How do an organism’s trait help it survive

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of How do an organism’s trait help it survive

How do an organism’s trait help

it survive?

- Every animal has its own environment where

it lives in.Example

Polar bears live in the Arctic. Snakes live in the desert.

In order to survive in their environment, they have to behave in a special way.


It’s the behavior that helps a living thing

“animal” to survive in its environment





“Animals hide by blending in their environment”


-Many animals adapt to live in their environment by “camouflage”.

-They hide & protect themselves from being eaten by other animals by blending in their environment .

-Other animals use camouflage to help them not to be noticed so that they can hunt their preys easily.

“Chameleons”- They blend in theirenvironment by Camouflage to hide from their predators.(They color themselves with the same color oftheir environment)


“Polar bears”- Polar bear’s white furhelps it to blend withthe ice & snow to makeit easy for them to huntthe seal without beingseen.

“Snakes”- Snakes also adapt in their environment by camouflage, they hide from eagles by blending in the rocks & sand, and also to make easier for them to hunt their preys.

“Owls”-Owls also can adapt by camouflage inside the trees-It make it easier for them to hunt their preys without being seen.

“Lions”- Lions also blend in their environmentusing camouflage to hunt their preys without being seen.

- Desert is a very tough environment to live


- So plants & animals living in the desert

should adapt to survive in it.

Adaptation in the desert

- Cactus & Mesquite trees are desert plants. Have roots that spread far to absorb

rainwater. Have stems that store water. Have spines to protect plants from being

eaten by animals.

Adaptation of plants

- Some animals are nocturnal they are active only at night “they sleep during the day”

Bats & Snakes

Adaptation of animals


- Other desert animals adapt to the desert by having long ears to cool themselves in the hot weather.


Jack rabbits

Adaptation in the Forest

Adaptation in the tropical rainforest

- Tropical rainforests get much rain all the year, this too much rain can damage the leaves, so there is a drip tip at the end of each leaf to help rain water to fall off quickly.

Also in the tropical rainforest, there are many trees & leaves growing next to each others, so they can block ‘prevent” the sun light from reaching to the plants at the bottom.

- So plants at the bottom adapt by having large leaves to catch the sun light.

- Temperate forests don’t have much rain as

the tropical rainforest, so trees in the

temperate forest adapt by losing their

leaves in the fall to save water.

Adaptation in the temperate forest

-Some animals imitate another in color or shape, like : stone fish.

“It looks exactly like the stones of the Ocean, so it’s

very hard to notice it & that helps it to survive in its ecosystem”

Adaptation Of animals in the forests

This is called: Mimicry

- Other animals go to a very deep sleep during the winter, when they couldn’t find their food,

Like: Dormouse & Bears.

This is called: Hibernation

- Other animals like: Skunks spray a stinky smell when a predator comes close to them.

Adaptation in the Ocean

Adaptation Of Plants in the Ocean

Algae” Water plants”-Have leaf like structures to get sunlight to make food. - Have root like structure to attach itself to the ocean floor. -Balloon like structures called ‘air bladder’ helpssome algae float.

- Some animals move from their ecosystem to another ecosystem in the winter “ When the weather gets very cold”

- Example: Whales

Adaptation Of animals in the Ocean

This is called: Migration

- Other Ocean animals have different ways of adaptation like: Angler fish

“Has a growth above its head that lights up”

Adaptation in Wetlands

Adaptation Of Plants in the wetland

Mangrove trees have roots that spread out to attach well in the muddy soil.

Adaptation Of animals in the Wetland

Walking catfish can use its fins to move from a dry land to a body of water.