How to run photo contest in facebook using gro social

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How to run photo contest in facebook using gro social

How to runPhoto

contest inFacebook


How to runPhoto

contest inFacebook


© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Photos can be used by thecompanies for branding. Thus aphoto contest is born.

1How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

To get which image appealsmost by getting the resultthrough contest. And if you arelucky..

2How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You get these if you win ..3

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

But company sponsors don’t.4

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

They got more than these..5

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Long – term..6

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

7How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Want to know the secret?8

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

In exchange of the grand prize,they would get something fromyou..

9How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

10I thought, it would cost

me nothing?

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You are correct, nothing costsyou.

11How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Your basic information isenough..

12How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Your information = money

13How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

14How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now, let’s see..

15How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

By using an App, you run aphoto contest in Facebook thatcan help you get information fora prize.

16How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Why Facebook?

17How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Simply because, there are 20million people using it.

Take advantage of it.

18How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

Simply because, there are 20million people using it.

Take advantage of it.

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Which App can do this?

19How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Introducing Grosocial

20How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Grosocial is a legit app that canrun photo contest in yourfacebook page.

21How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You must have a facebookpage.

22How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Don’t have one? Here’s how..

Go to

23How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Login to your account by entering youremail address.

24How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

This screen will show upon enteringyour login account.

25How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now click which category your Pageis associated with.

26How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You will be asked to choosecategory. Click the drop down.

27How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now choose whichever is applicable.Example: Food/Grocery

28How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Put the name of your Page.29

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Put the complete address. 30How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Put the zip code. 31How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Put the phone number. 32How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click “I agree to Facebook Termsand conditions”

33How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Get Started to create your Page.34

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now set-up your Page. Uploadpicture for your Page. Click here.

35How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Next to Continue. 36How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Fill up below for a brief informationabout your Page.

37How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You can also add your website.38

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Save Info. 39How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You have now created your ownPage.

40How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Note: You may update your pageinformation whenever you want to.

41How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now let’s go to Grosocial. Click“Sign Up”.

42How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Fill up your account information43

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Write your first name.44

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Write your last name.45

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Write your email address.46

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Write your phone number.47

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Set your password.48

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Verify your password.49

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click “Create my Account”.50

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

This screen will show and letyou log in using your FacebookAccount.

51How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click “Log in with Facebook”.52

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Allow to give permissionto Grosocial.

53How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Success! Now create your firsttab. Click here,

54How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now let’s choose what type oftab. Click Photo Contest.

55How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Let’s choose a theme, clickhere.

56How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Choose 2012 photo contest.57

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Preview of the theme appearshere.

58How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Edit the theme for your specifics.59

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click on image to upload yourprize (s).

60How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Modify your image, click here.61

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Upload your prize (s) image62

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Then apply to canvas63

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Apply a link to image, paste ithere

64How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Setting to go back to Designtemplate.

65How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Go to Widgets66

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Go to Social Media.67

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Select Like Button. You will needthis so voters can like your pagedirectly from this contest.

68How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You can see this has been addedin the preview. Click on it.

69How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Settings will show at the left sideof the template

70How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now paste your Page URL to like71

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Then check the box to collectfacebook names.

72How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Go to next tab to set like buttonformat.

73How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Select button_count in thedropdown

74How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Settings to go back totemplate

75How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Scroll down to go to contest form.76

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click on the contest form77

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Settings will pop out, this will helpset the specifics.

78How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Set start date, click here79

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Calendar will pop out, select startdate

80How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Set end date, click here81

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Calendar will pop out, select enddate

82How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Set the start and end time, clickhere

83How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Set the rules here.84

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Setting to go back toTemplate

85How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Save Tab.86

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Then choose Fan Page87

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Then select which Page you wantto publish.

88How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Publish to fun page.89

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Quick Publish90

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Choose a Name for your Tab91

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click Publish Now92

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Success! Click to view facebooktab

93How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

This is your photo contest inFacebook Page.

94How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Your contest is shown at thebottom.

95How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Tell your entrants to read rules.Click Rules.

96How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Here are the rules as written inthe template.

97How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Tell your entrants to readinstructions. Click Instructions.

98How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Here’s the instructions to join thecontest.

99How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

To go back to contest, click here100

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Your entrants can share on theirwall to earn more votes.

101How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Your entrants can also send totheir facebook friends and emailto earn more votes.

102How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Your entrants can tweet to earnmore votes.

103How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now it’s time to choose thewinner! Go back to Grosocialaccount

104How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Go to Dashboard105

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click the Fan Page where yourcontest is published.

106How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Then click Analytics.107

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Go to Photo Contest.108

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You will see the entries, clickhere.

109How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

All entries are shown, click Exportto get the excel file for easyreference.

110How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You can also see who are theentrants, click here

111How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Click export to get the excel filefor reference.

112How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Now you get the most number ofvotes to declare the winner.

113How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Then use the email to notify thewinner.

114How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

You are done!115

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

116How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Enhance your marketing strategythrough promotions.

117How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Which I will discuss soon!118

How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

Follow my blog at

119How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal

120How to run photo contest in Facebook using GroSocial

© New Boomer VA by Carmi Cristobal