Health PPOK OPHA - · PDF file2 Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA Synergy...

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Transcript of Health PPOK OPHA - · PDF file2 Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA Synergy...


PBA Health ° PPOK ° OPHA

Staying RelevantIn a dynamic and rapidly

changing world.

ByTim Connor, CSP


Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

Staying Relevant in a Rapidly ChangingHealthcare Environment

Tim ConnorPresident and CEO of Connor Resource Group and Peak Performance Institute

0401 0000 17 302 L04 P/T

Drug Store News is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.This CPE activity is approved for pharmacists and technicians and is worth 2.0 contact hours (0.2 CEUs)

Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

CPE Profile Set up

2015/ 2016 Attendees1. Visit health

2. Log in with your DSN usernameand password

New Attendees1. Visit DrugStoreNewsCE.com2. Create a PBA Health linked profile

using organization code: pba2015(see packet for completeinstructions)

3. Log in with your username andpassword health


Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

How to Submit CPE Credit• Claim CPE credits online health

• Log in with your PBA Health linked DSNprofile

• Select the session title(s) attended fromthe or list

• Enter the session code to unlock thelesson. Complete the attestation,evaluation and submit the credit.

• CPE credit deadline: Mon, Aug. 21, 2017powered by:

Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHASynergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

CPE CODE: VFR 748Staying Relevant in a Rapidly Changing Healthcare Environment

Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

Faculty Disclosures

Tim Connor

Tim Connor and the DSN clinical and editorial staff have no actual orpotential conflicts of interest in relation to this activity.

This program shall exhibit fair content balance, providing the audience with information of differentperspectives from which an informed professional opinion can be developed.


Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

Learning Objectives Pharmacists

• Identify market conditions that have a direct or indirect impact onpharmacy business.

• Evaluate existing attitudes, policies, procedures or business strategiesthat may be sabotaging future business success.

• Create a plan to address current business issues that limit success.• Describe components needed to create a culture that embraceschange.

• Utilize market trends to create a competitive advantage.

Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

Learning Objectives Technicians

• Identify market conditions that have a direct or indirect impact onpharmacy business.

• Evaluate existing attitudes, policies, procedures or business strategiesthat may be sabotaging future business success.

• Create a plan to address current business issues that limit success.• Describe components needed to create a culture that embraceschange.

• Utilize market trends to create a competitive advantage.

Synergy Conference PBA HEALTH • PPOK • OPHA

Staying Relevant…


Session Overview:

Define relevance:


Take the QuizWhat will your Life (this day) be like?

Is your mind today filled with Thought Monsters or Thought Boosters?

Thought Monsters Thought Boosters

Fear HopeDoubt LoveGrief GratitudeDisappointment GratitudeDespair CalmDiscouragement PeaceAnxiety HappinessStress ConfidenceSadness TrustGuilt PoiseWorry BlissLoneliness PleasureRegret TranquilityAnger SerenityJealousy OptimismSuspicion CheerfulnessSelf pity HopefulnessUncertainty DelightGloom AppreciationApprehension PatienceHesitation IntegrityUnhappiness KindnessSelfishness GenerosityEgotism CompassionSelf absorption EmpathyArrogance ServicePride DignityGreed Charity


Which dominates you – M. or B.

Your moment by momentthoughts ultimately createthe quality of your life and

your future.

If you want inner peace,happiness and success you


Control Your Thoughts –moment by moment andNOT let them Control You.


It’s all perception:

17 reasons why people & businesses lose relevance:

-Old baggage from the past:



-Indecision dysfunction:

-Personal Limitations:

-Staying stuck:


-Can’t/won’t reinvent:

-Devoted to conventional wisdom:

- Acceptable current conditions:


-Attachment to opinions, principles, truth,

approaches, goals:

-The fear of failure:

-The lack of clear direction:


-Investing in the wrong resources:

-Addicted to technology:

-A lack of clear purpose:


-Arrogance & ego:

-The need for approval:

-Staying in auto-pilot:


To stay relevant:

