How To Write Good - PR News · How To Write Good Writing Do’s and Don’ts – PR News Writing...

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Transcript of How To Write Good - PR News · How To Write Good Writing Do’s and Don’ts – PR News Writing...

How To Write Good Writing Do’s and Don’ts – PR News Writing Boot Camp

Beth Haiken Vice President, Corporate Citizenship and Communications, Waypoint Homes


Stephanie Corns Director, Corporate Public Relations, Charles Schwab

Introduction: Name That Title

I can name that piece of good writing in…


Name that title

Many years later, as he faced the firing squad,

Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon

when his father took him to discover ice.


Name that title

Call me Ishmael.


Name that title

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of

wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the

epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of

Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.


Name that title

The knife came down, missing him by inches,

and he took off.


Name that title

It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted

the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York.

Part 2: General Principles

“Five minutes of planning are worth fifteen minutes of just looking.” — From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler



Before you pick up a pen Good writing is 80 percent good reporting

Think like a journalist Talk to at least three sources/experts Brainstorm of three different, unique story

angles If you use all your notes, you didn’t do

enough reporting


Purpose-driven writing What do you want people to DO?

Identify the call to action Determine why your audience cares about

your news and what will motivate them to take the call to action

Understand what they need to know and feel to take action

Articulate what they are empowered to do now that they couldn’t do before

Connect the dots for them!


Connect with your audience Connect, don’t just communicate

Crowded news landscape; challenging to earn mind share

Break through the clutter with communications that connect with audiences on multiple levels

How will you connect with your audience? Emotionally Rationally Values/beliefs Sensory Other

One size does not fit all


Break your mindset

Stop doing what you’ve always done Get me fired In their shoes Why chaining Free association Creative stimulation

Part 3: Pen to Paper


Does it pass the “so what” test? Company X Appoints Four New Vice

Presidents Company Y Moves to Seventh Floor Company Z Continues to Offer the Same

Product Cloud Solutions Provider Launches



Does it pass the smell test? T-Mobile Makes Bold “Un-carrier” Moves The Juice by Energy-X is Hollywood’s

Hottest New Craze A Truly Innovative Way To Lose Weight Stanford Who’s Who Selects Sensational

CEO For Membership


From “something happened” to “someone does something”

Price Change Announced

Price Changes Announced

Acme Announces Price Changes


From “someone does something” to “someone does something AND IT MATTERS”

Price Change Announced

Price Changes Announced

Acme Announces Price Changes

Acme Slashes Prices 50% for Schools, Educators


KISS How would you describe the

announcement at a cocktail party? How would you explain it to a kid? How would you describe it in 100 words or

less? 50 words? 25 words? 10 words? What is the average length of sentences

and paragraphs? What reading level does Microsoft Word

assign to your document?

When You Think You’re Done…



Spot (& cut) the jargon

Clickability Immersive experience CPL Snackable content P-commerce ROI SoLoMo Engagement Second-screen Earned media Value proposition Contextual marketing Big data Ideation viral

Curator Social commerce KPI Two-way conversation Native advertising Advertainment Custom activation Growth hacker Gamification Synergy Showrooming Thought leader 360 campaign Agile marketing infographic


Kill zombie nouns What is a zombie noun (aka “nominalization”)?

Take an adjective (implacable), verb (calibrate), or noun (crony)

Add a suffix like ity, tion or ism Congratulations, you’ve created a monstrosity:

implacability, calibration, cronyism Example: The proliferation of nominalizations in

a discursive formation may be an indication of a tendency toward pomposity and abstraction.

Translation: Writers who overload their sentences with nominalizations tend to sound pompous and abstract.


Change passive to active voice My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by

me I will always remember my first visit to Boston Change negative to positive

Did not remember Ignored Did not pay attention to Forgot Did not have much confidence in Distrusted

Eliminate unnecessary words – look for: The fact that; who is; which was Anything ending in “ly” The verb “to be” The pronoun “by”

Line edit


Cut til it hurts Kill extraneous copy

Descriptions of the previous version/iteration, instructions for use, where to find FAQs, etc.

No matter what you’re writing, in your final edit cut 10-25 percent of your copy

Review your wire release bills – overage charges are an indicator you could cut more

Cut til it hurts (ow!)


Managing edits from executives and legal 1. Have the courage to push back – and the

knowledge to explain why 2. Spot the difference between

legal/compliance requirement and editorial commentary (or ask about it)

3. Pick your battles


1. Have the courage to push back – and the knowledge to explain why

Less refers to bulk amounts (less water); fewer, to countable items (fewer people)

Farther refers to additional distance; further, to additional time, amount, or other abstract matters

Between is used when it’s about two; when more than two are concerned, use “among”


2. Legal/compliance requirement vs. editorial commentary

“This morning, we finalized terms for a merger.” vs. “This morning, we signed a preliminary agreement in principle to discuss a merger.”


3. Pick your battles John Smith, President and CEO of Company XXX, said, “This is a huge development for us.”

Part 4: Conclusion


Key takeaways Make a plan Think like a journalist Write with purpose Approach it from a different perspective Focus on why the announcement matters

to your audience Use strong quotes Test your use of jargon Cut, and then cut some more

Resources Strunk & White, The Elements of Style The Associated Press Stylebook The Chicago Manual of Style William Zinsser, On Writing Well Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life Lynne Truss, Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to

Punctuation Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing



Thank you, Elmore Leonard

If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.