How Smart Can I Be To Find Solutions On Climate Change

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of How Smart Can I Be To Find Solutions On Climate Change

How smart can I be to find solutions on climate change…? Can you help me by answering my Questions?

As life move ahead, I realize with the passage of time the hard consequences of climate change and its effects on my people, my family, my friends and my places I belong to. I know the fact that climate change is a result of wide range of human activities that lead to the abrupt changes in life. With my personal observations, I also realize its effect in the pleasant lush green area I live it and belong to, such as melting of glaciers, significant increase in temperature, changing monsoon season, number of natural disasters su ch as landslides, flash floods and wind storms at the time when my people are not ready to cope with such sudden changing situations. I realize the importance of work on climate change more whenever I read about this topic, especially the lines like these about my people and my places;

Global climate change is affecting Pakistan with an expected temperature increase higher than the global average and change in monsoon rain patterns and melting of ice in the northern areas

During 1992-2005, Pakistan experienced 11 extreme events with the 2005 sliding earthquake in the NWFP killing more than 70,000 people

Characterized by soft geological surface and steep slopes, Siran Valley in NWFP is amongst the most vulnerable to natural disasters having faced numerous unexpected disasters due to climate variability

The population depending on agriculture and livestock for livelihood source, people’s capacity to thrive and develop competence and resilience is threatened

The area is rich in biodiversity including avifauna, mammals, reptiles, aquatic fauna, flora & forests, and endangered species. Resident species are little affected but greatly affect seasonally important waterfowl

In the same time when I realize the critical importance moving around the theme of climate change I am too worried for the fact that majority of the illiterate residents living in remote far flung and hilly locations face the consequences of climate change effects but are unaware of the causes of climate change. For me the most alarming situation is the fact that my people are not aware that they are gradually moving towards a critical and harsh future where the on-going human activities would have turned

the beauty of these valleys into darkness, where the pleasant weather of summer in snow bound areas would be no more a place for leisure and attractions for tourists and where the future generation would not enjoy the beauty of time that the present generation is enjoying.

Being one among those knowing the facts of climate change to some extent, I feel the responsibility of making my people aware of the increasing fears and risks of climate change and making them aware of the actions that we all can take together to minimize the impacts of climate change. With my limited knowledge and sphere of work that I do for my community and my places, I often think how smart I can be to help them more effectively. For this, I would like to ask from people and search more especially from those who really count themselves among responsible educators for people and places to protect them from the impacts of climate change.

My questions for all of you are;

1) Is our planet being a safe place to live “A right of life for my people”?

2) Are people contributing to such human activities that lead to increased climate change held responsible for their acts?

3) If my people and my places are gradually going to the era where climate change will be uncontrollable devil then how can we help them now to protect from those consequences in future?

4) What are the international community agreements or commitments that can really work to protect my people and my places from the climate change effects?

5) What special you are doing that me and my people can apply to reduce the impacts of climate change?
