Grouping - How things may be grouped together

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Grouping - How things may be grouped together



Staff: the people who work in a company or place of work.Cast: the actors in a certain movie or play.Company: a group of actors that usually perform together in different plays.Crew: all the working members on a ship or plane.Team: a group of individuals playing on the same side generally with the same objectives.Platoon: a group of soldiers being commanded by a lieutenant.



Gang: a group of organized criminalsCrowd: a group of people, gathered togetherThrong: a busy group of people or animalsMob: A large disorderly crowdMovement: a group of (generally young) people with similar tendencies for political/musical/social factors affecting them. For example The Punk MovementParty: a group of political people that have been organized with an intention.




PEOPLE -1A faculty of academics

A troupe of acrobatsA cast of actors/players (company, cry)A bench of aldermenA conflagration of arsonistsA troupe of artistesA team of athletesA tabernacle of bakersA babble of barbersA promise of barmenA thought of baronsA squad of beatersA bevy of beauties (galaxy)A bench of bishops (psalter)A blush of boys




PEOPLE -2A troop of boy scouts

A feast of brewersA pack of BrowniesA shuffle of bureaucratsA goring of butchersA sneer of butlersA slate of candidatesA chapter of canons (dignity)A company of capitalists (syndicate)A congregation of churchgoersA school of clerksA cutting of cobblers (drunkship)A hastiness of cooksA shrivel of criticsA cowardice of cursA troupe of dancers





A decanter of deans (decorum)A caravan of desert travelersA board of directorsAn obstruction of donsA staff of employeesA panel of expertsA stalk of forestersA talent of gamblersA company of girl guidesA galaxy of governessesA conjunction of grammariansA herd of harlotsA melody of harpistsAn observance of hermitsA gang of hoodlumsA cavalcade of horsemenA blast of huntersA bench of judges (sentence)

harlots hoodlums




A neverthriving of jugglersA banner of knights (rout)A gang of labourersA bevy of ladiesAn eloquence of lawyersA colony of lepersAn audience of listenersAn illusion of magiciansA bench of magistratesA riches of matronsA morbidity of majorsA band of menA faith of merchantsA diligence of messengersA troupe of minstrelsA side of morris dancersA cortege of mournersAn orchestra of musicians

A colony of lepers

mourners minstrels


A superfluity of nunsA crowd of onlookersA curse of painters (illusion, misbelieving)A malapertness of pedlarsA crowd of people (audience, congregation, mob)A troupe of performers (troup)A skirl of pipers (poverty)A posse of policeA converting of preachersA pity of prisoners (gang)A band of robbersA crew of sailorsA scolding of seamstressesA house of senatorsA subtlety of sergeants at lawAn obeisance of servantsA posse of sheriffsA blackening of shoemakers A choir of singers




A squad of soldiers (army, brigade, company, division, muster) A picket of strikersA class of studentsA simplicity of subalternsA disguising of tailorsA glozing of tavernersA den of thieves (gang)A board of trusteesA flock of touristsAn unction of undertakersA prudence of vicarsAn ambush of widowsA coven of witchesA gaggle of womenA gang of workmenA congregation of worshippersA worship of writersA fellowship of yeomen




Stack: a stack of chairs, a stack of books, a stack of work, a stack of platesSet: a set of tools, a set of underwear, a set of compasses, a set of cutlery

Pile / Heap: a pile of clothes, a heap of bodies.Bunch: a bunch of flowers, a bunch of grapes, a bunch of bananas.Bundle: a bundle of newspapers, a bundle of sticks, a bundle of nothing.Batch: a batch of homebrew, a batch of letters, a batch of recruits.Stash: a stash of cash, a stash of beer, a stash of weapons. (usually the things are hidden)Fleet: a fleet of ships


a bundle of newspapers

a stash of beer

a set of cutlery

a stack of chairs

Herd: a herd of cows, a herd of goats, a herd of deer

Flock: A flock of sheep, a flock of birds

Shoal / School: a shoal of fish, a school of fish

Swarm: a swarm of bees (swarm is used for a group of flying insects)

also a ‘hive’ (ex. beehive)

