How to create a traffic machine for your content

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to create a traffic machine for your content

by Jon Henshaw

How to Create a Traffic Machine for Your Content

@RavenJon #Authority2014 2

“If I write great content,they will come.”

@RavenJon #Authority2014 4

But if you build a Traffic Machine they will

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Your brand is part of the UX and makesyou unique, memorable and trusted

@RavenJon #Authority2014



The layout of your content determines pages per session and repeat visits

@RavenJon #Authority2014 14

Make the reading experience match the quality of the content

@RavenJon #Authority2014 15

The reading experience should also be device responsive

@RavenJon #Authority2014 16

Duo AppTest Responsive Design

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Navigation helps emphasize the focus of the site to readers and bots

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Make your content easy to share, unless you don’t want it shared.

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Speed up your site for a better user experience (it’s also a ranking factor)

@RavenJon #Authority2014 30

Use a fast and reliable hosting provider

@RavenJon #Authority2014

The Unseen


Visible performance often comes from what you can’t see

@RavenJon #Authority2014 35

AuthorshipUsing Authorship and Publisher can

provide more visibility on Google

@RavenJon #Authority2014 37

Authorship in SERPs Authorship enables Rich Snippets and can easily land you on the 1st page of Google for those inside your G+ circles

@RavenJon #Authority2014 38

Publisher in SERPs Publisher enhances brand related

results, including control over the logo displayed and recent posts

@RavenJon #Authority2014 39

Use microdata to enhance SERPs

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Quality content is no longer good enough

@RavenJon #Authority2014 61

Turn it into a deck and share on Slideshare

@RavenJon #Authority2014 62

Turn the deck into a video and post on Youtube

@RavenJon #Authority2014 65

Make an Infographic Using Cinemagraphs!!!

@RavenJon #Authority2014 67

Make it Portable Create an ebook, white paper and use content channels like Snippet.

Include links back to your site.

@RavenJon #Authority2014

Calls to Action


Include CTAs to increase pages per session and to boost repeat traffic

@RavenJon #Authority2014 73

Record, measure and report with Google Analytics’ Goals and Events

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Epic Content + Connections = Traffic

@RavenJon #Authority2014 75

Don’t be a snob. Connect with as many people as possible that fit your target audience.

@RavenJon #Authority2014 77

Be social. That means commenting on posts, and always replying to comments on your own posts.

@RavenJon #Authority2014 78

Republish your content on sites that will send targeted traffic. Stop worrying about duped content.

@RavenJon #Authority2014 79

Participate in or create private sharing groups that have common interests and may followers

@RavenJon #Authority2014 80

Promote and boost your content with social ads

@RavenJon #Authority2014



Study the performance of your content, learn what works, and then rinse and repeat!

@RavenJon #Authority2014 82

I saw the Traffic Machine in a dream and this is what it looked like…


Jon Henshaw