Health Care (Baca)

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    Hmong Studies Journal v2n2 Spring 1998

    The Hmong and Health Care inMerced, California

    Miriam E. WarnerMarilyn Mochel


    This article discusses the linguistic and cultural barriersthe Hmong encounter when they attempt to access the health

    care delivery system in Merced County, California. Thetheoretical portion of the article discusses the concepts ofculture, culture change, and some psychological issues thatresult from culture contact. Western biomedicine is viewed asa cultural system. Following this theoretical section, thecultural and linguistic barriers confronted by the Hmong whenthey attempt the access health care in Merced are discussedas well as some successful programs in the development ofculturally sensitive health care. These include the SoutheastAsian Surgical Coordination Team and the Culture Broker Team.The last part of the article covers, in some detail, a

    multidisciplinary program in cross-cultural health which isbeing implemented by health workers in Merced County.



    The United States is becoming an increasingly culturallydiverse society. Immigrants and refugees from many countries

    have settled in the United States for various reasons such aseconomic advancement, education and flight from religious andpolitical persecution. During the last two decades many ofthese groups have chosen to retain their cultural identity,including their language and cultural practices. Thesefactors have led to an increase in bilingualism andbiculturalism which, in turn, has increased the need forsuccessful intercultural communication.

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    The refugees from Laos started coming to the United States inthe late 1970's. Over 100,000 Hmong have settled in theUnited States. The states that have the highest populationsof Hmong are California, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

    In California the cities that have the largest concentrationsof Hmong are Fresno, Merced and the Sacramento area.


    This article will discuss the access to culturally sensitivehealth care for the Hmong in Merced, California. Prior tothis, there is a brief theoretical discussion of culture,culture change, and contact between people of two cultures.We will take a brief look at Western biomedicine as a

    culture. Following this, the cultural and linguistic barriersfacing the Hmong in trying to access the health care deliverysystem in Merced County, California are discussed andMerced's plan for developing and implementing culturallysensitive medical care will conclude the article.

    The Concept of Culture


    Culture may be defined as an integrated system ofunconsciously learned behavior patterns that arecharacteristic of a group of people and that are not theresult of biological inheritance. The most important ideas inthis definition are: culture is learned, not inherited;culture is shared by members in a common group; and cultureis transmitted to children by their parents and other adults,not by formal teaching, but by children observing the actionsof their parents. Culture sets guidelines for appropriatebehavior, styles of thinking and appropriate ways to express

    emotions. Culture shapes the way we see the world. It shapesour relationships with our nuclear family, kin groups,neighbors and friends. It shapes our economic, political andreligious institutions. Above all, culture shapes our beliefsabout illness and health, including reasons for the causationof disease, the methods of diagnosis and the appropriatetreatment plans.


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    Each culture has a set of values. Values are widely heldbeliefs about what is worthwhile, desirable or important forwell being. Some values define appropriate ways of answeringthe basic needs of people, such as food and shelter. Peoplein all societies have these needs but each culture definesthe ways the needs are satisfied. For example, obtaining food

    is accomplished by hunting and gathering, gardening, hunting,or shopping in grocery stores. The need for shelter issatisfied by tents as used by the nomadic people of theMiddle East, mudbrick huts in Africa, bamboo shelters inparts of Asia and large apartment buildings in cities aroundthe world.


    Cultures have different time orientations: past, present and

    future. Past oriented cultures are those that know thehistory of the group, and trace their ancestral ties. Manygroups have a myth of origin. The constant retelling of mythsand history reinforces the values of the group and gives arationale for the present structure of the group. The pastserves as a prologue for the present. American society isfuture oriented. The present is just a road to a betterfuture. Generally speaking, most Americans are not satisfiedwith the current state of affairs. The new is valued whilethe history of the group is unimportant. Many Americans

    "know" that a new car, new house, or more money will bringhappiness. When happiness is not forthcoming, the push formore new things continues. American advertising, in allforms, reinforces these sentiments. In American society, thepresent is mainly a fast track to the future. A comparisonbetween past- and future-oriented societies often shows thatpeople see change in different ways. The future-orientedsociety highly values change, while past-oriented societiesoften resist certain types of changes.


    What most people do not realize is that cultures are alwayschanging, never static. Many changes within a society are notcounted as such, for a change may only be a better tool, abetter way to construct housing or a new kind of food to eat.Such internal changes are not threatening because they do notthreaten social relationships or the structure of society.

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    For example, horticultural societies may begin using a newkind of tool or a new method of planting gardens; pastoralpeople, who are often nomadic, may use a new type ofcontainer while milking their herds. Industrialized societiesmay invent new objects such as computers or faster modems.


    The main reason technological and economic changes may beaccepted readily is because they are not directly linked withdeep values that define the culture and give a sense ofidentity to the people living in that society. Non-materialparts of culture, such as religion, usually change muchslower. Religion gives people meaning in their lives, and itvalidates the culture and lifestyle of people in a society.Religion serves as an explanatory system for what occurs to

    members in a society such as illness, death, and unfortunateaccidents. Religion gives validation for the present state ofsociety by linking the present with the past experiences ofthe group. Religion reinforces peoples' goals in life.Religion also validates peoples' beliefs about health andillness. This includes validation for beliefs about thecausation, diagnosis, and treatment of disease


    The fact that religion is so integral to identity andlifestyles of a society means that its presence is absolutelyessential in times of rapid social and cultural change. Infact, in times of disruptive change, religion, as anexplanatory system, may be relied on to a greater extent. Insituations of rapid change, people in most societies cling tothe old value system because this gives an anchor ofstability and connection with past experiences of the group.Rapid social and cultural change brings about muchinsecurity, trauma, and the sense of a lack of direction.

