How To Be Optimistic

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of How To Be Optimistic

How to be Optimistic ??

SlideShow by Vusa

Step 1.

Let go of the assumption that the world is against you, or that you were born with a gray cloud over your head.

Step 2. Look for the source of your pessimism.

Step 3. Understand that

the past does not equal the future.

Step 4.

See yourself as a cause, not an effect.

Step 5.

Accept pain, failure and disappointment as a part of life, not the entirety of it.

Step 6.

Be thankful.

Step 7.

Use positive affirmations.

Step 8.

Remember that life is short.

Step 9.

Be a balanced optimist.

Step 10. Use quotes to

remind yourself how to be optimistic.

Here are a few inspirational sayings:

Life has a way of reminding one that it can be worse.

Until one understands the low and darker side of life, the

appreciation of the awe-inspiring highs will remain stagnant.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Look happy. Studies have shown that putting a

positive expression on your face can actually make you feel

happier and more optimistic about the future.

Practice by conveying these ideas to others.

No matter how odd this may sound, listen to optimistic music (that you like) and read books

that have a least a little optimism in it.

Avoid negative people. If you can't avoid them, learn how

to not let them get you down.

Don't confuse pessimism with depression.

Depression can make everything look worse than it


While it is true that you create your own circumstances, accept

that the past is the past.

Don't let negative circumstances trigger

irrational guilt.

Realize that it's not about what happens to you, it's about how

you react to what happens.