How to improve Prestwick Airport

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to improve Prestwick Airport

How to improve Prestwick Airport


Simon Mathers

It must form part of Scotland’s strategic plan for growth

For Prestwick Airport to succeed there must be a combined strategic plan that not only involves the airport management and the local business community of Ayrshire.

It needs full government support with a sensible strategic plan for transport and a strong strategic plan that delivers Scotland’s fine products to the rest of the world.

The Best in the WorldScotland produces fantastic seafood including Scottish Salmon.

There have been some wonderful published international recognitions of “quality”, in countries where product is currently exported like the USA and France.

But it can do a lot better, and I mean a lot better.

Focus and hard work

For highly perishable food like this – the mechanisms to transport it have to be understood.

Investment has to be made.

And the markets have to be identified.

Then it is possible to increase the numbers in exports significantly.

Happy NorwegiansFor example – Norwegian Salmon is starting to dominate the market in the Middle East and Asia. Not because it is a superior product (because it’s not) or because it’s a better price (as that is also not true) ….

It has broken into these markets because it has invested in the right strategic supply chain – formed relationships with the right overseas partners and understands the importance of building a brand for sustainable growth.

The airfreight HUB for ScotlandPrestwick Airport should become THE HUB for Scottish and Irish products that require airfreight support.

Product does not have to be packed onto trucks and driven down to Heathrow or other European airport hubs.

This business model applies to all fresh food products, pharmaceuticals, specialist equipment and unique premium products.

The Great North Circle RoutePrestwick Airport perfectly sits on the Great North Circle Route (the busiest air traffic route in the world from North America through Europe to the Middle East and Asia).

It’s a fact, any air freighter would prefer flying in and out of Prestwick Airport compared with Heathrow.

It will save well over an hour in time and a fortune in jet fuel, so for airlines it makes absolute sense providing they can get the balance of filling and emptying their holds economically.

Focus on what is neededAttracting the right investors and building the right infrastructure around Prestwick Airport (outside the boundary fence) is just as important as what Prestwick Airport management do inside the boundary fence.

Business must focus on supporting BusinessThere needs to be the right kind of infrastructure in place – like consolidation and sorting depots, smoke houses, chilled facilities, road transport support facilities etc.

Companies involved in these kind of businesses nationwide need to see the advantages of setting up in Prestwick.

Producers and manufacturers in Scotland also need to understand the opportunities of moving their product a shorter distance to a full support air freight hub at Prestwick.

A proposal has been put forwardThis document describes a summary of the starting phase proposal to turn Prestwick around.

A plan has been presented to Scottish Enterprise, the SDI and the DIT covering the proposal in great detail and stating that with-in two years suitable international airline carriers and international investors can be brought in, as well as improvement in the export growth of Scottish products.

Scottish Enterprise sleeping on the job

Scottish Enterprise and the SDI say they like the thinking and ideas in the proposal – BUT then they go to sleep.

They state they already have over 2,000 people spread around the UK and across the world with the latest in digital marketing technology …. and therefore should be doing all what’s required already.

The point is they are not being effective as far as Prestwick Airport is concerned. (They could be described as sleeping on the job)

Management performanceThe airport has been in the hands of the government for 3 years now.

They’ve recently appointed (in the last seven months) a new CEO “Ron Smith” and a Business Development Director.

Despite the negative articles in the press, the poor airport performance is not due to the activities of the current management.

The management need external support and expertise to build the support infrastructure and increase the demand for the airport.

SPACEPORT – are we really seriousThe Spaceport proposal gets covered extensively as a possible turnaround solution – I don’t buy this at all, although I would never rule it out as an additional service based at Prestwick.

We can’t quantify what a Spaceport will deliver in additional revenue and jobs for the future at this stage – but we have a good idea it is likely to add cost in the short term.

This requiresLEADERSHIPPrestwick Airport will succeed- if phase one of the proposal to develop the air freight business out of Scotland is actioned.

And if we can put our plan in place to attract international airlines and investors.

And build on our international export opportunities.