Home Performance Management and WebFOCUS Information Builders User Groups 2010.

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Transcript of Home Performance Management and WebFOCUS Information Builders User Groups 2010.


Performance Management and WebFOCUS

Information Builders User Groups


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Information BuildersPerformance Management Framework

Manage all critical aspects of your business Operations, Finance, Employees, Partners

Link Strategy, Metrics, Operations & Action Combined Metrics, Scorecards, and Dashboard

Management system Metrics Catalog Wizard

Key Performance & Risk Indicators Flexible Strategy Management Gadget Dashboard & Analytics Customizable and open Leverages WebFOCUS and iWay Integrated with Tagetik CPM

Balanced Scorecard Collaborative certified

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Performance Management Framework

Operational Systems

WebFOCUS Applications

Performance Management Framework

Operational Reports Operational Analytics


Operational Performance Management

Metrics ManagementStrategy Modeling

Reporting & Analytics

Methodology and Predictive Formulas

Strategic Objectives

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Metrics ManagementDashboard Management Strategy Management

Dashboard Platform-Dashboard Designer-Gadget Creation

WebFOCUS GadgetsWeb 2.0 GadgetsiWay Real Time GadgetsContent ManagementPortal Independence

Use Dimensions and get-Gadget Broadcast-Time Animation-User Data Authorization

Metrics Platform-Metrics Designer-Catalog of Metric Gadgets-Catalog of Industry Metrics-Portfolio of Metric Analytics-Metric Guided Ad Hoc-Consume any Metric data-Drill to any Metric source

Collaboration-Metric Blogging-Metric Alert Threading-Metric Task Register

Creating a Progressive Pathway

Increasing value and ROI from framework usage

Strategy Platform-Strategy Designer-Scorecard Wizard-Risk Management-Catalog of Strategy Gadgets-Portfolio of Strategy Analytics-Strategy Guided Ad Hoc-Executive Briefing Books

Business Sciences -Methodology Polymath-Project Management-Process Management-Planning

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Values for different User Audiences

For the Dashboard Consumer Pre-built Analysis Gadgets Gadget Animation and Personalization Collaboration: Blogs, Alerts, Tasks Content Mash-up and Drill-anywhere Large Catalog of Dashboard Gadgets, Search

For the Performance Analyst Pre-built one-click OLAP, Correlation, Predictive

Analytics Pre-built Executive Briefing books, Guided Ad hoc

For the Business Author and Manager Catalog of Industry metrics, Graphical designers Blend Enterprise Risk with Performance Strategies Strategy and Content Management, Authorization Full control over metric refreshes, tolerances,

weighting and balancing

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Values for Owner Audiences

For CIO, CFO, CEO Rapid Start, low management costs, high scalability Combines standardization with pre-built values Engineered linkage to CPM finance applications Enables performance culture, not tech culture

For Partners, IT and Developers Cloud and Multi-tenancy deployment options While Labeled for partner implementations SDK for Customization and Extensions Open Gadget Platform

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Value-add for WebFOCUS platform Optional Business Tools and Taxonomy

End-User Dashboard Designer Gadget Metaphor Centralized Master Data Repository Progressive Dashboard>Metrics>Strategy Options

Works smoothly with existing WebFOCUS releases Portal Independence:

Existing BID, new WF8 Portal, Sharepoint Any WebFOCUS content can become a Gadget

Use Dimensions for extra value Special features in WF77 InfoAssist

Any iWay content can become a Gadget Any External content can become a Gadget

What it means for WebFOCUS Customers

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Finding the right fit for your businesses


WebFOCUS Business Intelligence

Performance Management Framework

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Combine existing WebFOCUS applications with PMFNormalize configurations and security

Bring Multiple WebFOCUS apps togetherEase Administration and Maintenance costsProvides way to consolidate Metrics, ReportsProvides way to maintain standard look-and-feel

Create Centralized WebFOCUS app securityProvides standard way for data authorizationSynchronizes authentication with single-sign on

through MRE

More ways for WebFOCUS site to benefit

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PMF Customers around the World


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Performance Management FrameworkSummary


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