Hover over the Student Test Scores Tab ... - Data Warehouse Collier Writes.docx · Web viewTo...

Post on 09-Apr-2020

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Transcript of Hover over the Student Test Scores Tab ... - Data Warehouse Collier Writes.docx · Web viewTo...

Viewing Collier Writes Scores

1- Hover over the Student Test Scores Tab and use the drop down menu to select: FCAT/Collier Writing.

To access specific data about your students click on these links or you can click on the yellow region on the pie chart to see which students scored between a 5.5-6.0.

When you are trying to print any report in Data Warehouse use the Excel or Word buttons if they are available.

If you click All, this is the report you get.

If you click Multi-Year Writing Scores, this is the report you get.

If you want to know the students that scored above 3.5 or below 3.5 click on that link.

Some other Helpful Information….

The default that comes up when you are viewing your class is the current year.

You can view previous years, by changing the radio button from Current Year to Past Years.

You can filter groups of students by turning on the filter. SWD= Students with Disbabilities-does not include gifted students, F/R= Free & Reduced Lunch, ELL = English Language Learners.