How does pollution affect animals?. We all know that pollution is a big problem for people.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of How does pollution affect animals?. We all know that pollution is a big problem for people.

How does pollution affect animals?

We all know that pollution is a big problem for people.

But pollution is a problem for animals as well.

Pollution can cause animals to get sick or die.

Or cause their eggs to fail to hatch.

Types of Pollution

Acid Rain

Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from power

plants, cars and factories.

These emissions bond with the water vapor in clouds and cause the resulting rainfall to be acidic.

Acid rain can harm trees, kill fish and cause the birds that prey on fish to lose their source of food.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is the contamination of lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater

by pesticides, fertilizers, or garbage.

Pesticides used to control lawn and crop insects can enter a pond during heavy rains

and cause a fish kill.

Fertilizer runoff can cause an unnaturally heavy algae bloom. Too much algae can deplete

oxygen in the water and cause fish to die.

Once let loose into the environment, plastic bags can cause considerable harm, blocking drains and suffocating wildlife mistaking the

bag for food.

Oil spills sicken and kill birds and marine mammals. Oil is absorbed by feathers and

fur. Animals are unable to remove it.

Click on the link below to watch a slideshow about the effects of water pollution on marine animals in the United Kingdom.