H and P

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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Honor and PErseverance

Transcript of H and P

Honor and Perseverance

Gavin Brown

“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

-Winston Churchill-

A military procession down Smiddy Hill street in Pickering, commemorating the triumphs of the second World War.October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

A military procession down Smiddy Hill street in Pickering, commemorating the triumphs of the second World War.October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

Honor and Perseverance

Ladies commemorating the support of the war effort.Circa 2010With a uniform worn with pride, a gentleman stands in the street with authority.Pickering. October 13th, 2012

A military procession down Smiddy Hill street in Pickering, commemorating the triumphs of the second World War.October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

Anna Roberts hang the Union Jack outside of her house for the Queens Jubilee.Wiltshire. Circa 2012

What happens when a lady flaunts herself to a police officer? Pickering. October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

The changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace, London.November 13th, 2012

Friends commemorate the trials and tribulations of the second world war by dressing up in the clothes of the era and coming together.Pickering. October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

Friends commemorate the trials and tribulations of the second world war by dressing up in the clothes of the era and coming together.Pickering. October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

A military procession down Smiddy Hill street in Pickering, commemorating the triumphs of the second World War.October 13th, 2012

“England expects that every man will do his duty.”

-Haratio Nelson-

Honor and Perseverance

Honor and Perseverance

...then he helps her on her way, while proceeding to cop a feel.Pickering. Octobber 13th, 2012Being a gracious gentleman, he checks to make sure she’s sober...Pickering. October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

The changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace, London.November 13th, 2012...then he helps her on her way, while proceeding to cop a feel.Pickering. Octobber 13th, 2012

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

-John Fitzgerald Kennedy-

Honor and Perseverance

A gentleman and his friends chat during the aftermath of the Folk Parade, Pickering.October 13th, 2012A child takes a break from the festivities during the commemoration.Pickering. Circa 2011

Honor and Perseverance

Anna Roberts hang the Union Jack outside of her house for the Queens Jubilee.Wiltshire. Circa 2012A gentleman and his friends chat during the aftermath of the Folk Parade, Pickering.October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

A crowd gathers and cheers on historical automobiles from the era along Smiddy Street, Pickering.October 13th, 2012

The changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace, London.November 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

A child takes a break from the festivities during the commemoration.Pickering. Circa 2011Ladies commemorating the support of the war effort.Circa 2010

The changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace, London.November 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

Friends commemorate the trials and tribulations of the second world war by dressing up in the clothes of the era and coming together.Pickering. October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

With a uniform worn with pride, a gentleman stands in the street with authority.Pickering. October 13th, 2012

Honor and Perseverance

With a uniform worn with pride, a gentleman stands in the street with authority.Pickering. October 13th, 2012A crowd gathers and cheers on historical automobiles from the era along Smiddy Street, Pickering.October 13th, 2012