    Psychological Impacts of Culture Contact


    The impact of rapid social and cultural change can be seenmost vividly in situations where people are forced to leavetheir native country, relocate and settle in a society verydifferent from their own. The forced relocation of refugees

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    occurs around the world but the examples best known to peoplein the United States are refugees from countries in Centraland South America, refugees from Africa, from the formerSoviet Union, and refugees from Asia and Southeast Asia.People who have lived in one culture most of their lifecannot fathom the changes that face refugees in this country.

    Everything -- the physical environment, the customs of sociallife, the realities of economic life -- are all so veryforeign to refugees who settle here. The psychologicalimplications of such drastic relocation, includingposttraumatic stress syndrome, depression, loss of purpose inlife, loss of individual and cultural identity, loss offriends and families, new styles of houses, the everydaybattle to use a grocery store, and above all, thebureaucratic nightmare of all forms of government, leaverefugees in a state of culture shock, and profound

    disorientation. Exacerbating these psychological discomfortsare the traumas that refugees suffered before they arrived inthe United States.


    Such dislocation and trauma and the psychological effects ofthis trauma can be seen most clearly and dramatically in theHmong refugees from Laos who settled in the United Statesduring the last two decades. Many people have documented the

    horrors the Hmong suffered. The Hmong were an agrariansociety, living with kinsmen in small villages. Therecruitment by the CIA, as recorded in books by JaneHamilton-Merritt (1993), Chan (1994) and many other authors,started change in the Hmong communities. The change wasexacerbated in the refugee camps and continued with the Hmongarrival to the United States.


    When such radical situations of cultural change occur, peopleuse their native cultural frame of reference to try to makesense of and understand the new culture. This is impossibleto do unless there is active participation on the part of thereceiving culture. Such help was not present for the Hmong.Everything in American culture was foreign to the Hmong. Thisincluded the styles of houses and apartments, electricalappliances and all the other outward manifestations of

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    American culture. The new patterns of social behavior,communication, religion, economic life, political life -- allof these were completely new and there was usually no one tohelp the Hmong make sense of their new surroundings. The onlyguidelines they possessed were those of Hmong culture andthese were not always appropriate in their new surroundings.


    In such situations, the psychological principle called"selective permeability" is operative. This principle isdiscussed by anthropologist / psychologist George De Vos(1978). Selective permeability is the process whereby ourcognitive and emotional screen only lets those new culturalelements and ideas into our consciousness that do notconflict with the values of our native culture. When the new

    cultural elements are contradictory with our native culture,the new material will not become part of our cognitivesystem. To do so, would create overwhelming feelings ofcognitive and affective dissonance. The principle ofselective permeability protects us, our cultural identity andour values by admitted only those things that are notcontradictory to our sense of identity and self. Selectivepermeability operates on an unconscious level because to dootherwise would create too much conflict within us. We willuse this concept when we discuss the contact the Hmong have

    with the American health care delivery system.

    The Culture of American Health Care


    The field of Western biomedicine has a distinct culture.Medical students, nurses and other health care professionalsare socialized into this culture while they are in trainingfor their professions. As Arthur Kleinman and others have

    noted, "the biomedical view of clinical reality . . . assumesthat biologic concerns are more basic, real, clinicallysignificant, and interesting that psychological andsociocultural issues. . . .This biomedical viewpoint is . ..based upon particular Western explanatory models and valueorientations, which in turn, provide a very special paradigmfor how patients are regarded and treated (Kleinman,1978:255) He explores these ideas in his book, Patients and

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    Healers in the Context of Culture (1980).


    This biomedical viewpoint, as Specter (1994) points out,believes "there are no alternative forms of healing; there

    are no other healers. The belief is that Western biomedicineis far superior to other medical systems in the world and,because of this fact, other beliefs about the causation,diagnosis and treatment of disease are disregarded and/ordenigrated. This highly ethnocentric viewpoint is rigid andhighly judgmental especially when treating patients fromother cultures.


    In the clinical setting, the applications of this theoryinclude the ideas of promptness, patient compliance with theprovider's treatment plan, subordination of health careworkers to medical doctors, and the close following ofpatients to doctors' instructions. If these applications arenot followed, the doctor may feel personally and medicallythreatened and lash out at patients and health care workers.


    Kleinman (1980) differentiates between the concepts of"disease" and "illness." Western biomedicine is focused ondisease as a "pathology, abnormality or deviation fromclinical norms." According to Kleinman, "illness is the wayin which an individual interprets his or her experience withthe use of cultural categories and the influence of socialrelations." American health care providers, by focusing ondisease rather than illness, concentrate only on the sickindividual, and not on the individual as part of a much widersocial setting. Western physicians don't understand the

    decision making process the Hmong use, they dismiss the Hmongbeliefs about the causation, diagnosis and treatment ofdisease.


