How to Start Affiliate Marketing with Bluehost

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How to Start Affiliate Marketing with Bluehost

How to Start Affiliate Marketing with Bluehost Web Hosting Munna Hossain


Affiliate marketing is the best and most popular way to earn money by your blog or

website. When we start our blogging career, we have a plan to make enough money with

the help of our blog. I think most of the successful bloggers mainly try affiliate

marketing to make money. There are different affiliate programs, web hosting affiliate

marketing is one of the best and most popular affiliate programs. You can make money

by web hosting affiliate programs. Here is how to start affiliate marketing

with Bluehost web hosting affiliate program?

You may have a question why you should select web hosting affiliate? Because it is one

one of the highest paying and most preferred affiliate programs. Among all web hosting

services, Bluehost pays you enough commission that is higher than other web hosting

services. So you can start your affiliate marketing with Bluehost. You need to know

how to start affiliate marketing with Bluehost.

You see that almost all the blogger try Bluehost affiliate program to make money online.

This web hosting pays such a good commission such as it pays you up to $65/sale. There

is also a big chance for you if you can write properly about how to install WordPress on

Bluehost hosting plan? Then you will get $75/sale. It is really amazing. I have seen that

some affiliate marketers got 120/sale with Bluehost. I think I need to write this article

for you that you have to how to start affiliate marketing with Bluehost?

How to Start Affiliate Marketing with Bluehost

Here I am going to show you the sign-up process, how to add a link on your site,

Bluehost Dashboard and more.

First of all, You need to click on this link

Now you can see the Bluehost main page. Scroll down, you can see programs click

on affiliates link.

Now become an affiliate page appear. Click on Sign up. It is totally free.

You need to enter your username, phone number, company/blog name, address,

country, Email address, URL of your site.

There is also a payment information. If you have PayPal account you need to enter

PayPal Email address. If you don’t have then use a valid Email address that you can use

to open PayPal account.

Chech the Box I agree to the Affiliate Terms and Conditions. Finally, sign up.

Now you can see the Dashboard with stats, links, settings, terms, and help. You need to

read and see details by clicking all the menu if you want to know details about Bluehost.

If you are a new user there is an option for submitting your tax. I will tell you details

about it.

Now you need to click on links. There are a lot of links to Bluehost affiliate program. You

need to select any link that you want to add to your blog’s sidebar.

Copy any link that you want to add your sidebar.

Now go to your WordPress Dashboard. Navigate to Appearance >> Widgets.

Then paste the link into your Sidebar Text box and Save.

Now you can see the banner of Bluehost web hosting. If anyone clicks on this banner,

he/she will redirect to Bluehost. You will get a commission if anyone buys a hosting plan

who redirected from your site.

Hope you have enjoyed this article. Now you know how to start affiliate marketing with

Bluehost. You will know more about Bluehost affiliate program. If you have any

question. please ask me without any hesitation.