Great Text Ads- SMX East 2011

Post on 08-May-2015

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Presentation given at SMX East 2011 in the panel Great Text Ads.

Transcript of Great Text Ads- SMX East 2011

  • 1.Great Text Ads
    poetry in marketing

2. Interactive Moment
Stop looking at work email.
Think of a product or service that you really like or use often.
Write it down.
3. Writing for Your Audience
Would Your Mom Click on That?
4. Mom & the Internet
5. 6. 7. Start with the words
You knowthe keywords
8. *Look at the keyword list*What keyword has floated to the top?*Take that keyword and build the ad around just it.
9. Interactive Moment
That product or service you wrote down, think of who uses it.
What keyword(s) would they use to search for it?
Write it down.
Stop Facebooking, these next couple of slides are interesting.
10. Were Here for the Ads
We dont need no stinking keywords!
11. Ad Set OptimizationVan Wagner Ad Sets Optimization Model
One great ad isnt enough.
Especially if youve got more than one audience for a set of keywords.
Aim for 2-3 solid performing ads.
Test around your set.
12. College Application Counselors
For Teens
For Parents
13. Great Taste or Less Filling?
14. Tell Me Something
15. Dynamic Insertion in Display URLs
Insert a dynamic keyword at the end:{keyword:pajamas}
Use all caps to really make it pop {KEYWORD} (MSN only)
The shorter the URL the better, drop the www for example.
Separate words with a +
16. Be Dynamic!
17. Speaking of adCenter
18. MSN AdCenter
Use capitalization in headlines- while the entire headline cant all be done in caps, words can.
19. More MSN AdCenter
Want to use FREE FREE FREE?
No problem.
20. Free Works
21. Enough!
Go Back to Google AdWords!
22. Site Links
23. Tell a Story
24. 25. Start a conversation
26. List More Promotions
27. Interactive Moment

  • Pick one of the keywords you wrote down.

28. Write a headline for the audience with that keyword. 29. Do NOT limit yourself to best practice.