Hipergate CRM

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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Hipergate CRM. Development Configuration Guide Using NetBeans IDE. HIPERGATE CRM Development Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE. Prerequisites - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Hipergate CRM

Hipergate CRMHipergate CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide


NetBeans IDENetBeans IDE


To configure your Hipergate CRM project as a developer using NetBeans IDE, you must have the following tools installed and configured in your computer machine

Java Development Kit 1.6x (relative environmental variables must be configured)

NetBeans IDE 6.x

Hipergate CRM Application (hipergate-4.0-xx-en.zip)

Please consult VOSSCom’s Hipergate CRM - User Configuration Guide to get help in downloading Hipergate CRM Application

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE


HIPERGATE CRMSource Code Package

Go to the link


Expand the latest categoryi.e. Currently it is 4.0.14

Click on the arrow on the left side

To expand it

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Double click the link hipergate-4.0-14-src.zip

When the download would begin, a File Download dialogue would appear, click on Save button to download…

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Save As dialogue box would be displayed

Here you have to specify the File name of the download and the path where you want to save your download …

with reference to the

VOSS Com’s

“Hipergate CRM – User

Configuration Guide”,

It is recommended to

Download Hipergate CRM’s

Source-code package

at D:\Hipergate-project,

where you have already

saved the Hipergate CRM application package (hipergate-4.0-xx-en.zip)

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Hipergate CRM Source-code Package is now downloading

The time to complete the download depends on the internet speed connected to your machine …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Once Hipergate CRM source-code package has been successfully downloaded, Extract the hipergaaet-4.0-xx-src.zip file

please note that your zip package must be at D:\Hipergate-Project

(or any location you have used for Hipergate application)

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Within the same path, create a new folder and rename it as “development”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Creating a Blank

NetBeansNetBeans Web Application ProjectWeb Application Project

once you have done all necessary setups

Now start the NetBeans IDE 6.x.x application

Usually the default path for starting the NetBeans is used to be

Start Programs NetBeans NetBeans IDE 6.x.x

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE splash screen would be appeared for a while

NetBeans IDE is loading some software configurations

Please wait while NetBeans IDE completely load all it’s configurations

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

If you are prompted with the Start Page, within NetBeans IDE, simple close this document by using “x” cross button on the relevant tab..

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now, within the NetBeans IDE,,

click on File Menu, then click on “New Project” menu item

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

New Project dialogue box would be displayed …

Since We are working on

Hipergate CRM, which is

a web application, so we

would be selecting the

Project type accordingly,,

Within New Project

Dialogue box, select

the category “Java Web”,

and select the Projects of

type “Web Application”

Click on Next button to continue

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Feature Finding window might appear, specially when you are using the NetBeans for the first time ….

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Name and Location” dialogue box under “New Web Application” would be displayed.

Click on Browse button to specify the project location …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Select Project Location” dialogue box would be prompted

Through this dialogue box, browse to the location you already have selected for hosting your Hipergate’s development

For example, I have choose D:\Hipergate-Project\Development

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now back at “Name and Location” dialogue box under “New Web Application” window, The selected Project Location would be appearing

Provide the Project Name to be “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”

Click on the

Next button

to continue …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Server and Settings” dialogue box would be prompted …

Select the Server “Apache Tomcat 6.0.xx” to be used for Hipergate Project

Change the Context Path (whatever would be the default) to /hipergate

Now, click on

Finish button

to complete …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

This would create a blank project named as “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”Which would be having default settings and configuration files …

Note: you shall DELETE the default file “index.jsp” to avoid any ambiguity

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE


Hipergate ProjectHipergate ProjectFiles and Directories

to the newly created

NetBeans Web Application ProjectNetBeans Web Application Project

Now let’s take a look at the Directory structure of “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”

This directory is containing the default files and folders, created by a NetBeans web application project …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now copy the “storage” folder from hipergate-4.0-xx-en location

And paste that “storage” folder in the \Hipergate-Project\Development location, and outside the “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project” folder …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now copy “bin” directory from hipergate-4.0-xx-src location,

and paste that “bin” folder in the \Hipergate-Project\Development location, and outside the “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project” folder …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Copy “webapp.en” directory from hipergate-4.0-xx-en location,

and paste it at \Hipergate-Project\Development\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project location, which is the directory of your NetBeans Project for Hipergate

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Copy “conf” directory from hipergate-4.0-xx-en location, (which would having a couple of configuration files)

and paste the “conf” directory to \Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\src location

This location already have a default, “conf” directory, you shall overwrite the default directory with the

one, copied from

Hipergate location.

