How To Use Twitter For Your Business

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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The influence and reach of Twitter make it a favorite marketing tool among entrepreneurs. However, the question is whether your business is on Twitter, but how you are using it. We have a three-step approach on how you can use Twitter effectively for your business. Learn about it here.

Transcript of How To Use Twitter For Your Business

How to Use Twitter for Your BusinessA 3-Step Guide On Using Twitter For Marketing

Social Networks Such As Twitter Are Like Actual, Live Networking EventsWhile mingling and jumping into conversations with fellow guests is expected, you don’t want to be known as that person who just cuts in and immediately hands everyone their business card

In Twitter, you have to know and engage people first before introducing your product or brand

Here Are Three Steps To Effectively Using Twitter

For Business

Step 1: Start by building a following• There’s no instant formula to this. You do this

gradually—by posting good content and doing so consistently

• Start by going on Twitter and signing up (if you don’t already have an account)

• Consider what your business is all about and start following people who share the same interests. Hashtags (#) are a great way to find them

• Your Twitter feed should now have a good stream of conversations and content. Choose several that you think are most relevant to your brand and start engaging them

Step 2: Maintain Consistency Online

• Stick it out – even if maintaining a Twitter account can sometimes feel like a ton of work

• 50% of Twitter users say that they are more likely to make a purchase after following a brand on Twitter

• All things considered, that’s just too much sales potential to simply let your Twitter go to waste

• Tweet at least 3 to 5 times per day

• Use social media management tools such as Buffer and Hootsuite (sparingly) to automate posting

Step 3: Introduce Your Agenda

• With a steady number of engaged followers, you can now start mixing in your calls-to-action in your Tweets

• If you’re Tweeting 3-5 times per day, publish a post that markets or promotes your business at least once every other day

• Highlight a specific product, drive Twitter users to an opt-in page or promote a blog post


Twitter Marketing Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint

• Realistically, to build an effective Twitter following takes at least 13 weeks

• It will require a steady level of commitment and engagement

• Considering the returns from establishing a presence on Twitter, it’s definitely a small price to pay

Marketing on social networks is about sticking with what works. Some business have products or services that would be better served on Facebook, others on Vine, Youtube, Instagram, or Twitter.

Find out what your brand really needs and use it to your advantage.

Your Seriously Simple Marketing Hack

1. If you already a Twitter account, skip to Step 2 of his hack. If not, go to, sign up for an account, and start from Step 1 of this blog.

2. Sign up on and log in with your Twitter account.

3. Choose five topics related to your business. Examples:1. A video that is relevant to your business2. An article on the latest trends in your industry3. An infographic4. A picture of your product5. A tweet inviting your followers to go on your blog

4. Schedule all these tweets to go out using Buffer.

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