How to Avoid Procrastination

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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How to Avoid Procrastination

Transcript of How to Avoid Procrastination

Prevent Procrastination

If you continue doing exactly what your doing right now,

where would you be in five years?

The secret is simple.

Nothing happens without hard work. The

lazy don’t succeed.

Have you ever come up with below situations

• I will do it tomorrow. I’ll start next week, next month, next year

• When I have more time I’ll do it.

• Have you ever spent more time worrying about a task than it took to do the task?

What is a


Procrastination personalities

These people feel there are rigid standards about how thing ought to be done and they fear they will fail

• Self-Doubt

Procrastination personalities

This person avoids activities that will cause them distress, discomfort or anxiety, so tensions mount because of this avoidance

• Discomfort

Procrastination personalities

The person feels guilt over tasks undone, but rather than correct the original lack of action continues to procrastinate in order to not face up to the guilt feelings

• Guilt - Driven

Procrastination personalities

The person has procrastinated so many times, it becomes an ingrained response.

The person no longer thinks about why they do it, they feel it's just a part of themselves

• Habitual

Procrastination at work

• Difficult or unpleasant

The task is difficult or unpleasant so you either don’t want to do or don’t know how to do it

• Small task

Procrastination at work

The task is a small one, it won’t take long and can wait until later.

• Huge task

Procrastination at work

The task is huge, it’s difficult to know where to begin

• Low Priority

Procrastination at work

The task is low priority, you will do it at last moment

• Delay the task

Procrastination at work

If you delay the task, it might not need doing at all

• Run out of work

Procrastination at work

You don’t want to run out of work; you might look expendable

• More urgent

Procrastination at work

You do your best work under pressure so let’s wait for the task to become a more urgent matter

Costs associated with procrastination

• Poor quality work

Procrastinating on important tasks means that you have less time in which to complete them, which invariably leads to rushed poor quality work

Costs associated with procrastination

• Time Pressure

Leaving things until the last minute results in anxiety and time pressure as you go all out to complete tasks before the deadline

Costs associated with procrastination

• Failure to achieve important goals

This can be one of the most depressing and frustrating aspects of procrastination

Costs associated with procrastination

• Missed opportunities

Procrastination causes you to miss wonderful opportunities that you never even consider or explore.

This can lead to guilt and regret as you realize what you are missing

Costs associated with procrastination

• Waste of the present

Wasting the present is probably the biggest cost of procrastination.

Is procrastination a disease?

Is procrastination a disease?

• Physiological

Roots of procrastination mostly surrounds the role of the prefrontal cortex

Is procrastination a disease?

• Physiological

Prefrontal cortex area of the brain is responsible for executive brain functions such as planning, impulse control, attention, and acts as a filter by decreasing distracting energy from other brain regions

Damage or low activation in this area can reduce an individual's ability to filter out distracting energy, ultimately resulting in poorer organization, a loss of attention and increased procrastination

Procrastination Survey

• At least 95% of us procrastinate at least occasionally and about 15-20% of us do it consistently and problematically.

Procrastination Survey

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Physical



Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Schedule your time in smaller increments

If your time frame is too far off in the future, deadlines becomes generalities.

There is a difference between saying, 'I'll write one chapter a week' and saying, 'I'll write four chapters a month'

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Create hard-and-fast deadlines

Instead of thinking you will work on your project for three hours every morning, determine when you want certain tasks completed

If the boss hands you an assignment, she/he doesn't say, 'Work on this each day', she/he says, 'Have this on my desk by next Friday'

• Map out all of your deadlines on one calendar

That way, you'll see that your tasks are all interrelated. If your task today affects your task tomorrow, you will experience an "urgency to act"

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Switch up your environment

If your working environment makes you want to snuggle up and take a nap, change it immediately.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Hang out with other people who don't procrastinate

Hang out with people who inspire you. They'll infuse some of their drive and spirit into your work ethic.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• People who are already living your dream

Connect with people who have already achieved your dream and seek advice on how they accomplished it.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Announce your goals to others

If your friends and colleagues know about your projects, they are bound to ask you about them on a regular basis - serving as an accountable reminder.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Eliminate distractions

Eliminate the distractions that forcing you to procrastinate.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

For example, if Facebook is causing you to procrastinate, deactivate it for a short period of time. If email is the problem, turn off your automatic notifications.

• Force yourself to keep going

When you feel your interest become weaker, put one foot in front of the other.

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Reward yourself

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

If you spend too much time on something, you may start to resent it.

Realize that hard work should be rewarded with a nice meal at your favorite restaurant or a trip to the movies.

• When your plan is failing, RE-PLAN

Some goals weren't meant to be achieved then take a step back and decide what it is exactly that you want to achieve and what steps you should take to get there

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Stop waiting for the perfect time

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Keep in mind that your work space affects your productivity ...

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

• Perfectionism

Ways To Prevent Procrastination

Don’t be perfectionism, give you self dead lines, it is better to have some thing up there 80% then have nothing up there