History6 Gardens of Islam

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of History6 Gardens of Islam

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The Gardens of Islam:The Gardens of Islam:

    Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    Dr. Safei HamedTexas Tech University

    Department of Landscape Architecture

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    The Muslims emphasized the injunctions toThe Muslims emphasized the injunctions to

    dress the garden and keep itdress the garden and keep it--man the stewardman the steward

    They developed the belief that man couldThey developed the belief that man could

    make a garden of naturemake a garden of nature

    Paradise could be created on earth by wiseParadise could be created on earth by wisemen and realized by artistsmen and realized by artists

    Design with NatureDesign with Nature

    Ian McHarg, 1969Ian McHarg, 1969

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    What is an Islamic GardenWhat is an Islamic Garden??

    A landscape which is designed:A landscape which is designed:

    With specific intentions in mindWith specific intentions in mind

    Applying certain ideological Principles andApplying certain ideological Principles and

    objectives rooted in the Islamic faith andobjectives rooted in the Islamic faith and

    the Muslim culturethe Muslim culture

    using distinct design elementsusing distinct design elements

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    When was the typical IslamicWhen was the typical Islamicgarden Developed?garden Developed?

    The Islamic Empire spanned from the 7The Islamic Empire spanned from the 7ththto the 16to the 16thth century. From thecentury. From the

    establishment of the 1establishment of the 1stst Islamic State inIslamic State in

    Medina to the peak of the OttomanMedina to the peak of the OttomanEmpire, the Islamic civilizationEmpire, the Islamic civilization

    dominated a millennium, encompasseddominated a millennium, encompassed

    half the world, and shaped the historyhalf the world, and shaped the history

    of the human race.of the human race.

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    Where can one find examples ofWhere can one find examples ofthe Islamic garden?the Islamic garden?

    Western Asia: Iran, Turkey, and theWestern Asia: Iran, Turkey, and theArabian Peninsula.Arabian Peninsula.

    SouthSouth--Eastern Asia: India, Pakistan,Eastern Asia: India, Pakistan,

    Kashmir, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.Kashmir, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.

    The Middle East: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq,The Middle East: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq,

    Palestine, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.Palestine, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.

    Europe: Spain (Granada, Cordova,Europe: Spain (Granada, Cordova,

    Seville and Toledo).Seville and Toledo).

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    What are the typical designWhat are the typical designelements of an Islamic garden?elements of an Islamic garden?


    Water featuresWater features



    Calligraphy on WallsCalligraphy on Walls

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    For what purpose did theFor what purpose did thedesigner of the Islamic gardendesigner of the Islamic gardenuse water?use water?

    To emphasize architectural elementsTo emphasize architectural elements

    To add dynamic qualityTo add dynamic quality

    To mask outdoor noisesTo mask outdoor noises

    To provide pleasing soundsTo provide pleasing sounds

    To irrigate plantsTo irrigate plants To moisturize the dry environmentTo moisturize the dry environment

    To sooth the dusty environmentTo sooth the dusty environment

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    What are the factors that mayWhat are the factors that mayhave influenced the design of thehave influenced the design of the

    historic Islamic gardens?historic Islamic gardens?

    Earlier civilizationsEarlier civilizations

    The Holly QurThe Holly Quran: Gardens arean: Gardens are

    mentioned 164 times.mentioned 164 times.

    The Sunnah: Traditions of ProphetThe Sunnah: Traditions of Prophet

    MuhammedMuhammed The arid environmentThe arid environment

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    The Holy Qur'anThe Holy Qur'an: Chapter 27: Chapter 27--6060

    God has created the heavens and theGod has created the heavens and the

    earthearthAnd He sends you down rain from the skyAnd He sends you down rain from the sky

    Yea, with it we cause to grow wellYea, with it we cause to grow well--plantedplanted


    Full of beauty and delightFull of beauty and delight

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    The Holy Qur'anThe Holy Qur'an: Chapter 55: Chapter 55

    For those who fear the day of judgment,For those who fear the day of judgment,

    there will be two gardensthere will be two gardens(55(55--46)46)Abounding in branchesAbounding in branches(55(55--48)48)

    In them (each) will be Two SpringsIn them (each) will be Two Springs

    flowing freelyflowing freely(55(55--50)50)

    In them will be fruits of every kind, twoIn them will be fruits of every kind, two

    and twoand two(55(55--52)52)

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    How has the Islamic faithHow has the Islamic faithinfluenced the landscape designerinfluenced the landscape designer??

