How Disruptive Innovation Is Changing Higher Education Now!

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How Disruptive Innovation Is Changing Higher Education Now!

How Disruptive Innovation Is

Changing Higher Education Now!With Rob Straby

The Presentation Web

1. Background

2. Your opinions

3. My experience

4. The big research

5. The future

About Rob’s Background

What do you think about technology and learning?

• Write down 3 opinions about the use of technology in learning

• You have 3 blank 3X5 index cards

• Write one idea per card

What do you think about technology and learning?

• Technology can accelerate students’ learning

• Technology can accommodate a wider range of learning styles

• Computers will put educators out of work

• Technology alienates students from teachers

CDP History

1995: Traditional in-class delivery

1996: Survey assesses demand for distance ed

1997: First WebCT course

2000: All courses have a website

2004: Pilot delivery of Teleclasses

2005: All courses available 100% online

2009: Adoption of synchronous Webinars

2014: 500+ Graduates Across Canada!!!

Learning Design

CDP Research Data

1. Distance Education Surveys

2. Student Appraisals of Teaching

3. LMS Learning Analytics

4. Key Performance Indicators

CDP Distance Surveys

CDP Distance Surveys

What Students Say

“I love the flexibility of learning at your own pace and accessing course assignments, posting discussions and doing assignments when it fits into your schedule (based on assignment due dates of course). Online learning allows students to work full time and meet other personal and family obligations that would not be as convenient as a classroom schedule. Plus there is a savings in not having to drive anywhere to attend campus.”

What Students Say

“Extremely flexible schedule that allows you to complete the course from a distance (so there is no travel time or expense). You get to network with people of diverse culture and learn about geographical areas they are from - sharing in their perspectives on the learning. The assignments are life enriching as well as knowledge/course based for learning and very practical. They are affordable and cost effective since you don't have to add travel time and costs, the bonus is you can study and attend webinars/class in you pj's if you like. It makes for a pleasant experience - instead of attending a class at the end of a long work day when you are tired and hungry.”

What Students Say

“For me, the strengths of a web-based course is that it gives me time to process information before providing an answer. If I was in class, I would not be able to provide answers very quickly.”

“It's easier to attend online classes and collaborate with peers online than to do so in person. I felt there was more collaboration with the discussion forums than there would be in class as it provided a forum for everyone to be heard (even those who might otherwise remain quiet in a classroom setting).”

Key Performance Indicators

Average Statistics: 2007-2012

Graduate satisfaction = 88%

Graduate employment rate = 95%

Employer satisfaction = 100%

The BIG Research

Hypothesis = “No Sig Diff”

“The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.”

What Works?

Project based learning

Case study presentations

Peer supported learning

Reflection on practice

Practicum experiences

Innovation! ~ Disruption?

Innovative Degree Programs

Impact on Careers?

• Accessibility to skills and knowledge

• Increased career opportunity

• Direct links to employers

Impact on Education?

• Deconstruction of what creates value

• It’s not about content

• Certification and accreditation

• Increase demand for niche leaders

Impact on Global Economy?

What are your….




Credits• Slide 1: CLUC• Slide 2: Brenda Anderson• Slides 3, 7 & 8: Personal

images• Slide 16: U.S. Department of

Education• Slide 18: Stuart Alldred,

modified on• Slide 14: Wikimedia

Foundation• Slide 20: Links embedded in

logos• Slide 21:• Slide 24:

• Slide 16 Quote: U.S. Department of Education. Evaluation of Evidence Based Practices in Online Learning. Retrieved January 17, 2014:

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