Pack: a pack of wolves, a pack of dogs

Litter: a litter of kittens (usually of baby animals)

Gaggle: a gaggle of geese

Pride: a pride of lions



A colony of auks (flock, raft)A colony of avocetsA flock of birds (dissimulation, fleet, flight, parcel, pod, volary, )A sedge of bitterns (siege)A chain of bobolinksA bellowing of bullfinchesA flock of bustardsA wake of buzzardsA tok of capercailliesA muse of caponsA brood of chickens (cletch, clutch, peep)A chattering of choughs (clattering)A covert of coots ( commotion, cover, fleet, flock, pod, rasp, swarm)A flight of cormorants (gulp)A sedge of cranes (herd, sedge, siege)A murder of crows ( hover, muster, parcel)A head of curlews (herd)A trip of dotterels


A dole of doves ( dule, flight, piteousness, pitying, prettying)A flush of ducks (badelynge, brace, bunch, dopping, flock, paddling, plump, raft, safe, skein, sord, string, team)A flight of dunbirds (rush)A fling of dunlinsA convocation of eagles (aerie)A cast of falconsA charm of finches (chirm, trembling, trimming)A stand of flamingosA gaggle of geese (flock, plump, skein, team, wedge)A charm of goldfinches (chattering, drum, troubling)A dopping of goosandersA flight of goshawksA covey of grouse (brace, brood, flight, pack)A bazaar of guillemotsA colony of gullsA mews of hawks (aerie, cast, kettle, mew, moulting, screw, stream)A brood of hens


A sedge of herons (flight, hedge, rookery, siege)A charm of hummingbirds (chattering, drum, troubling)A colony of ibisesA band of jays (party, scold)A desert of lapwings (deceit)A parcel of linnetsAn exaltation of larks (ascension, bevy, flight)A congregation of magpies (charm, flock, gulp, murder, tiding, tittering, tribe, )A sord of mallards (flush, puddling, sute)A plump of moorhens


A fleet of mudhensA watch of nightingales (match, pray)A pride of ostriches (flock)A parliament of owls (stare)A fling of oxbirdsA company of parrots (flock, pandemonium, psittacosis)A covey of partridges (bevy, bew, clutch, warren)

A muster of peacocks (ostentation, pride)A pod of pelicans (scoop)A colony of penguins (parcel, rookery)A cadge of peregrinesA nye of pheasants (bouquet, head, nide, warren, )A flight of pigeons (flock, kit, passel, )A knob of pintails [small number]A congregation of plovers (band, flight, leash, stand, wing)A rush of pochards (flight, knob[small number])A run of poultryA covey of ptarmigansA bevy of quails (covey, drift)An unkindness of ravens (aerie, conspiracy)A crowd of redwingsA parliament of rooks (building, clamour, congregation, shoal, wing)A hill of ruffsA fling of sandpipersA cloud of seafowls


A squabble of seagullsA dopping of sheldrakes (doading)A walk of snipes (wisp)A host of sparrows (meinie, quarrel, tribe, ubiquity)A murmuration of starlings (chattering, cloud, congregation, clutter)A mustering of storks (flight, phalanx)A flight of swallows (gulp)A herd of swans (bank, bevy, drift, eyrar, game, herd, lamentation, sownder, squadron, team, wedge, whiteness, whiting)A flock of swiftsA spring of teals (bunch, coil, knob, raft)A mutation of thrushesA flock of turkeys (dole, dule, raffle, raft, rafter, posse)A pitying of turtledovesA colony of vultures (committee, wake)A plump of waterfowls (bunch, knob, raft)A company of widgeons (bunch, coil, flight, knob, trip)A trip of wildfowls (bunch, knob, lute, plump,scry, skein, sord, sute)


