Head to Head! Heart to Heart! April 24, 2012 Dr. Dale Trapp Rev. Dr. Thomas Trapp.

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Transcript of Head to Head! Heart to Heart! April 24, 2012 Dr. Dale Trapp Rev. Dr. Thomas Trapp.

Head to Head! Heart to Heart!

April 24, 2012

Dr. Dale Trapp

Rev. Dr. Thomas Trapp

Trapp Background

Dad Mom

Trapp Background

Dad is confirmed Mom is confirmed

Trapp BackgroundDad and Mom are Married

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Trapp Background

Dale’s Birth

Dale’s Birth

Tom’s Birth Certificate

Tom’s New Birth in Baptism

Tom’s Birth Path to Eternity

Head to Head! Heart to Heart!

The academic pursuit

The spiritual pursuit

Tom: The Good News

Necessitating Jesus ChristRichard Caemmerer, Preaching for the Church

If anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation. He made Him to be sin that we might become the righteousness of God.

2 Corinthians, Chapter 5

Before Creation


Fall from God



The World


Abraham’s Family The World


The WorldAbraham’s Family

The Messiah

Abraham’s Family The World

Abraham’s Family The World

The Crucifixion

The WorldResurrection

The Resurrection

The WorldThe Church

The Church

Eternal Life

Dale – Experience

• Parents• Relatives• Teachers• Friends• Lutheran Elementary• Lutheran High School• Church / Sunday School /

Youth Group

• Neighborhood

(Friends / neighbors)

• Jobs

(Paper route / grass cutting)

Lutheran: Church-related The World

• GM student engineer• GMI – engineering student• Student friends

• Sunday school teacher• Youth group leader• Bible Class leader• Church involvement• Lutheran college

Dale – ExperienceLutheran: Church-related The World

• Summer jobs• University of Michigan• University of Minnesota• Institutes• Student friends• Discipline meetings (local /

regional / national)

Dale – ExperienceLutheran: Church-related The World

• Lutheran high school teacher

• Director of Christian Education

• Youth leader• Grade school principal• College professor• Church involvement

Dale – Faith and Teaching





A Typical Class

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning5x2 + 3zx5 – 8xy3/4 = 22

…Then a miracle

…X = 3.127

Not acceptable by teacher/student

The Universe

Typical Test Question

The Montillation of Traxoline


It is very important that you learn about traxoline. Traxoline is a new form of zionter. It is montilled in Ceristanna. The Ceristannians gristerlate large amounts of fevon and then brachter it to quasel traxoline. Traxoline may well be one of our most lukized snezlaus in the future because of our zionter lescelidge.

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure to use your best handwriting.

1. What is traxoline?

2. Where is traxoline montilled?

3. How is traxoline quaselled?

4. Why is it important to know about traxoline?

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

…This is so complicated only God understands

Not acceptable by teacher/student

Saturn V Rocket

Apollo 11

Rocks from the Moon

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

…God does not want us to do that, so it is impossible and will never happen

Not acceptable by teacher/student

God created the universe and all that is in it

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Genesis 1:1

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible

The Nicene Creed

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

God’s creation shows his wisdom and power and He is to be glorified because of it

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens

Psalms 8:1

…for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever

The Lord’s Prayer

Tom: The Ten Words – MotivationTeleology: if… then• Reward and punishment motivate• “Please give me more!”

Ontology: because… therefore• What is in one’s nature and heart motivates• “Please help me use what I have”

Tom: The Ten Words – Active and PassiveActive

Tom throws / threw / will throw the ball.


The ball is / was / will be thrown by Tom.

Tom: The Ten Words – Justification - Sanctification

Justification Sanctification

GOD Active Active

MEPassive (Dead)

Active (Alive)

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Mysteries Miracles

• Moses’ miracles in Egypt• The sun stands still• Balaam’s donkey talks

• Changes as “c” is approached

• Length / time / mass• Light is a wave and a

particle at the same time

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Mysteries Miracles

• Elijah calls down fire on the alter to Baal

• Elisha heals Naaman’s leprosy

• Samson’s strength• Paul’s conversion• Peter’s vision of the los in

Macedonia• Enoch and Elijah not dying

• Masses attract at large distances

• Like charged masses attract, unlike charged masses repel

• Like charged masses attract in the nucleus

• Dark matter keeps galaxies together

• Dark energy repels galaxies

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Mysteries Miracles

• Peter’s escape from jail• Jesus’ miracles:

• Illnesses• Food• Walking on water• Casting out demons• Moving through space

• E = mc2

• Ability of water to exist in three states simultaneously

• Neutrinos that can change into other neutrinos

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Mysteries Miracles

• Disciples can cure illnesses• Jesus miracles:

• Raising the dead• Forgiving sins• Rising from the dead

• Jesus is true God and true man

• Life can exist at remote places on earth

• Subatomic particles consisting of quarks

• Particles mediating forces

• Antimatter exists

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Mysteries Miracles

• Baptism• The Lord’s Supper• Saint / sinner• God loves us• God has redeemed us• Eternity with God

• Statistics can be used to explain sub-atomic properties

• Standard Model or String Theory or …

• 11 dimensions• What is the Universe?

Dale – Faith and Teaching / Learning

Mysteries Miracles

• Miracles are “outside” of common experience

• Miracles can be enjoyed by the recipient

• The realization of a miracle can be cause for glorifying God

• Mysteries are to be probed

• Mysteries are complex if you do not understand them

• The uncovering of mysteries or not can be cause for glorifying God

Tom – Bible Study

Road Map

Blue Print

Operating Instructions

Tom – AnalogiesThe Rowboat

Hebrew concept of time: past in front of you

The AirplaneJump without a parachute/kill the pilot

Vacuum cleanerUnplugged vs. switched off/on

Inside vs. OutsideYearning to get back in

Married vs. DatingBeing IN CHRIST as NEW CREATION

Tom: Stages of Prophetic Speech1) God chose and blessed for you in

the past (some still faithful)

2) Most have rebelled and left the relationship.

3) In the near future, consequences of sin will come upon most of you.

4) For the remnant, God will restore you in distant future.

Tom – Bible Study

The Good Samaritan

• Content: story itself• Concept: act as at fault• Context: eternal life - how• Conflict: alternate views• Contact: Christ acts as at fault




The Open Tomb

The Open Tomb

• CrossEyes• TombVision• Holy BlindSpots

Dale – Controversy / ResolutionControversy Resolution

• Geology faith• Astronomy faith

“How to do discipline”(How / What / When / How Much)

• Scripture Faith

“Why” of the discipline(Why)

• Ages• 6,000 YBP• 4.6 BYBP• 15 BYBP

• Ethics• Life• Probing the earth• Higher energy

research• Space travel

Dale Reflection

• God is involved in all of science• Miracles can happen – “laws” of science are not

always obeyed• God has given teachers/students talents and

abilities to be used for His glory in the discipline of science

• Chapel/daily prayer/daily Scripture reading is a significant part of learning

Dale Reflection

• It is important to care about each other• Faith and learning coexist and each can enrich

the other• There are many things I do not understand, but I

have not stopped trying to understand

Teaching with faith gives me great satisfaction and fulfillment!

God be praised!!

Tom’s Reflection: To Faculty and StudentsTo Faculty:• Each student:a precious gift from God, with gifts• Be proud of being a Christian – GOOD NEWS• We love as God in Christ loved us• See your discipline within eternal dimensions

To Students:• Discover and develop your abilities• Expand your mind and heart• Value everyone who teaches