How to draw robot

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Transcript of How to draw robot

How to draw Robot

by Goh Ee Choo

2015 1

Goh Ee Choo 2

Aim: To learn the how to draw in robot and the human proportion, structure

and joints is used as reference in designing robot. Character stereotypes will be studies to see how they can be used to create robots for different function.

Key points : Robot thumbnailRobot design processRobotic anatomy and movementRobot in perspective and scale

Principle of good design

• A strong silhouette- has iconic shape, clear design.

• Three-second rule- iconic shape can be understood in 3 second or less, overall form easy to understand and remember.

• Personality- Is the design powerful? Weak? Menacing? Are the trait reflected in the design.

• Functionality- Can the design work?

• Believability- It can perform the function that it is design for

• Cool factor- like the difference between a sport car and a normal car. Both serve same purpose but one has greater impact.

Questions to ask:

Strong silhouette- Is your robot design looks iconic?Three-second rule- Can you easily understand the design in three seconds or less?Personality- Does your design have personality such as benign, powerful or weak?Functionality- Can you easily tell how it works and what it is supposed to do?Believability- Is your design mechanically plausible or livable? Does it look as it can work or live in?Cool factor- Is your design unique and interesting to look at? 3Goh Ee Choo

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Robot design process• Questions to ask:

• Strong silhouette- Is your design iconic?

• Three-second rule- Can you easily understand the design in three seconds or less?

• Personality- Does your design have personality such as benign, powerful or weak?

• Functionality- Can you easily tell how it works and what it is supposed to do?

• Believability- Is your design mechanically plausible or livable? Does it look as it can work or live in?

• Cool factor- Is your design unique and interesting to look at?

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Robot design process

Robot design process

• To gives structure to orthographic projection. Three types of foundation lines is used.

• Perspective line– Ground plan

• Axis line- main axis line of the orthographic plan that allow you to view in different angles to ensure the form has dynamic composition and form.

• Construction line- help control and delineate structure and form. They work as guide to contain shape or to tie two parts of the drawing together.

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Orthographic Projection for Creature and Robot

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Always place a person beside your robot for scale9Goh Ee Choo

Keep it SimpleConstruct Robot using Simple Shapes

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Always Simplify the robot into its essential structure of structure and joints

Simplify your Robot

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Look to your surrounding for source of inspiration when designing your robot.

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Robot design inspiration can come from life and nature.

In designing robotic movement, look to animals, insects for source of inspiration,In designing fast moving robot, look for animals or things that run fast like horse. For swinging, ape.Study the animals movement and apply it to your robotic design.

Robotic Movement

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Robots Thumbnails and Shapes Studies

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Robot Silhouettes

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Comparative Measurement of Robots

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Internal Variations

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Human Robot Skeleton relationship and Joints Comparison

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Robotic anatomy and movement

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Orthographic Drawing of Robot

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Robotic Animals\ creatures

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Industry Professionals’ Artworks

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