    All cultures have beliefs about the causation, diagnosis andtreatment of disease. Biomedicine is focused on the germtheory of disease. Diagnosis is done with the use of blood

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    tests and other diagnostic procedures. Most Non- Westerncultures do not rely on the germ model of disease but insteadbelieve that illness is caused by object intrusion, spiritpossession, soul loss or breach of taboo. Diagnosis is madeby a healer and the appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    The Hmong in California


    The Central Valley in California is a vast agricultural areaand many people have settled here because agricultural jobsare available. There are a large number of Southeast Asianrefugees in the Central Valley from the countries ofCambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The majority of refugees inMerced and Fresno counties of California are Hmong and Iu



    For hundreds of years the Hmong and Iu Mien lived in themountains of northern Laos and southwestern China and foughtto maintain their independence. During the Vietnam War, theCIA recruited them to fight the "secret war" in Laos. Thoughno document exists to corroborate the story, it is said theUnited States promised the Hmong, Mien and several smaller

    societies that the United States government would take careof them after the way was over. This promise was not kept.Following the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam in1975, the Communist Vietnamese flooded into Laos. Many peoplein Laos, including the Hmong, fled communist oppression bygoing to Thailand. Large refugee camps were built to housethe refugees (Chan, 1991). After living in these camps forvarying periods of time, thousands of Hmong settled in theUnited States.


    The initial settlements of Hmong in the United States werescattered throughout the country. Actually the United Statesgovernment came up with this idea with no knowledge of Hmongsocial structure or culture. As can be expected, these planswere disastrous. The initial settlements of the Hmong werescattered throughout the Northeast, South, Midwest andWestern United States. After the initial settlement, there

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    was a large secondary migration of Hmong to the CentralValley of California. The reasons for this migration includedthe reunification of kinship groups and economicopportunities. The central valley cities of Fresno and Mercedwere favorite destinations because these cities already hadHmong settlements. Fresno is the largest settlement site of

    Hmong in the United States (Finck, 1986:185). As of 1996,Fresno County is home to approximately 32,000 Hmong andMerced County has a population of 14,000.


    Adaptation and adjustment to Western culture, especiallyWestern medical culture, have been difficult for Hmongrefugees. They have great difficulty accessing the healthcare delivery system because of linguistic and cultural

    barriers. Some of the linguistic barriers include: lack ofproficiency in English, lack of trained medical interpreters,and lack of medical terminology in their native language. Thecultural barriers include: lack of knowledge about theWestern health care delivery system, suspicions about Westernmedicine, and lack of respect by health care providers fortheir culture including their beliefs about health andillness. Most refugees had minimal exposure to Westernmedicine in their homeland. They used the services oftraditional healers who successfully practiced healing

    rituals for centuries. Many Hmong and Iu Mien seek the helpof traditional healers before they turn to Western medicine.This is only natural because their traditional healingrituals have served them well for thousands of years. Theytrust and have confidence in these rituals while they aresuspicious of the medical procedures, diagnostic tools andtreatment plans of Western biomedicine.


    Researchers and health care advocates have written numerousarticles on the barriers that face immigrants and refugeeswhen they attempt to access health care services in theUnited States (Buchwald, et. al 1992; Brotzman and Butler1991; Galanti 1991; Gilman, et. al. 1992; Muecke 1983;Pachter 1994; Thao 1986; and Uba 1992). Dissertations onhealth care and the Hmong in California include those byElizabeth Kirton (1985) titled The Locked Medicine Cabinet:

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    Hmong Health Care in America; Pao Lee's Health Care SystemsUtilized by the Hmong in California: A Case Study in

    Stanislaus County(1991) and John Ensign's TraditionalHealing in the Hmong Refugee Community in the California

    Central Valley(1994). Hard copies of these dissertations canbe obtained from UMI in Ann Arbor, Michigan. A book by Anne

    Fadiman (1997) entitled The Spirit Catches You and You FallDown: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision

    of Two Cultures in bookstores. [Editor's Note: see the reviewof The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down in this issue].Also, it should be noted that there are numerous discussionsin the literature on cross-cultural health care forimmigrants and refugees through focusing initial cross-cultural awareness and training in medical schools. Two ofthese articles are: Berlin and Fowkes, "A Teaching Frameworkfor Cross-Cultural Health Care" (1983) and Like's

    "Recommended Core Curriculum Guidelines on CulturallySensitive and Competent Health Care" (1996). The fullcitations for these articles are in the bibliography of thisarticle.

    The Hmong and the Health Care Delivery System in Merced


    Southeast Asian refugees face language and cultural barriers

    when they attempt to access the health care delivery systemin California. A large number of Southeast Asian refugees arelimited English proficient. Physicians do not know SoutheastAsian languages such as Hmong. Friends, family and ad hocinterpreters are often used by physicians. As Woloshin haspointed out (Woloshin et al, 1995) the use of suchinterpreters pose many problems. Woloshin states,

    They may lack sufficiently good language skills andfrequently commit stereotypical errors, including

    omissions, addition, substitutions, or other editing,which may result in serious semantic distortions andnegatively affect care. . . .Other reasons use of adhoc interpreters may not be appropriate include thepossibility that they may not be fully committed toproviding quality interpretation because it may beviewed as an unwelcome, unpaid burden. Requesting theassistance of ad hoc interpreters, particularly family

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    and friends, also may undermine patientconfidentiality. Using children to interpret maypotentially expose them to sensitive information andinvert family dynamics. (Woloshin 1995:724).


