How To Engage Your Audience On Twitter

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Transcript of How To Engage Your Audience On Twitter



July 7, 2014

How to engage your audience on twitter

Robert, could you tell us a bit about yourself and the work that you do?

One of those strategies is the “Social Media Six Pack”, sounds rigorous... Can you tell us more about that?

what are some of those things that businesses can do everyday that create big results over time?

Okay, so how do you move your on-line relationships,

assuming you’re using #smm for marketing to off-line ones?

How can you measure that ROI? Listening is one thing, but

converting conversations into tangible results is another...

Is there a secret sauce to finding people you know you can convert?

How hard is all of this? Sounds like a lot OF work...



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Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Sure thing! I am a lifelong entrepreneur & 16-yr Internet veteran. My latest venture is Internet Media Labs #atomicchat

Robert Moore@MediaLabRat We R NYC based tech startup focused on social listening & analytics. We also consult & create social strategies 4 R clients #atomicchat

Robert Moore MediaLabRat Absolutely! You can get a “Social Media Six Pack” when you execute a sound SM strategy every day... #atomicchat

Robert Moore MediaLabRat Create a strategic daily “to-do” list, set attainable goals, & you can have a Social Media Six Pack in 90 days or less! #atomicchat

Robert Moore MediaLabRat Like going to the gym...Go everyday, exercise with purpose, get BIG results! #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Create (or curate) great content, activate existing followers, follow new folks, favorite, RT or reply 2 Tweets...Engage! #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Set daily numerical goals : 5 existing follower engagements, 5 new engagements, favorite 20 Tweets, etc #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Do that 20 working days/month for 3 months. Numbers start to add up! #atomicchat

Robert Moore@MediaLabRat Great question! Mastering relationship escalation from social interactions can is challenging... #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat It was for sure for me (I am inherently shy), but once I figured what was my Twitter “Aha!” moment :) #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat There is no “one size fits all” strategy here. But there are a few guidelines to consider:


Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Always be relevant, authentic, & reciprocal. A great approach for me was/is soliciting input/opinion on our software #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat I’ve met 100’s of great people from Twitter that way. Those relationships lead 2 new ones - non-linear social ROI!

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat The following answers coming from a B2B perspective... #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat That’s the tricky part. Some of it is very straight forward: I met you, you liked my product, you bought it. #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Usually it is: I met you, you introduced me to someone, who introduced me to someone else, who bought my product #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat The end result can take months/years to realize. Tracing a sale back to its source is what I call “Social Forensics” #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat You can then create predictable models for social success by knowing the origin of great relationships & customers #atomicchat

Robert Moore @MediaLabRat Give lots of love to the originators of those relationships/sales. Always appreciate your connectors! #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat It is not a secret sauce, but really a plan + methodology to grow & scale your social engagement/sales... #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat For me it starts w/endpoint goals - Who am I trying to reach & why? Then I work backwards - how do I find those people? #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat It could be: Twitter chats, the type of content they share, the hashtags they use, the people they talk to... #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat Once you find the perfect mix, it becomes a replicable formula--->#BigWin! #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat For example: I like to find social CEO’s. I “listen” to where they share content from - Wall Street Journal or Forbes... #atomicchat

Willis Williams @Social_Chef Master the social platforms you’re comfortable with. Would rather be the expert of a few than mediocre of all. #atomicchat

Willis Williams @Social_Chef Follow your audience. They’re on twitter? Go. They’re on FB? GO! Be on their mind and listen to the conversations. #atomicchat

Jessica E. Roberts @connect2life

Plan - Strategize - Execute - Analyze - Improve - Repeat #atomicchat

Brandon Harig @BH_Social

Best way to find people to engage is to know where to start. Know your audience & research before creating accts #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat None of what I have described is “hard”, per se. It does take a certain amount of time & dedication.


Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat When U combine technology W/a solid methodology, you will get outsized results in less time...a “Social Media Six Pack”! #atomicchat

Robert Moore @ MediaLabRat Start with a plan, even a simple one. Refine your goals & approach. Find what works, then step on the gas and go FAST! #atomicchat

Mr. S!D @IAmMrSid If you’re under 21, then java. If you’re over 21, then having an adult beverage over conversation helps ;) #DrinkResponsibly #atomicchat

Mr. S!D @IAmMrSid I’m a believer of the person you are online should be the same exact person you are offline. People see through being pretenious #atomicchat

Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz

Start by engaging online beyond normal conversations then connect on multiple networks then email then video then IRL #atomicchat

Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz

Don’t treat online to offline like your BFFs but as no need for ice breakers and small chat.. Strong IRL conversations #atomicchat

CBarrows @CBarrows

In truth, I feel like I could travel to most major cities and meet someone for coffee thanks to Twitter. #atomicchat

Amanda Tessier @amanda_tessier @SumAll is the way to go with interactive measurements. Establishing goals is crucial to knowing if you’ve met them #AtomicChat

Lolo LLC @LoloLLC @Atomic_Reach Q5 Clickkkkks! #atomicchat

Rizzie Vette @GoGetterVette New buzzword I’ve learned tonight #socialforensics from @MediaLabRat #atomicchat

Amanda Tessier @amanda_tessier Use business data to assess customer retention rates, profitability, and objectively monitor areas of improvement #AtomicChat

Amanda Tessier @amanda_tessier be HUMAN. Nobody wants to follow a robot. We have enough spammers for that. #AtomicChat

Jessica E. Roberts @connect2life If they have a blog/website link, check it out and engage with them about it. #atomicchat

Iva Ignjatovic @IvaIgnjatovic Make lists with people you want to interact with, it’s easier to have insight in their interests and passions. #atomicchat

Todd Burgess @tburgess57 don’t schedule tweets unless you can respond to replies within the hour if not sooner #atomicchat

Todd Burgess @ tburgess57 a Twitter account that posts nothing is better then one that never responds #atomicchat

Susyn Elise Duris @SusynEliseDuris 6-pk - a lot like going to gym > u have to make commitmt, have goal, won’t happen overnite, but if u follow plan, u will achieve #atomicchat

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