Use Twitter for Business: HOW TO

HURDLE BUSTERS HOW TO: Functionally Strategize and Use Twitter for business growth Chelsea Dygert #StartupPhoenix

Transcript of Use Twitter for Business: HOW TO

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HOW TO: Functionally Strategizeand Use Twitterfor business growth

Chelsea Dygert#StartupPhoenix

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Create ContextName

What do you do / working on

How did you hear about Eureka / My talk

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“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another,

connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.

A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”

― Seth Godin, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

Use twitter to find & engage your TRIBE





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Social Media Rules





● Every social site has a culture - understand, engage, innovate

● Everything has balance.

● USE the Content Rules:○ 20% rule: Only 1 of 5 posts should be self-promotion○ LESS on twitter

● Make sure profile / content, and contest matches business. ○ if you wouldn’t do it offline, don’t do it online

● Strategize, PLAN & AUTOMATE

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What is Twitter● The hallway chat of all social media● Microblogging site● Created in 2006 ● Went Public in Nov 2013

○ (opened @ $26, closed at $44.90, now @ $44.99)● 140 characters OR LESS. ● Quickest way to communicate & break news

● 676 million users● 115 active monthly● Even those who don’t tweet log on (40%)● Reverse Chronological Newsfeed

Twitter Demographics BY COUNTRY

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THE RULES:● Don’t Overuse. Everything has balance.

○ Jimmy & Justin #Hashtag skit

● Each platform needs to match CULTURE of each platform

● Don’t use handles, hashtags blindly. Research (right within twitter).

○ Don’t hijack hashtags unless CERTAIN you’re using appropriately / assisting the conversation (“hashtag fails” - Susan Album Party - #susanalbumparty)

● RESPOND - by showing them “you saw them”○ Follow them, favorite or retweet something of theirs, or reply

● Have same profile photo (as G+, Insta, Meetup, etc)

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Let’s get Started


Glad to be at EurekaLoft at the ScottsdaleLibrary today talking about twitter for biz

1) Send a tweet2) Find me on twitter & take some action

BASIC Actions:● Reply● Retweet● Favorite● More

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General TweetingEverything has balance.

● Tweet-writing Checklist○ Make statement (No need for full sentences)○ Add any tags possible (cross promote)○ Add 1-3 useful hashtags○ Re-read for conciseness, spelling, readability

● Write tweet. Save as draft. Research the handles & Hashtags. Tweet

● Give some updates. short. sweet. ○ Shows people that were THERE you’re engaging○ Providing people NOT there useful info

Optimize your twitter. Be retweetable:

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Let’s try again...Proper cross-promotion tweet - with twitter checklist

Talking #Twitter at @ScottsdaleReads #EurekaLoft was a success! #Meetup #SocialMedia #ConsultMent

1) Go “favorite it”

2) Write a tweet yourself, about RIGHT NOW!--Use Checklist

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Common Mistakes● Speaking ONLY to one person (and your dual friend)

○ When putting their twitter handle FIRST, it only SHOWS to you, them, and those that follow you both

■ Use text (or a period “ . “) before a name to keep it public■ @joshoff was engaged & had great ideas about #Twitter @ScottsdaleReads! Thx■ SHOULD BE: .@joshoff was engaged & had great ideas about #Twitter

@ScottsdaleReads! Thx

● WTF are you tweeting about...○ tweeting things that don’t make sense or have purpose.

○ See awesome example #4

● Cheesy DMs. Please. Dont.○ Thanks for following me on Twitter. Visit my blog here http//

● Using full URLS. Google can still read them. You just look out of touch.○ etc.

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More TweetingReplying

1) Create reply that is DIRECT to the person

2) Create reply that you’d want ALL twitter followers to see (use a . before the twitter handle)

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Common Mistakes pt 2● ONLY using schedulers to tweet out… Balance PPL Balance...

○ Doesn’t show full photos (only photos, videos & GIFs posts THROUGH twitter app or website will show full sized)

○ Full photos get 150% more retweets than tweets without photos

● Auto-favoriting (using a software to auto-favorite)○ People can now see the things you’ve favorited. Do it genuinely○ And twitter is now “forbidding” it

● Not looking at your twitter analytics.

● Inefficient Retweeting○ Sometimes copy & pasting using RT or MT (modified tweet) is better○ A direct retweet DOES NOT allow for replying. Sometimes stifles conversation○ Let’s try it:

Deep dive:

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Content marketingDon’t just use to push / promote content. Test TYPES of content Ask questions, get feedback, engage in convosMaybe be controversial

Event / News EngagementUse current activities / events to find / reach a tribe

Brand BuildingThis is another way for new tribe members to get a “First Impression” of you…Handle, profile / header photo, voice / wording, humor (or lack), conversation, community engagement

Twitter is best used when integrated to enhance other marketing strategyDon’t get lost in TACTICS. Focus on goals (that drive strategy)

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When… Define Goals & Decide

● Goal = WHY are you using social media

● Make sure there is a general purpose○ Cross promote○ Give tribe reason to engage with you○ Reach into a new crowd○ Measure

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Tools & TipsResearch, Research, Research

Promote - use it, cross promote it, pay itEngage - with others, events, news, trending, Monitor - search it, board it, cross-check it Innovate - cool twitter headers, fun hashtags, Event hashtagging, Q&As




Automation: Tweet Deck, Buffer, Hootsuite, Spout Social, Google calendar

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TO DO A) Join:

B) Test Twitter - Create & Account & Tweet

C) Let me know if there’s other topics you want to hear about this fall?

What do you want to hear about? Write down or email me: Hashtags, Facebook Contest, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogging, Wordpress,

Instagram, Graphics help, iPhone tips, creating a website, email campaigns, OTHER CONTENT

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Chelsea Dygert Dygert #ConsultMent


[email protected]


@cimforgivenat Local coffee shop
