HSA 5th Meeting - Eric Parks

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Eric Parks describes the journey of Gipht.me at the Hellenic Startup Association's 5th meeting

Transcript of HSA 5th Meeting - Eric Parks

The gipht.me startup story

Space: The Final Frontier

1. Learning to Fly

Back home in Greece

Learning to fly

The 6 of us –complementing skills

Day Job- The trouble with tribbles

Not working- Snowed Under

The situation in Greece with Money

Money was doing 3 things

• 1. Leaving the Country

• 2. Investing in Real Estate

• 3. Buying out dead or duying competitors

We needed unusual money for a seed round. $700K

Roulette Advice

So, Go West Young man, go West!

2. Making Rockets

Getting ready to boldly go…

Making rockets

The Business Plan

Yes, we know it’s all in your head and your product is perfect.

Yes, it’s obvious that it will make loads of money

You Really, Really, Really

REALLYNeed to write the Business Plan.

If you can’t explain your business to yourself then how do you expect others to give you money?

The Presentation

Make it beautiful

Really beautiful.

Polish and then polish some more.

Most startups Don’t do this

So this is immediately your difference.

Make a prototype

Functional is better

Test market validation is even better

But if all else fails, have something to show.

3. Sending Laika into space

George goes barking into the wild unknown. Sort of.

13/2/2011 George goes to the Valley

Staying with Gurbrit

-Random Sikh Guy

George went to the Valley, rented a house staying with Gurbrit.

Went to tons of Valley meetings.

Rented an office at Plug n’ Play

Started seeing people and going at events.

Our presentation helped us

The Ukrainian Connection

Once you’re there. Opportunities start coming.

Even odd ones.

The strangest email Eric ever had to write.


Normally, Off the Boat your first goal is to see the Angel community especially for seed area funding- Up to $250K

However, we were in an unusual position.

Se we got to see VC’s from the outset.

Easter 2011, Eric joins George in the Valley

4. The Splatter Story

Be afraid, be very afraid

First meeting we meet this guy

Blood was over the room

• Interrupted the presentation early

• “How did you get this meeting. Some sort of Greek Mafia connection?”



He did have some points.

So take any feedback you can.

5. Satellites

Moving around in amazing orbit

Getting to see the big boys

The smaller the boardroom

The Bigger the Firm.

Simple as that.


They Know their stuff

You are WHO?

9 months before

One big issue

Be in the USA.

It really helps

6. The International Space Station

Sorry to wake you up. Miscalculated the time zone.



And someone else

Smart Money

• All money is not created equal

• Your partners should bring more than money to the table.

7. Launching

10. 9.

Launching in a few days

But it’s just another step on a long journey

Wish us luck.

In conclusion

Really boils down to this

• Get friends to complement you skills

• Try and devote yourself to the project

• Make the Business Plan, the presentation, the prototype.

• Get out there and show it

• Believe it when things are down.

And remember…

Live long and prosper

Thank You!