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Copy “java” directory from hipergate-4.0-xx-src location, (which would having the source-code java files)

and paste the “java” directory to \Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\src location

This location already have a default, “java” directory, you shall overwrite the default directory with the

one, copied from

Hipergate location.

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now having a look at the directory structure of “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”,

we have a default folder “web” which is used to be the default directory for hosting the web contents for a NetBeans Web Application Project …

Whereas, the web contents for Hipergate project are within “webapp.en” directory, which we had copied in “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project” location

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Back in the “Server and Settings” slide, we mentioned the “Context Path”

that settings used to be saved in “\web\META-INF\context.xml” file …

and paste it in Hipergate’s“\webapp.en\META-INF”location.

That directory would alsobe having a “context.xml”file, you shall replace that default file with “context.xml”copied from “\web\META-INF”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

DELETE the default “web” folder from “\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project” location

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Rename the “webapp.en” folder (which was copied from Hipergate application directory)

to “web” …

as it is already mentioned that “web” is the default folder to contain the web contents for a NetBean’s Web Application …

So, now we have Hipergate web content in a default named folder “web”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now open NetBeans IDE, and there, you can see that we have successfully deployed / copied the web contents of Hipergate project into the NetBeans web application project, “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project” …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Java source code packages are also within the default “Source Package” directory structure of NetBeans Project …

Here, you can see that a few

Packages are marked with Red

dots. This is because these

Packages would be having some

Kind of problem (errors) in the

Source code…

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

In this project, most of these errors

are because of “import” statements

within the Java code, which are

trying to import the packages,

which are not the part of default


These are known to be external

Java libraries, and are either the

Custom made libraries or provided

by any third party vendor …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Hipergate project contains the necessary third party Java libraries in “\web\WEB-INF\lib” and “\Development\bin\compile-libs” directory

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Adding Hipergate Libraries into NetBeans Project

In the NetBeans left-side Project structure view,

right-click on “Libraries” and select “Add Library” option …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Add Library” dialogue box would be prompted

click on “Create” button

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Create New Library” dialogue box would be appeared,

Provide the new Library Name as “HipergateCRM”

and select Library Type as “Class Libraries”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Customize Library” dialogue box would be appeared next

Here you can define the library classpath for your new library …

Click on “Add JAR/Folder” button

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Browse Jar/Folder” dialogue box would be displayed…

as mentioned before, Hipergate Project libraries are present at “\web\WEB-INF\lib” directory,,, thus through this dialogue box, browse to this path,

Select all files and folders by using “CTRL + A”

And then click on “Add JAR/Folder” button to continue …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Customize Library” dialogue box would be prompted again

and it’s “Library Classpath” section contains the reference to the JAR files we had just selected in the previous step …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

As mentioned above, some other library JAR files for Hipergate Project are present in “\Development\bin\compile-libs” directory … Thus we have to add those JAR files into “Library Classpath” as well … click on “Add JAR/Folder” button again

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

“Browse Jar/Folder” dialogue box would be displayed…

as mentioned before, Hipergate Project libraries are present at “\bin\compile-libs” directory,,, thus through this dialogue box, browse to this path,

Select all files and folders by using “CTRL + A”

And then click on “Add JAR/Folder” button to continue …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Once, you are done with adding JAR file libraries, into your new “HipergateCRM” library,, click on OK button at “Customize Library” dialogue box

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now you can see your “HipergateCRM” library in the list of available libraries

Select your “HipergateCRM” from the list

and click on “Add Library” button to continue …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

HipergateCRM library has been added into the NetBeans Project for Hipergate CRM…

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now as we have included the necessary java libraries into the NetBeans environment, thus resolving the “import statement” issues for Hipergate project …

Please note that if the project’s

Source Package section is still

showing some error, it might be

some syntax error in some Java

Source code file …

If you wouldn’t be able to solve

the issue yourself, you can contact

us for help regarding that issue …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE


is now ready to be used …

Right click on the project,

and select “Build” option

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE is now Building the Hipergate-NetBeans-Project

In “Build” process, the NetBeans copies the web contents

from Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\web into Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web

and compiles the Java files into the class files ….