    Southeast Asian patients complain about the difficultyunderstanding what physicians are doing during physicalexaminations, diagnostic tests and treatment procedures.Provider and facility insensitivity to the linguistic needsof the Southeast Asian patients sends a loud negative messageabout accessing health care to the ethnic communities inMerced County.


    Health care providers were, and still are, unaware of thetraumatic experiences their Southeast Asian patients haveexperienced such as family separations, torture, life inrefugee camps and death of family members. Health careproviders are unaware of the feelings of isolation and fearthat Southeast Asians experience when they are unable tocommunicate in their primary language. This inability toshare their beliefs about the illnesses and treatmentexpectations contributes to frustration, poor adherence to

    treatment plans, failure to keep follow-up visits and delaysin seeking health care services. This frustration increasessubstantially when physicians disparage their culture,including their beliefs about the causation of disease andtreatment plans that are rooted in non-Western cultures.


    Many Health care providers have no knowledge of Hmong beliefsabout health and illness. The ideas of soul loss, spirit

    possession and object intrusion are completely foreign toWestern health care providers. Treatments using herbs, soul-calling ceremonies and other Hmong health care practices arestrange to health care providers. Instead of trying to learnthe importance of these ideas to Hmong patients, most healthcare providers ignore them and even tell their patients thatsuch ideas are foolish. They may seem foolish to culturallyignorant health care providers, but to the Hmong they are an

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    essential part of their beliefs governing illness and health.Health care providers think the patient himself should makehis own health care decisions so the importance of the familyand clan in the decision making process are ignored ordismissed.


    In summary, when the Hmong refugees attempt to access theWestern health care delivery system, they are faced withalmost insurmountable barriers. Cultural barriers, includingtheir beliefs about health and illness, are diametricallyopposed to those of the Western health care professional.Most physicians believe the Western biomedical model ofdisease is the only rational approach to illness. Theydismiss the alternative views of their patients

    MATCH: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Cross-Cultural Health


    To address these cultural and linguistic barriers, the MercedDepartment of Public Health developed several programs whichhave been successful. One of these is MATCH which stands forA Multidisciplinary Approach to Cross-Cultural Health. Butfirst some background information on Merced County.


    Merced County is located in the Central Valley of California.The population of the county is 34% Latino, 9.2% Asian and 4%African American. The City of Merced is 20% Southeast Asian.This is the largest per capita resettlement of SoutheastAsian refugees in California. Of these refugees,approximately 9,500 are Hmong and 2,000 are Iu Mien. Thereare smaller numbers of Lahu, Vietnamese etc.


    In the past two years there have been three community needsassessments completed. These assessments were The HealthProfile of Merced County(1995), Hurting in the Heartland:Access to Health Care in the San Joaquin Valley(1996), andThe California Initiative (1996). These assessmentsidentified health needs of immigrants and refugees. The

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    Merced County Department of Public Health, with input fromSoutheast Asians, Latinos, and health care providers,developed and piloted several projects: 1) health educationcourses in Spanish, Hmong and Mien; 2) medical interpretertraining; 3) a Southeast Asian surgical coordination team; 4)biweekly health presentations for Hmong television; 5) an

    R.N. Cultural Broker/Patient Advocate team; and, 6) culturalcompetency training for health care providers andadministrators. These programs demonstrated that bettercommunication and satisfaction are possible between ethnicpatients and health care providers. Although the surgicalcoordinator team involved only a small number of patients,the positive health outcomes demonstrated cost savings withdecreased length of hospitalization and fewer complications.All of the pilot programs listed above were successful. TheMerced County Department of Public Health received the 1996

    Award for Excellence in Multicultural Health from theNational Association of County and City Health Officers inSeattle in June 1996. Two of the above programs: theSoutheast Asian Surgical Coordination Team and the CultureBroker team, are discussed in more detail in the followingsections.

    Southeast Asian Surgical Coordination Team


    The Southeast Asian Surgical Coordinator Team was developedby the Merced County Department of Public Health as a threemonth pilot project. The goal of the program was to determinewhether an RN working in the capacity of a cultural brokerwith a medically trained interpreter could overcome languageand cultural barriers in obtaining informed surgical consent.


    During the time period of the project twenty-three SoutheastAsian patients and their families were seen by the team.Twenty patients were Hmong, two were Mien and one was Lahuwho spoke Mien. Sixteen requests came from the MercedCommunity Medical Center and six requests from MercyHospital. Both of these hospitals are in the city of Merced.Most of the requests were received during regular workinghours Monday through Friday. Two requests were made between

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    1:00 and 4:00 a.m. Four interventions extended past 5:00 p.m,and three occurred on weekends. The most common procedurerequiring assistance was appendectomies. During the entireproject, an R.N. and a medical interpreter were on calltwenty four hours a day, seven days a week.