-Pay attention to the trends -

-Stay in touch with the marketplace -

-Have a willingness to fail and make mistakes -


-Conduct exit interviews -

-Watch social media -

-Honor your discontent -


-Reevaluate goals, plans, strategies, philosophy -

-Ask yourself more and better questions -


-Three basic questions -

-Take off your mental blinders -

-Exposure to new circumstances -


-Exposure to others with different viewpoints -

-Reward and cultivate creativity -

-Pay attention to what you resist and why -


-Don’t lose the human touch -

-Let go of pre-conceived outcomes -

-It’s not about right or wrong -


-Kill your ego -

-Clean out your mental filter -

- Manage expectations -


-Keep your focus –

-Manage your prejudices –

Let’s wrap it up:


Take the Relevance Quiz Now

Tens of thousands of organizations fail every year and the common reason for each of them failing is simply - they are no longer RELEVANT. Their policies, products or services or their marketing strategies have lost their significance or importance and they have not kept up with consumer trends, needs or buying patterns or habits. Failure or sustained success does not depend on your history, experience, products/services, size or market or market share but your ability to stay ahead of the curve - to stay RELEVANT no matter - the economy, market conditions or competition.

Don't become a casualty! To ensure your business or career continues to be of value and prospers now and in the future requires one basic approach - you must stay RELEVANT or you will fail.

1) Your personal/business income has remained constant for the past 3-5 years. Yes No 2) Your personal/business income has steadily increased during the past 3-5 years. Yes No 3) You are losing an increased amount of business to competitors. Yes No 4) Your customer loyalty is consistently improving. Yes No 5) Your new customer acquisition is constantly improving. Yes No 6) Your new product/service initiatives are not resonating with the market/customers. Yes No 7) Sales of your basic products or services are declining. Yes No 8) The sales cycle of your products or services is taking longer. Yes No 9) You are finding that you need to reduce prices or fees to maintain business. Yes No 10) The number of competitors in your business is increasing. Yes No 11) More of your business today is internet driven. Yes No 12) Business from social media is insignificant. Yes No 13) Your ego is a major factor when it comes to developing creative approaches. Yes No 14) You are stuck with 'sacred cows' in your inventory. Yes No 15) Your sales conversion rate is declining. Yes No 16) Your marketing budget has significantly increased to keep up with market trends. Yes No 17) Your promotion efforts are yielding consistent positive exposure and results. Yes No 18) You or your staff are working harder and longer hours with less effective results. Yes No 19) Your phone ringing off the hook with new business or customers. Yes No 20) You are using an outside resource to help guide your activities and progress. Yes No 21) You know where you need to improve or change to achieve better results. Yes No 22) You consider yourself open minded and receptive to change. Yes No23) You have attended a seminar, read a book or taken a course during the past 12 months on improving creativity or imagination development techniques. Yes No 24) You or your staff spend routine time each month brainstorming creative new ideas. Yes No 25) You are always open and receptive to new or creative ideas from your employees. Yes No

So, how did you do? Ready for tomorrow or stuck in yesterday?

If more than 5 of your answers to the following items are Yes – you are losing RELEVANCE.3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18

If more than 5 of your answers to the following items are N0 – you are losing RELEVANCE.1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

If you have a total of 10 of more combined wrong answers in the above two areas I urge you to take this issue of RELEVANCE seriously.


Staying relevant in a changing world


Why people & businesses lose relevance-Baggage from the past -Self-image -Indecision-Personal Limitations -Stuck-Can’t/won’t reinvent -Conventional wisdom - Acceptable current conditions -Attachment to opinions, principles, truth, approaches, goals -Fear of failure -Lack of clear direction -Invest in the wrong resources -Addicted to technology -Lack of clear purpose -Arrogance & ego -Need for approval -Auto pilot

How to stay relevant -Pay attention to the trends -Stay in touch with the marketplace -Categories of prospects and needs/desires -Prospect inquiry survey -Get out from behind your desk -Let go of your addiction to technology -Client focus groups -Keep in touch with previous buyers -Ask the prospects right questions -A willingness to fail and make mistakes -Honor your creativity -Conduct exit interviews -Honor your discontent -Reevaluate goals, plans, strategies, philosophy -Ask yourself more and better questions -Take off your mental blinders -Exposure to new circumstances -Exposure to others with different viewpoints -Reward and cultivate creativity -Pay attention to what buyers resist and why -Don’t lose the human touch -Let go of pre-conceived outcomes -Kill your ego -Clean out your mental filter -Manage expectations -Keep your focus

This is copyrighted material by: Tim Connor