Happiness Is Not for Sale. Deciding what role money and possessions will play in our life has a...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Happiness Is Not for Sale. Deciding what role money and possessions will play in our life has a...

Happiness Is Not for Sale

Deciding what role money and possessions will play in our life has a huge impact on the lifestyle we create for ourselves.

Such decisions tell very powerfully who we are and what we value.

Scandals involving huge sums of money wrack government and business.

Marriages end because of differences over money and possessions.

TV shows demonstrate our fascination with wealth.

Big House BMW or Mercedes International

Travel Boat Expensive Clothes Home Theatre and

Entertainment Center


Career Fulfillment Interesting Work Meaningful

relationships with Friends and Family

Time Good Health Happiness Life Balance

Some people dream about having lots of money so they can buy anything they want, go wherever they want, etc.

Answer this question: “Is playing the lottery dumb?”

Others equate money with security.

They hold onto it tightly, fret about it, follow it, manage it.

Finally, some others put money in its proper place – behind other values such as friendship and responsibility.

It can help us to achieve other life goals.

We need an accurate sense of perspective about money and possessions.

Without such a perspective, we could begin to expect more of material things than they could possibly deliver.

In order to survive and lead dignified lives, human beings need money and the things money can buy.

This includes: Food Shelter Medical Care Clothing

In order to live beyond the level of sheer survival, money is also needed for “thrival” needs.

This includes: Education Transportation Entertainment Provision for the Future

Discretionary income, of course, can add benefits to one’s life.

This includes: Houses, Cars, Boats Travel Private College Toys




Recall a time when money or possessions made you happy. Then recall a time when all the money in the world could not guarantee happiness for you or someone else.