and the veins blue. With 3 big blood card drops, a red one, a blue one and the third one half red half blue, I will try to explain the kids the circulatory system telling them that it is like a motorway where the blue drop is upset because it has no oxygen, so it has to go to the lungs to renovate, then goes to the heart, it pumps and travels all around the body.

Activity 4: Activity worksheet. They will colour a big heart, the blood that gets in, red and the blood that goes out, blue.Activity 5: Phonics: Jolly Phonics.

REINFORCEMENT AND EXTRA-ACTIVITIES: Slower children can do some activities like the game “Odd one out” and fast finishers can make a book about the topic including some new vocabulary.ROUND-UP ACTIVITIES/FINAL TASKS: pasta skeleton, skeleton puppet and counting the beats.