How to Ensure Deck Safety

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to Ensure Deck Safety

How to Ensure Deck SafetyDecks, like our roofs, windows and siding bear most of the brunt of snow, cold temperatures and extreme ice during winters and rain during spring. Maintenance is of utmost importance if you want to ensure the safety and longevity of your Deck. This article will hopefully help you determine if there is any need of repairing or maintenance for your deck.

Following tips will help homeowners quickly and quite easily diagnose some of the most common problems associated with decks. Taking timely action will prevent premature and permanent failure of your deck and save you money too. Whether you do the repairs yourself or hire a professional, following are some problems that you should be keeping an eye on for the safety of your deck.

Rotten or Decayed WoodAlways keep an eye on areas that remain wet. You would want to find any rotten or decayed wood as soon as possible. If such an area exists, try to pull out a piece with the help of a screwdriver. If the wood is spongy then it is a clear sign that it is in need of replacement with the help of a professional.

Keep an Eye on Fasteners

Nails, anchors and screws are included in the fasteners. If there are corroded screws or nails sticking then it is an indication that there could be a big problem. Missing, loose or corroded fasteners continuously damage the wood and damage the structure of the deck, stairs and railings. If you spot this issue then it’s time to call a professional to get it sorted.

Stairs, Banisters and RailingsExamine the banisters and railing by pushing them to make sure they are safe and secure, keep an eye out on stair treads and deck surface to make doubly sure that there is no cracked boards or sagging. Stand on the surface or stairs move back and forst to check if there is excessive bounce or sway. If you spot any of these issues then the deck is in need of repair.

Maintenance and CleaningDiscoloration, moss and mold can quickly damage the deck if left unattended, the right thing to do it to remove them as soon as possible. Cleaning and maintenance of deck is a whole new topic and task in itself, so you should be performing it regularly to ensure the safety of your deck, but if it’s something that you are not to keen on doing then you should call for professional help.

These helpful tips to ensure deck safety has been presented by DeckDaddy who are the pioneers of deck building and deck restoration services in Washington, D.C.