HIEROGLYPHICS! - Whipton Barton...Tutankhamun’s body Guardian The Guardian’s wooden body was...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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Transcript of HIEROGLYPHICS! - Whipton Barton...Tutankhamun’s body Guardian The Guardian’s wooden body was...

HIEROGLYPHICS!Can you use the ncient Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet chart to write your name in the bo below

ry to use the same colours too!

How much do you now about utan hamun See i you can answer the uestions below!

Who was Howard Carter


Whereabouts was utan hamun s tomb ound


How old was utan hamun when he ascended to the throne


What age was utan hamun when he died



uic ing ut ui !

ing utankhamun s tomb contained aluable statues ornaments and instruments belie ed to ha e magical powers! raw your own magical ob ect in the bo and write below what properties it possesses!



Into battle we go!utan hamun would ha e needed a number o weapons to ight o enemies! Can

you ind the weapons listed below in the word search

What would be your choice of weapon and why?………………………………



Weapon Word Search!

This statue was positioned outside the royal burial chamber in order to guard

Tutankhamun’s body


The Guardian’s wooden body was painted black to represent the black silt of the River Nile and its

rebirthing and fertile properties!

Gold was used for the Guardian’s clothing and facial details in order to show the ‘divinity’ of

Tutankhamun, aka his God like power!

Choose some colours you would use to create your own Guardian and explain what they represent:

1. ………………………………………………….........................

2. ………………………………………………….........................

3. ………………………………………………….........................

hese doll li e igures called Shabtis were buried with

ing utan hamun Write your own magic spell here! Create a magical phrase and e plain what happens when it s said outloudWhy not draw your own shabtis too! !

Shabtis were thought to come to li e and ser e the Pharaoh in the underworld a ter

he uttered a magic spell!