    Southeast Asian patients consistently verbalized theirappreciation for the respect that was given to their groupdecision making process. They highly valued the anatomicalpictures and the detailed descriptions of the medicalprocedures recommended. The appropriate and profoundquestions that were asked reflected their genuine desire tounderstand the procedures. They had high expectations andtheir questions needed to be adequately addressed before

    consent would be given.


    The Southeast Asian patients and family members expressedmore concern about the semantics of statements made byWestern physicians. Most Americans today accept a physician'sstatement about uncertainty of causes of medical problemswith trust in the physician's judgment. Because of thelimited prior experiences with physicians, Southeast Asian

    patients and families tended to perceive this uncertainly asan opportunity for Western doctors to experiment withsurgery. They wanted to hear that surgery was clearly neededto identity and resolve the medical problems. Theyappreciated the way the statements were restructured withpercentages of probability on suspected causes of the problemwhen surgery was recommended. The concepts of percentages wasunderstood. Some family decision makers appreciated theaccessibility of pathology reports and the availability ofconsultation with a pathologist. This helped decrease the

    fear of experimentation associated with surgery. TheSoutheast Asian family members also appreciated theexplanations that were provided about Western biomedicalculture. In addition, the explanation about providerexpectations helped families to better understand thebehavior of providers. They were then more accepting ofphysicians' limited time and their brief explanations ofprocedures or surgeries.

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    The Culture Broker Team


    A culture broker serves as a link / bridge between people oftwo cultures. A culture broker must have respect for other

    cultures, cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity, goodcross-cultural communication skills and a broad knowledge andunderstanding of more than one culture. A culture broker isespecially useful in the field of health care. The functionsof a culture broker in the American health care deliverysystem include: serving as a cultural interpreter andadvocate for refugee patients, helping health care providersdevelop their knowledge and respect for people from othercultures and helping to negotiate a treatment plan that isacceptable to both provider and patient.


    The Merced Family Practice Residency clinic serves patientsfrom a variety of ethnic groups, including the Hmong who livein and around Merced. There have been numerous conflictsbetween health care providers and Hmong patients. We wouldlike to mention several cases where a culture broker was notused and then contrast these cases with several in which aculture broker team was used.

    Case One:


    After consulting with a Hmong traditional healer, Hmongparents reluctantly brought their listless eighteen-month-oldchild to a Western physician. He was eventually able toconvince the parents and elders to consent to a lumbarpuncture. From the parents' perspective, this procedure did

    not help their child's condition. They refused to hospitalizetheir child for treatment of meningitis. When the physiciancalled upon the Child Protective Services to pressure theparents to hospitalize the child, they eloped to anotherstate with their child.

    Case Two:


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    An eight-year-old Hmong boy was hospitalized with a rupturedappendix. After surgery, the child complained ofpostoperative pain. The child's father requested an X-ray. Anuntrained interpreter communicated this request to thephysician. The physician declined to order an X-ray byconveying his rationale in a way the family perceived as

    disrespectful to the patient's father. The untrainedinterpreter became so emotionally involved that he and thephysician exchanged angry words "eye to eye." The Hmonginformal network quickly communicated this throughout thecommunity in Merced County. Blame was placed on the hospitaland Hmong individuals passed along the message that thishospital was a bad place to go when a Hmong gets sick.


    After Cases One and Two, the Merced Department of PublicHealth, in response to requests from the Southeast Asiancommunity and health care providers, established a "culturebroker" team. The team consisted of a registered nurse whoacted as the culture broker along with a team of trainedmedical interpreters who were bilingual and bicultural.


    The culture broker selected was highly qualified for this

    role. She was objective, maintained self control andmobilized the strengths of both sides to reduce conflictsbetween the physician and patient in the medical setting. Theculture broker knew the basics of Hmong culture. She wasrespectful of both cultures -- the biomedical culture of theWestern trained physicians and the Hmong culture of thepatients. The culture broker operated at the margin of bothWestern medical culture and Hmong culture. She dealt withboth physician and patient positively and facilitatedcommunication by translating messages between the two sides.


    The medical interpreters on the team were bilingual andbicultural. They had completed a course in medicalinterpreting. They knew medical terminology and how tocommunicate effectively with both physician and patient.Following is an example of how the culture broker team was

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    able to resolve conflicts and negotiate treatment planssuccessfully in ways that were satisfactory to both theWestern physician and the Hmong patient.


    Mr. M. is the respected leader of a large Hmong clan and asuccessful community businessman. He has lived in the UnitedStates for about twenty years and is fluent in English. Hehad been healthy for all of his fifty-five years. A familypractice physician hospitalized Mr. M. with abdominal pain.The consent for surgery was difficult to obtain becausediagnostic tests were not conclusive. The delay in surgicaltreatment of the acute vascular insufficiency of theintestine contributed to septicemia and multiplepostoperative complications.


    About seventy visitors came to the hospital to show theirrespect to Mr. M. Some visitors were from out of state andothers came from Europe and Asia. This is customary in Hmongculture when a prominent leader is ill because the patient'sclan is obligated to provide vigilant support until theillness is resolved. The hospital staff was legitimatelyconcerned about the congestion in the halls and the patient's

    room. They called hospital security to monitor the visitors.Language and cultural barriers caused immediatemisunderstandings. Mr. M.'s family requested the culturebroker team.


