How to Generate 1200 Real Estate Leads a Week From...

Post on 19-Aug-2020

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Transcript of How to Generate 1200 Real Estate Leads a Week From...

How to Generate 1200 Real Estate Leads a Month From Facebook Using a Simple

Minimalistic Strategy



Why Leads?

Real estate properties are high priced.

So, they usually require more than one contact with the prospect before the sale

is Made.

Leads = Money


Quality Leads = Money

So, How Do You Get Quality Leads From Facebook?


The KISS Strategy

K – Keep

I – It

S – Simple

S - Stupid


- A Facebook Account

- A Debit Card to Pay FB


Start by informing people on your FB/Instagram list that might

be interested


Setup a Facebook Page for Your Business

Setting Up Your Facebook Page:

-Come up with a simple name that also speaks authority

- Use a high quality profile photo

- Put up a cover photo (Canva)

- Call to action (Get in touch)

(1) Come Up With a Simple Name that Also Speaks


TIP: Use a combination of words like property, home, house + Location + Your


-E.g. Affordable Lagos Home Deals

- Suggest More

(2) Use a Nice Looking & High Quality Profile Photo:

(3) Put Up a Great Cover Photo that Describes Your Business:

-You can do this using the free tool at (850 x 315px)

(4) Setup your call to action:

TIP: Edit to “Call Now” or “Contact Us”


Create a marketing post with a call to action and pin it

at the top of your page


Set Up and Run a FB Ad Via Your Page

- Objectives (Lead ads, Message, conversions)


-Attractive Image

- Your Advert itself

Choose Objective:


Lead adverts allow you to generate leads without the need to leave Facebook

And you get leads cheaper!

Target the Right Audience:

(1) Start with a custom audience of qualified leads that you already have. Then generate a lookalike for this audience

(2) Target by focusing on age range, marital status and locations.

Age Range – E.g. Over 30?

Marital – Married?

Location – Lagosians, Nigerians living overseas

Test to Get the Right Audience

Use Attractive Images:

Creating the Advert Message Itself:

What you say in your advert matters a lot.

Two Type of Adverts:

1. Info based lead generation ads

2. Interest based lead generation ads

Info Based Lead Generation Adverts:

Here, you are giving out quality & helpful information to create trust and authority – which

makes it easier to sell to them

E.g. 7 things you should look for before buying Lagos land from any real estate company

How to get up to 30% discount when buying land in Lagos or Ogun State

Interest Based Lead Generation Ads:

Here, the focus of the advert is on special deals

E.g. Looking for special land deals in Lagos? We can help

Become a Lagos Landlord this Year For Lesser Cost. Learn More

Get 1 plot of land worth N1m for free at Ottolakeswhen you refer 4 people. Learn more

Info to Collect:

- Full Name

-Email Address

- Phone Number


Downloading your leads from Facebook

- Go to the FB Page you are using for the campaign

- Click on Publishing Tools

- Click on Forms Library

- On the right, you’ll see all of the forms that you’ve created. Click the Download link next to your form to download your leads in CSV format.

How to Use Your Leads

- Run retargeting Facebook Adverts

- Follow up via Email

- Use the date to create lookalike audiences that -you can help your targeting

-Call them

- Contact them via whatsapp & Messenger

If you generate 1200 leads a month at N40 per lead and end up converting

just 12 (1%) of them

1 Plot of Land (Ottolakes) – N1mCommission per plot – N250,000

Promotion Costs – N100,000

Commissions – N3,000,000

Net Profit – N2,900,000