A fall of woodcocks (covey, flight, plump)A descent of woodpeckersA herd of wrens (flock) BIRDS-6



A cluster of antelopes (herd, tribe)A shrewdness of apes (troop)A pace of asses (drove, coffle, herd)A congress of baboons (flange, troop)A cete of badgers (colony)A cloud of bats (colony)A sloth of bears (sleuth)A colony of beavers (family, lodge)A herd of bisons (gang)A sute of bloodhoundsA herd of boars (singular)A sounder of (wild) boars [12+]A herd of bucks (leash)A gang of buffalos (herd, obstinacy)A drove of bullocksA flock of camels (caravan, herd, train)A herd of caribousA clowder of cats (glaring, cluster, clutter)


A destruction of (wild) cats (dout, dowt)A herd of cattle (drift, drove, mob)A herd of chamoisA coalition of cheetahsA colony of chinchillasA rake of colts (rack, rag)A bury of conies (game)A flink of cows [12+]A pack of coyotes (band, rout)A litter of cubsA cowardice of cursA herd of deers (bunch, leash, mob, parcel, rangale)A pack of dogs (kennel)A pod of dolphins (flock, school, team)A herd of donkeys (drove)A herd of elandsA herd of elephants (parade)A gang of elks (herd)


A business of ferrets (cast, fesnying)A skulk of foxes (earth, lead, leash, troop)A brace of geldingsA horde of gerbils A journey of giraffes (corps, group, herd, tower)A herd of gnus (implausibility)A trip of goats (flock, herd, trip, tribe)A band of gorillas (whoop)A leash of greyhoundsA group of guinea pigsA horde of hamstersA drove of hares (down, flick, herd, husk, kindle, leash, trace, trip)A herd of hartsA herd of hartebeestsA array of hedgehogs (prickle)A parcel of hindsA bloat of hippopotami (crash, herd, pod, school, thunder)A drift of hogs (drove, parcel)


A stable of horses (drove, harras, herd, remuda, string, stud, team)A pack of hounds (cry, hunt, kennel, leash, meet, mute, stable, sute)A clan of hyenasA herd of ibexesA couple of impalasA husk of jackrabbitsA mob of kangaroos (troop)A kindle of kittens (litter)A fall of lambsA leap of leopards (lepe)A kindle of leveretsA pride of lions (flock, sault, sawt, sowse, troop)A herd of llamasA stud of maresA richness of martens (richesse)A mischief of mice (horde, nest, trip)A labour of moles (company, movement)A band of mongooses (pack)


A troop of monkeys (cartload, mission, tribe, wilderness)A herd of mooseA barren of mules (pack, rake, span)A family of otters (bevy, raft, romp)A team of oxen (drove, herd, meinie, span, yoke)A pomp of pekingeseA drove of pigs (drift, flock, herd)A doylt of (tame) pigsA sounder of (wild) pigsA farrow of piglets (litter)An aurora of polar bears (pack)A chine of polecatsA string of ponies (herd)A prickle of porcupinesA school of porpoises (herd, pod)A coterie of prairie dogs (town)A litter of pupsA colony of rabbits (bury, drove, flick, kindle, leash, nest, trace)


A flock of sheep (down, drift, drove, fold, herd, meinie, mob, parcel, trip)A surfeit of skunksA dray of squirrels (colony)A pack of stoats (trip)A drove of swine (herd)A doylt of (tame) swine (drift, trip)A sounder of (wild) swine [12+]An ambush of tigers (streak)A blessing of unicornsA colony of volesA huddle of walruses (herd, ugly)A mob of wallabyiesA sneak of weasels (gang, pack)A grind of bottle-nosed whalesA school of whales (float, gam, herd, mob, pod, run, shoal, troup)A destruction of wildcats (dout)A herd of wildebeests


A pack of wolves (herd, rout)A mob of wombatsA herd of yaksA cohort of zebras (herd, zeal)

A culture of bacteriaA stuck of jellyfish (fluther, smack, smuth)