    The culture broker, with the help of a trained medicalinterpreter, assessed the needs of the Hmong family and thehospital staff. The broker negotiated designation of a room

    near Mr. M's for the patient's family and clan members. Thisroom was available to the family twenty-four hours a day. Thefamily was pleased with the solution to the problem. Althoughthis solution alleviated hallway congestion, the hospitalstaff was still distressed about many cultural practices ofthe Hmong. The staff did not know Hmong culture. The culturebroker facilitated many discussions to help the staffunderstand Hmong beliefs regarding hospital care and the

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    importance of the presence of family and clan members. Thehospital staff was encouraged to ask questions and theculture broker team answered these questions.


    When the hospital implemented the negotiated plan, Mr. M. wasin such critical condition the physicians did not expect himto live through the night. Twenty-eight secondary diagnoseswere made that included respiratory failure, acute renalfailure, septicemia, acidosis and frequent seizures. Herequired ventilation with a respirator, hemodialysis and twoadditional surgeries.


    The culture broker team was on twenty-four-hour call tofacilitate continued negotiations between Mr. M.'s family,clan members, physicians, administrators and hospital staff.The Hmong interpreters helped the culture broker explainprocedures and diagnoses to the family and clan. Theysimplified medical terms and used anatomical pictures toexplain things to the family and clan. The family practiceresidents and attending physicians met with the family andthe culture broker team on a regular basis to discuss thepatient's progress. The family felt free to ask questions of

    the physicians. This would not have been possible without thepresence of the culture broker and the trained medicalinterpreter.


    Mr. M.'s family and clan wanted to conduct traditionalhealing ceremonies for his recovery. This negotiation wasvery difficult and challenging for the culture broker team.Doctors and nurses were concerned about the unknown nature of

    the ceremonies. The Hmong traditional healers, using theservices of the medical interpreter, described the details ofthe ceremonies. They agreed to modifications for patientsafety such as the use of sterile water and gloves. Afterintense discussions with all sides -- administrators,physicians, traditional healers, the family and the clan --the physicians allowed the traditional ceremonies to be heldunder nursing supervision. Throughout the hospitalization,

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    medical staff did not expect Mr. M. to recover, or if he did,to have a good quality of life. He did, however, experiencefull recovery and returned to work within several months ofhis discharge from the hospital. An ICU nurse with sixteenyears experience described Mr. M.'s recovery as the mostremarkable she had ever seen.


    The culture broker team was credited for the success of thenegotiation process. Many times, during Mr. M.'shospitalization, negotiations broke down and the culturebroker had to reassess the situation and offer alternativesbased on these reassessments. Many times the negotiationprocess had to begin all over again. Interestingly enough,Mr.M.'s family, clan, and the Hmong traditional healers were

    more willing to compromise than the Western physicians,administrators and nursing staff.


    The culture broker team, as noted above, was on call twentyfour hours a day. They answered all questions raised by thefamily and clan and they patiently explained complex medicalprocedures to the family. They continually explained Hmongcultural practices and beliefs about illness and health to

    the physicians, nursing staff and administrators.Negotiations broke down, but the culture broker team nevergave up. They persisted until negotiations were back ontrack. It should be reemphasized that the success of theculture broker team was the professional yet empathicapproach used by both the culture broker and the medicalinterpreter. On the role of the culture broker, Royce (1982:135) notes: "Culture brokers . . . almost always have somepersonal qualities that allow them to live between twocultural worlds and use these qualities to help others bridge

    the [cultural] gap. Culture brokers take a personal interestin the individual(s) who are trying to understand thecultural world different from their own." The medicalinterpreters who were an integral part of the team had alltaken a course in medical interpreting. These Hmongprofessionals had worked as interpreters before this and theyhad worked with the culture broker for several years prior toMr. M.'s hospitalization.

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    The MATCH Proposal


    The Merced County Department of Public Health developed TheMultidisciplnary Approach to Cross-Cultural Health (MATCH)

    program which, which will begin as soon as funding isobtained. The aim of this proposal is to increase culturallysensitive health care access for underserved ethnicpopulations of Merced County. It is the goal of the MATCHProposal to improve health outcomes by decreasing thelinguistic and cultural barriers to quality health careservice. The programs of the MATCH Proposal are for healthcare professionals and the ethnic populations of MercedCounty. As stated in the original MATCH Proposal: "It (MATCH)will increase provider sensitivity to different cultures and

    their beliefs about health and illness. This program willgive accurate information about the health care deliverysystem, medical programs, diagnostic procedures, medicaltreatment and illness prevention to members of the ethnicpopulations of Merced County."


    The five components of the MATCH Proposal are as follows:

    Cultural competence training for resident physicians,nurses, ancillary health professionals, health careproviders and administrators, A certification program in health care fortraditional healers, Health education for ethnic communities in MercedCounty, A medical resource center for the ethnic groups inthe county, and Cultural education for the population of Merced

    County at large.

