How Vahura's Social Brand rides on Purpose

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How Vahura's Social Brand rides on Purpose

Vahura’s Strong Social Brand

Rides on Purpose

It all started when a handful of people

with a purpose broke away from

Rainmaker* to form Vahura - the ‘legal

talent specialists’.

As conscious innovators they soon

realized that they wanted to wear their

passion for the profession on

their sleeves.

*Rainmaker, was earlier a recruitment, learning, content,

and test management company focused on the legal

ecosystem, with Vahura as the legal talent arm/ affiliate.

They rebranded their identity with the

purpose that drove them as a team,

Vahura – “Because Our Laws Need


Confident that the new positioning

would resonate with candidates just like

it did with their own employees, the

organization decided to take the story

to the entire legal ecosystem.

Social became the platform of choice to take

Vahura’s purpose to the world because:

1 It provided brand differentiation

2 It countered the lack of tech agility

3It originated from the personal interest of the nimble


4 It perfectly complemented the database-led approach

Talent was on social platforms, and

that’s exactly where Vahura wanted to

be. Leading the social charge were the

employees as the most compelling

voices of the Vahura story.

Cognizant of how consistency of

narrative is critical to building a story on

social media, it was made a part of the

organizational KRA.

steps to seeing the

story through on social

Personas: Who to talk to


Vahura started looking at LinkedIn

more closely, not just for building a

strong social brand but also to network

with prospective candidates and

businesses alike.

Personas were defined so that

communication could be created for the

intended audience.

It takes every employee to complete a story


The organization encouraged

‘well-celebrated profiles’, where

every employee could reach out to

a wider network and create deeper

engagement. This was in addition

to contributing to the larger

employer brand.

“Having employees at the forefront of the revolution has definitely helped establish

a strong social brand for us. We have been able to effectively use LinkedIn as

a platform to build a large virtual network and have leveraged it to make

real-world connections.”

Balanand Menon, Head – Consulting, Vahura

Using tools to achieve the objectives


Employee profiles on LinkedIn were

leveraged using Work With Us – a tool

that recommends customized job

offerings to passive candidates based

on their profiles.

Concerted efforts ensured this

campaign worked 24X better than the

industry average.


Overview Services



believe in

LinkedIn Career Page


jobs at

your company

The 4-pronged content calendar strategy


To ensure constant and consistent social

communication, the organization published content

in 4 categories

#1 Daily engagements #2 Weekly engagements

#4 Engagements by occasion #4 Real-time engagements

The follow-through


1Consistency of approachCommunication across

channels was made uniform.

3Investing in the

plan – going proResources were

invested in social

indicating seriousness

of intent.

5Brand visibility

Brand identity was

redefined and adapted

throughout prominently

from posts to events.

Making it a part

of internal processSocial engagement

became a part of

organizational KRAs.


on engagementThe 4-pronged

strategy ensured

constant interaction.

4Making it a part of

board-level discussionsSocial became a strategic

conversation at the

highest level.

26A six-step air-tight

follow-through ensured

that execution matched

up to plan


*More than 60,000 search and staffing firms were analyzed to arrive at the final list. These companies were rated on the

basis of content marketing social recruiting and social reach and engagement.

Most Socially Engaged

Staffing Agencies

Monthly growth in

company page views

Monthly growth in

job applications

Talent Brand Index

grew from 29% to 34.4%

Growth in follower

base from 8000+ - 12000+

Between Nov ’15 and Nov ’16:

At Vahura, we calculate Return on Relationships on social, not Return on Investments.

Success on social platforms is not just measured by how many hires we were able to close but on

other interrelated factors such as engagement rates, response time etc. We prefer to measure

Return on Relationships because social platforms go a long way in establishing

a strong brand, especially important for staffing firms like us in a niche space such

as legal recruiting.

Ritvik Lukose, CEO & Co-founder, Vahura

Vahura leads by example on how a

staffing organization can use the power

of social to project their purpose,

mobilize their own teams and engage

exactly with the kind of prospects

they want.

Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s

professionals to make them more productive and

successful. With over 467 million members in

more than 200 countries and territories worldwide,

including executives from every Fortune 500

company, LinkedIn is the world’s largest

professional network.

offers a full range of solutions to help organizations in

various stages of growth recruit relevant talent, build

their brand, and grow their business.

If you're curious about social recruiting, join us in

discovering the possibilities.

Contact us at