A clew of worms




A colony of ants (army, bike, swarm)A swarm of bees (bike, cast, cluster, drift, erst, game, grist, hive, rabble, stand)A bike of (wild) beesA flight of butterflies (kaleidoscope, rabble, swarm)An army of caterpillarsAn intrusion of cockroachesA swarm of flies (business, cloud, grist, hatch)A cloud of gnats (horde, rabble, swarm)A cloud of grasshoppers (cluster, swarm)




A bike of hornets (nest, swarm)A flight of insects (horde, plague, rabble, swarm)A flock of lice (colony, infestation)A plague of locusts (cloud, swarm)A scourge of mosquitoes (swarm)A clutter of spiders (cluster)A colony of termites (swarm)A colony of wasps (bike, nest)







A bed of clamsA bed of cocklesA bed of musselsA bed of oysters (hive)An escargatoire of snails (rout, walk)





A company of angel fishA company of archer fishA battery of barracudasA shoal of barbelsA fleet of bass (shoal)A grind of blackfishA school of butterfly fishA school of codA swarm of dragonet fishA troop of dogfishA swarm of eelsA shoal of fish (catch, draught, fray, haul, run, school)A glide of flying fishA glint of goldfish (troubling)A glean of herrings (army, shoal)A shoal of mackerelsA shoal of minnows (steam, stream, swarm)

FISH - 1


angel fish



FISH - 2A pack of perchA shoal of pilchards (school)A cluster of porcupine fishA party of rainbow fishA shoal of roachA bind of salmons (draught, leap, run, school, shoal)A family of sardinesA herd of seahorsesA shoal of shadsA shiver of sharks (school, shoal)A troupe of shrimpsA quantity of smeltsA shoal of sticklebacks (spread)A flotilla of swordfishA hover of trouts (shoal)A float of tunas (troup)A pod of whitings


sticklebacks smelts



Amphibians and Repti lesA quiver of cobras

A bask of crocodiles (congregation, float, nest)A herd of dinosaurs (pack)A flight of dragons (weyr, wing)An army of frogs (colony, froggery, knot)A mess of iguanasA rhumba of rattlesnakesA den of snakes (bed, knot, nest, pit, trogle)A knot of toads (knob, nest)A bale of turtles (dule, turn)A nest of vipers (generation)





MISCELLANEOUS - 1A wing of aircraft (flight)

A host of angels (chorus)A quiver of arrowsA bundle of asparagusA belt of asteroidsA bunch of bananas (hand)A grove of bayonetsA carillon of bells (change, peal)A library of booksA batch of bread (caste)A bavin of brushwoodA fleet of carsA pack of cards (deck, hand)A network of computers

bavin of brushwoodquiver of arrows

batch of bread grove of bayonets

MISCELLANEOUS - 2A dossier of documents

A clutch of eggsA bundle of firewoodA bed of flowers (bouquet, bunch, patch)A colony of fungiA pantheon of godsA bunch of grapes (cluster)A battery of gunsA budget of inventionsA chain of islands (archipelago)A cache of jewelsA ring of keysA fleet of lorries (convoy)

clutch of eggs

bundle of firewood

bed of flowers


A rouleau of coinsA collective of nounsA bank of monitorsA range of mountainsA troop of mushroomsA rope of onionsA coterie of orchidsA ream of paperA budget of papersA string of pearls (rope)A pod of peasA phantasmagoria of phantomsAn anthology of poems

pod of peas

rouleau of coins

ream of paper

rope of onions


A rosary of quotations (mellificium)A clump of reedsA rabble of remediesA nest of rumoursA fleet of ships (armada, flotilla)A pair of shoesA shrubbery of shrubsA flight of stairsA galaxy of stars (constellation)An anthology of storiesAn arcana of tarot cardsAn agenda of tasksA stand of trees (clump, forest, grove)

shrubbery of shrubs

flight of stairs

clump of reeds



a lump of sugar nest of rumours

A hug of teddy bears The End