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

If theirs is no problem in compiling the java files into the class files (like some kind of syntax errors in the java files) and the Build process successfully copies the web contents into the \build\web path,, it would show the “BUILD SUCCESSFUL” message

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Once you have successfully Build the “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”

The project is not ready to be executed …

Select the project from left-side project panel

and click on RUN button from the tool bar

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

You can also Run the project by right-click on it and selecting “Run” option from the menu …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

If NetBeans would be able to successfully execute the ‘Hipergate-NetBeans-Project’, It would prompt the default Browser to open the hipergate project web link

Also, please note that this execution of Hipergate project application is hosted by NetBeans built-in Apache Tomcat web application server …

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Please concern to VOSSCom’s “Hipergate CRM - User Configuration Guide” for learning how to configure a database for Hipergate CRM project and also about the Hipergate CRM setup processes …

As mentioned before, when you run the Hipergate-NetBeans-Project, it would prompt the default browser with the default Hipergate project link which is

http://localhost:8084/hipergate/login.htmlBut before you continue with normal usage, you shall execute the project setup,,

by replacing the link to http://localhost:8084/hipergate/admin/setup.htm(for details on setup process, please refer to “Hipergate CRM – User Configuration Guide”)

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

This is a quick review of the configuration step

(with some alterations, which would be explained next)

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

If you have also deployed the Hipergate Web application to a standalone Apache Tomcat Web Application Server, and you had used “hipergate.cnf” configuration files to save those configurations, You shall use a different configuration file for “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”, you can select any other file name from “Select another location” dropdown box, such as in this example, I have choose “support.cnf” instead of “hipergate.cnf”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Also, the directory path’s in the Directories section should be mentioned carefully, according to the paths of “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project”

Which in our case are as following

Storage path:


WorkAreas path:


HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Please note that if you have chosen some other file name, other than “hipergate” from “select another location” dropdown option box in “Configuration of .cnf file” step, you shall modify the dbbind.jsp file accordingly,

In NetBeans environment, you can find this file at

“Hipergate-NetBeans-Project Web Pages methods dbbind.jsp”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

For example, if you have select “Support” from “select another location” dropdown option box in “Configuration of .cnf file” step, you shall modify the dbbind.jsp file and change the class parameter to “com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSupport”

Once you have done the changes, save the file (using CTRL+S),The NetBeans IDE would automatically deploy the changes in both \web\ and \build\web\ versions of dbbind.jsp

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

After modifying the dbbind.jsp file, you must restart the NetBeans built-in Apache Tomcat Web Application service, by clicking on double-arrow button under Output panel’s “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project (run)” sub-panel,

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Please concern to VOSSCom’s “Hipergate CRM - User Configuration Guide” for the rest of setup process for setting up Hipergate project settings …

Once you are done with all the necessary settings, The Hipergate home page would be displayed again

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Now, when you would press “Enter” button to login to the system to use it,

You might be prompted with an error screen, saying

“Unable to access binding information for class com.knowgate.hipergate.Menu Make sure the binding has been compiled ”

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

To resolve this issue you must post-compile “com.knowgate.hipergate.Menu” class file by using the following method …

Open your command prompt and execute this command

java -cp D:\Hipergate-Project\Development\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web\WEB-INF\lib\bcel.jar;D:\Hipergate-Project\Development\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web\WEB-INF\lib\jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar;D:\Hipergate-Project\Development\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web\WEB-INF\lib\jibx-extras.jar;D:\Hipergate-Project\Development\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web\WEB-INF\lib\xpp3.jar;D:\Hipergate-Project\Development\Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web\WEB-INF\classes\ org.jibx.binding.Compile D:\Hipergate-Project\Development\storage\xslt\schemas\menu-def-jixb.xml

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

This command would do specified classpath compilation for bcel.jar, jibx-bind-

1.1.5.jar, jibx-extras.jar and xpp3.jar at “Hipergate-NetBeans-Project\build\web\WEB-INF\lib\” path and would compile org.jibx.binding.Compile class with “\storage\xslt\schemas\menu-def-jixb.xml” parameters

JiBX reads the XML definition of the menu and inserts some extra methods directly into a precompiled .class file.

HIPERGATE CRMHIPERGATE CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide using NetBeans IDE

Blank spaces in the command

Once you have done this step successfully as well, Your Hipergate CRM is fully configured as a NetBeans project, and you can now use it as a web application within the NetBeans environment, or you can explore it’s source-code to participate in the development of Hipergate CRM project …

In case of any ambiguity or confusion, feel free to contact the VOSS Team at the given email id.

p.s: your suggestions and advices to improve this tutorial series would also be highly appreciated ….



Prepared by:

Virtual University Open Source Software Community

(VOSS Com.) vosscom@vu.edu.pk


Hipergate CRMHipergate CRMDevelopment Configuration Guide