    Balance between physical and metaphysicalBalance between physical and metaphysical

    Multiple useMultiple use






  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    Balancin g t h e Ph y sica l an d Ba lanc in g t h e Ph y sica l an d Metaphys ica l Metaphys ica l

    1.1. The concept of unityThe concept of unity2.2. The belief of the seen and unseenThe belief of the seen and unseen

    3.3. The harmony among god, humans,The harmony among god, humans,and natureand nature

    4.4. The duality of humans: material andThe duality of humans: material and


  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    The m u l t i p l e use The m u l t i p l e use

    1.1. Accommodating recreational activitiesAccommodating recreational activities

    2.2. LifeLife--sustaining oasissustaining oasis3.3. Displaying beauty and scenic qualitiesDisplaying beauty and scenic qualities

    Dive rs i t y D ive rs i t y

    1.1. Science and artScience and art

    2.2. Natural and urbanNatural and urban

    3.3. Tangible and symbolicTangible and symbolic

    4.4. Light and shadowLight and shadow

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    Beau ty Beau ty

    1.1. Arts were integrated into lifeArts were integrated into life

    2.2. Beauty without arroganceBeauty without arrogance

    3.3. Inner richness vs. Humble appearanceInner richness vs. Humble appearance

    God i s beau t i f u l an d h e God i s beau t i f u l an d h e

    l oves beau t y l oves beau t y (Prophet Muhammad)(Prophet Muhammad)

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    Modera t i on Mode ra t i on

    Reason vs. NatureReason vs. Nature

    Spiritual vs. PhysicalSpiritual vs. Physical

    Rational vs. ArtisticRational vs. Artistic

    W e hav e i ndeed cr eat ed you a W e have ind eed c reat ed y ou a

    m i d d le n a t i o n m i d d le n a t i o n (The Qur'an)(The Qur'an)

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    Con tex tua l i t y Con tex tua l i t y

    1.1. Zoning in city planningZoning in city planning

    2.2. Harmony with nature and respect ofHarmony with nature and respect ofGodGod--made environmentmade environment

    3.3. Harmony with people and respect ofHarmony with people and respect of

    ones neighborones neighbor

    A system of planning is evident from theA system of planning is evident from the

    very many bazaars, markets, squares,very many bazaars, markets, squares,streets, and other localitiesstreets, and other localities

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    I n d i v id u a l i sm I n d i v id u a l ism

    1.1. Humans are responsibleHumans are responsible

    2.2. No intermediaryNo intermediary

    3.3. Free willFree will

    4.4. The right decision is unique in spaceThe right decision is unique in spaceand timeand time

    5.5. Regional variationRegional variation

  • 8/2/2019 History6 Gardens of Islam


    The GardenThe Gardens of Islam:s of Islam: Earthly Paradise RevisitedEarthly Paradise Revisited

    In this perusal there are two clear paradoxes. The sameIn this perusal there are two clear paradoxes. The sameSemitic people, living in the same arid and hostileSemitic people, living in the same arid and hostile

    environment, deriving their religious views from theenvironment, deriving their religious views from the

    same source in genesis, developing two quite distinctsame source in genesis, developing two quite distinctviews of manviews of man--nature.nature.

    The first, presented in Islam, emphasized that manThe first, presented in Islam, emphasized that man

    could make paradise on earth, make the desert bloom,could make paradise on earth, make the desert bloom,

    that he was the creator and steward. The Jews andthat he was the creator and steward. The Jews and

    later Christians emphasized conquestlater Christians emphasized conquest

    Ian McHargIan McHarg

    Design with NatureDesign with Nature, 1969, 1969