    Cultural Competence Training for Health Care Professionals


    Most physicians in Merced County have been trained in Westernmedical schools and have been socialized according to theWestern biomedical model of disease. The proposed program in

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    cultural competence training will include cultural self-awareness training to help them recognize how their owncultural background influences their professional andeveryday lives. The curriculum is designed to increase thepractical knowledge and skills in the areas of cross-cultural health care, interpreted medical encounters, and

    commonly encountered cultures that the medical residents canimmediately begin to utilize. This program will enhance theirability to elicit and work with the health beliefs ofpatients from different cultures. It will give providers sometechniques for continually improving his or her ability towork with ethnically diverse patients. The physicians, forthe most part, are not receptive to other modes of thoughtsuch as those held by Southeast Asian refugees and Latinoimmigrants. The cultural competence training for residentphysicians, practicing physicians, nursing programs,

    ancillary health training programs and training foradministrative personnel includes the following components:

    Knowledge and awareness of the physician's ownculture and Western biomedical culture, Basic knowledge about other cultures, Knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, Knowledge about the role of the traditional healer inethnic communities, Use of trained medical interpreters in their

    practice, Development of skills by health care professionals todeliver culturally sensitive health care to theimmigrants and refugees of Merced County.

    Health Certification Program for Traditional Healers


    Health education will be provided to Southeast Asian

    traditional healers because individuals in the SoutheastAsian community seek health treatments from their owncommunity healers whom they trust. These healers play animportant role in many Southeast Asian families. Thegroundwork has already been laid for this training. Goodrapport exists between public health staff and thetraditional healers. A few exploratory sessions with healerswere well-attended and healers are eagerly looking forward to

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    this training. The certification program will involvecompletion of basic health education classes and trainingabout the delivery of Western health care. Tours of hospitaland clinic facilities, as well as direct experiences withhealth care providers, are planned. It is hoped these visitswill encourage communication and improved understanding

    between physicians and healers. Accurate health informationwill allow traditional healers to assist members of theirethnic communities to seek and access medical care. Thiscertification will enable healers to have hospital visitationprivileges similar to those afforded to Western clergy. Thepiloted advocacy project fostered an interest between somehealth care providers and Southeast Asian traditionalhealers. Emergency room physicians are interested in workingwith traditional healers and several healers have verbalizedan interest in sharing their beliefs with health care

    providers. There will be an opportunity to ask questionsabout medical procedures that run counter to theirtraditional beliefs about illness and health. There areapproximately fifty traditional healers ready to enroll insuch a course as soon as it is offered. That will begin whenfunding is obtained for the course.

    Training for Medical Interpreters


    A survey conducted by the California Department of HealthServices discovered that Merced County is the only countywith large numbers of refugees to offer special training formedical interpreters. The Merced County Department of PublicHealth has already piloted a medical interpreter trainingcourse which was highly successful. The medical interpretertraining under the MATCH Proposal is taught by amultidisciplinary team. The staff will adapt and enhance themedical interpreter program, "Bridging the Gap" which was

    developed initially by the Cross Cultural Health Program ofthe Pacific Medical Center in Seattle. Adaptation is neededbecause the group in Seattle did not create their program forthe Laotian languages -- Hmong, Mien and Lao. These languagesare tonal, have simple sentence structure and have smallvocabularies. Common English words and many medical terms donot exist in these languages.

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    The medical interpreter training will teach essential skillsnecessary for accurate interpretation. New skills will betaught to improve the development of therapeuticrelationships between health care providers and patients.

    This training of medical interpreters will be a costeffective component in the health care delivery system ofMerced County.


    Approximately every two months, there is a class for medicalinterpreters. The length of the class is five full days. Thelead instructor is Marilyn Mochel along with amultidisciplinary team for the course. During the course,

    videos are presented, medical and anatomical terminology islearned, and there is role playing which helps theparticipants learn the appropriate role of the medicalinterpreter. The code of ethics for medical interpreters isexplained and discussed. Hmong and Mien medical interpreterswho have already taken the course speak to the class. Allquestions asked are answered and the previously trainedinterpreters serve as a valuable resource for participants.So far approximately eighty medical interpreters have beentrained. Of this number, approximately thirty are Hmong.

    Health Education Programs for Ethnic Communities


    The Match Proposal incorporates health education for theethnic communities in Merced County. This is essential. Theobjectives of this program are: 1) to create a safeenvironment where anyone can ask questions about the healthcare system; 2) to teach community members about the human

    body, the focus of Western medicine, and the rationale behindWestern beliefs about the causation, diagnosis, and treatmentof disease; 3) to discuss medical practices perceived asthreatening to traditional cultures such as the drawing ofblood for diagnostic tests; and, 4) to serve as culturalbrokers between the ethnic populations and the health caredelivery system.

    Medical Resource Center

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    Many times ethnic patients leave the physician's office withinstructions, sometimes written, concerning medicaltreatment. They may, for example, be given a prescription formedication. Most times they leave the physician's office

    confused, not sure of what the doctor or staff said, not surehow to take their medication and not able to read theprescription, even if they know English well. Many times themedication will be taken home, one dose taken, and the restput in the back of a kitchen cupboard. The MATCH proposalwants to establish a medical resource center to serve theethnic communities. This center will be staffed withbilingual, bicultural employees. Questions may be answeredand answers received. If the employees have any questionsabout the encounter with the physician, the culture broker

    can be contacted and questions cleared up. The resourcecenter will be open six days a week.

