He objected to the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship, and first ran into trouble with the law when caught...

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Transcript of He objected to the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship, and first ran into trouble with the law when caught...

He objected to the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship, and first ran into trouble with the law when caught with anti-Díaz literature in 1906. In May 1909 Orozco and José Inés Salazar purchased weapons in the United States and took them to Mexico on behalf of the Flores Magon brothers. When Francisco I. Madero called for an uprising against Díaz in 1910, Orozco was an enthusiastic supporter and, on 31 October of that year, was placed in command of the revolutionary forces in Guerrero municipality. He led his forces to a series of victories against Díaz loyalists, and by the end of the year most of the state was in the hands of the revolutionaries. At this point, Orozco was a hero in Chihuahua, with over 30,000 people lining the streets upon his return. Madero promoted him to colonel, and in March 1911 to brigadier general, remarkably, these promotions were earned without any kind of military knowledge or military training. On 10 May of that year Orozco and his subordinate colonel Pancho Villa seized Ciudad Juárez, which Madero made the capital of his new provisional government.

José Guadalupe Posada was a satirical

illustrator and Mexican artist whose work (of art) is closely related

to el Día de los Muertos.


José Guadalupe Posada era un ilustrador

satírico y un artista mexicano cuyas obras están estrechamente

relacionadas con el Día de los Muertos.


He was born on February 2, 1852.


Traduce:Él nació el 2 de febrero

de mil ochocientos cincuenta y dos

His first illustrations were published in “El



Traduce:Sus primeras

ilustraciones fueron publicadas en “El


As a young teenager he went to work in the

workshop of Trinidad Pedroso, who taught him lithography and



Traduce:De adolecente, fue a

trabajar en el taller de Trinidad Pedroso quien le enseñó la litografía y


His career began as a political cartoonist for a local newspaper in Aguascalientes, El



Traduce:Su carrera empezó

como ilustrador/caricaturista

político para un periódico local en Aguascalientes, El


The newspaper closed after 11 issues

(números), reputedly (según se dice) because one of

Posada's cartoons had offended a powerful

local politician.


Traduce:El periódico cerró

después de 11 números, según se

dice, por/debido a una de las ilustraciones de Posada que ofendió a

un político local poderoso.

He moved to Guanajuato where he

married María de Jesús Vela on September 20,



Traduce:Él se mudó a

Guanajuato donde se casó con María de Jesús Vela el 20 de septiembre de mil

ochocientos setenta y cinco.

He also started a printing and commercial

illustration shop with the help of a former associate. (taller de imprenta;

antiguo socio)



Él también empezó un taller de imprenta e ilustración

comercial con la ayuda de un

antiguo socio.

They focused on book illustrations and the

printing of posters and other representations

of historical and religious figures

(la impresión)


Traduce:Se enfocaron en las ilustraciones para

libros y la impresión de carteles y otras

representaciones de figuras históricas y


Much of his work was also published in

sensationalist flyers (volantes) depicting

(=representing) various current events



Traduce:Mucho de su trabajo

también fue publicado en volantes

sensacionalistas representando varias


Posada's best known works are his

calaveras, such as the Calavera de la Catrina.


Traduce:Las obras mejores

conocidas de Posada son sus calaveras, tal como la Calavera de la


La Catrina was meant to (=was

destined to) satirize the life of the

upper classes

during the reign of Porfirio Díaz.


Estar destinado a;Satirizar


La Catrina estaba

destinada a satirizar la vida de las clases altas durante el reino de

Porfirio Díaz.

Most of his imagery (imaginería o imágines) was meant to make a religious or satirical




La mayoría de su imaginería estaba

destinada a hacer un punto religioso o


Since his death, however, his images

have become associated with the Mexican

holiday el Día de los Muertos.


Traduce:Desde su muerte, sin

embargo, sus imágenes han sido asociadas con el día festivo mexicano, el

Día de los Muertos.

Largely forgotten by the end of his life, Posada's

engravings were brought to a wider audience in

the 1920s by the French artist Jean Charlot, who encountered them while

visiting Diego Rivera.


En gran parte; la década del ‘20

Traduce:En gran parte olvidado al

final de su vida, los grabados de Posada fueron traídos a una audiencia /un público

más amplia/o en la década del ‘20 por el artista francés Jean

Charlot quien los encontró mientras

visitaba a Diego Rivera.

While Posada died in poverty, his images are

well known today as examples of folk art

(arte popular).



Mientras Posada murió en la pobreza, hoy en día, sus imágenes son bien conocidas como

ejemplos del arte popular.