    Cultural Education for the County Population


    The population of Merced County needs accurate information onthe immigrant and refugee communities in the county. Negativeinformation about the ethnic communities is prevalent. The

    media, at the national, state and local levels, promote thisnegative information. "Immigrant bashing" is rampant withoutpeople learning the true history of Southeast Asian refugees.It is more convenient for people to disparage the SoutheastAsian refugees than to learn to know them better. Forexample, the average media consumer does not know the extentSoutheast Asians helped the United States military in Vietnamand Laos, the promises the military gave them, the horrors ofthe refugee camps and the treacherous journey to California.Most do not know that many disabilities among the Hmong while

    fighting for the United States military. Many people inMerced Count suffer from "compassion fatigue." They becomedetached because problems seem insurmountable.


    In light of the negative media so far, the MATCH Proposalseeks to promote the positive aspects of cultural diversity

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    by giving accurate cultural information through the media andcommunity presentations. Reaching health care staff at alllevels of health care delivery is a difficult task. The mediawill offer one more opportunity to inform staff as part ofthe general community about other cultures with factualinformation.

    Submission of the MATCH Proposal to Foundations


    The MATCH Proposal was submitted to five national foundationswhich stated interest in developing programs to increasehealth care access in the United States. Funding was notavailable and only a few of the foundations seemed interestedin the proposal. This was discouraging, to say the least, to

    all the personnel involved in researching and presenting theproposals. The strong commitment to culturally sensitivehealth care continued and has grown stronger. Parts of theMATCH Proposal have been implemented even though funding forthe larger projects is not available at this time.

    The MATCH Coalition


    At the same time Merced County had the opportunity to developa coalition for improvement of health care that was funded bythe California Wellness Foundation. The foundation funded twocollaboratives in the Central Valley of California, of whichthe MATCH Coalition was one. During this process, it wasclearly evident that foundations are more eager to fundbroad-based coalitions that establish collaborativepartnerships between organizations to address health careneeds than to continue funding for smaller projects.


    It was agreed the coalition approach is able to developbroader commitment among a wider range of Merced Countyagencies, all of which are working to improve the healthstatus of all county residents The MATCH Coalition has eightyindividuals as members, including government and privateorganizations. The Coalition meets twice a month. One ofthese meetings is a group meeting of all members. The second

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    meeting is for coalition work groups to meet. Each work grouphas a special problem for focus. Members volunteered forthese work groups.


    The mission statement of the MATCH Coalition is to increaseaccess to culturally sensitive health care for underservedand uninsured ethnic populations of Merced County and toimprove population health. The goals of the MATCH Coalitionare as follows: building an infrastructure to address healthneeds of all Merced County residents, bringing togetherhealth needs assessment already completed by all agencies inthe county, strategic planning and formulation of both longterm and short term goals and finally, training for teamdevelopment.


    The programs of the original MATCH proposal have not beenforgotten. There is still a search for funding. In themeantime, specific portions of the proposal are goingforward. A class for medical interpreters is given every twomonths. There are weekly presentations to the medicalresidents at the Sutter Merced Medical Center on differentcultures represented in Merced County. In addition, the

    residents have required reading in cross-cultural health careand discussions on the linguistic and cultural barriers tohealth care for immigrants and refugees in Merced County. Theculture broker team is continuing to work and be successful.Several videos have been produced for the Hmong and Iu Mienon parenting and child safety issues. The healthpresentations on Hmong television are ongoing. Funding forthe original MATCH Proposal is still being pursueddiligently. The success of the MATCH Coalition will be apositive step in obtaining funding for the development of

    more programs to increase culturally sensitive health carefor the Hmong who live in Merced County.


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    Profiles of Authors

    Miriam E. Warner, Ph.D., ( is a cultural

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    anthropologist with a strong interest in psychologicalanthropology. Her doctorate in anthropology is from theUniversity of California, Berkeley. Miriam spent herchildhood and adolescence in East Africa as the daughter of amedical doctor. She has twenty-three years experienceteaching anthropology at the college and graduate school

    levels. Miriam has worked with Marilyn Mochel since 1996 andshe is a member of the MATCH Coalition in Merced County.Miriam is the founder of Cross-Cultural Consulting, aconsulting business in the field of cross-cultural health.She develops and presents training sessions in culturalcompetence to health care professionals, gives presentationsto community and professional organizations, and continues todo extensive research in the field of cross-cultural healthcare.

    Marilyn Mochel, R.N., CDE, ( is a registerednurse in Merced County. who has worked in Merced County since1980. For three years she served as the Refugee Coordinatorfor the Merced County Department of Public Health. Currentlyshe is the clinical nurse educator at the Sutter MercedMedical Center. Marilyn has been responsible for startingmost of the cross-cultural programs in health care for MercedCounty. These include: the Southeast Asian SurgicalCoordination Team, the Culture Broker program, and the coursein medical interpreting and the MATCH Coalition. She also

    gives presentations in cross- cultural health to the medicalresidents at Sutter Merced Medical Center, to community andhealth care groups. She is a frequent presenter atconferences on cross-cultural health care. Marilyn is amember of the MATCH Coalition and the Refugee Forum inMerced.

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