Graphic storyboard kurt

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Graphic storyboard kurt


1 Second clip BlackMusic/Sound: Gets louder (deep echo)

Fade to white 0.4 seconds

Cut7.3 seconds (medium long shot) Steady cameraMusic/Sound: “1 2 3 4 5 once I caught some people alive” (Echo)Diagetic and Non digetic Green makes it look sterile and cold. Teddy makes her innocent child like with bow in hair. Pigtails, pale make up and green hair bands give this emphasis. Wearing no shoes and socks, whilst the dress is not modern, and has dark coloursVoice is charming though it’s a binary opposite to what she is saying, smirking when finishing the word caught in a chilling way. Holding little doll in a “caring way” then starts holding head with force pulling at arms

Fade to black

3.7 secondsMusic/sound-theme and disturbed tick/drip quiet to loud (non diagetic)Fade in 4 friends and it grows then fades out4 friends suggesting innocenceBlack background however makes them surrounded by darkness

4 Friends


2.8 SecondsLong ShotMusic/Sound: Diagetic sound “are there any spirits in the room that wish to contact us”static sound like spiritsRed carpet, curtains, and sofa in the clip, with two of the characters with red nails are used to signify danger not passion . The white table, mirror and walls show help create this idea of purity and innocence. The house is messy and normal. Blair is wearing a bangle on the arm which symbolises a shackle on her arm. Blair and Angel: Their arms are showing more, same lacy tops show they are more closer to each other then the other too, whilst showing they are in control, as Gem and Courtney are wearing long grey tops covering up their flesh, seen as shy and vulnerable. This gives us the idea of binary opposites between the friendship group. Angel-All black with white lace, no make up with hair tied backCourtney-Long sleeved grey top (dull) black jeans, red nails, no make up, hair short and straight dressed conservatively

Fade to black

4 lives

3.7 SecondsMusic/Sound: Non diagetic music “ six, seven, eight, nine, ten”. Resounding echo makes it more eerie like she’s all around you and there's no escape. A sound bridge continues in the clips, starting and drowning out. 4 lives-same notion as what other clip 4 friends was portraying


2.5 secondsMusic/Sound: Non Diagetic “10 echoing” . Dripping sound andSound bridge. Black shot makes audience unsure and it could symbolise death?

Fade to White

5.8 secondsHigh angle medium long shot-hand held style Shake gives us the idea of disturbance like they are being watched and shows panic. Music/Sound: Diagetic. Arguing with the spirit and crashing glass, screams, gasps, hands to mouth shows shock. Hands moving spontaneously

Fade to Black

3 secondsMusic/Sound: Sound bridge is quietDiagetic breathingNon diagetic voice over “we heard all the stories” Fuzzy sound of spirits presentLong shotDark green go give “Blair which style” intertextuality Can’t see Blair but can see the shape of herHands-used to make herself stable, unsteady, slowly shows she’s worried.

Fade to Black

1.3 secondsExtra Long ShotMusic/Sound: Sound bridge is quietNon diagetic voiceover “but we still went ahead and played the game “ London-British accentEmphasis on it being a British film. Diagetic ScreamingBlack car, silver lock blocking them in and blocking escape, also framing them. Daylight with screaming and running is unusual for horror, so gives the idea that it’s just not night that’s danger.


2 SecondsLong ShotMusic/Sound: Sound bridge quietOther musicNon Diagetic Voiceover “that was our biggest mistake”Diagetic screamingFast movement shows danger and chaos happening

Fade to Black

O.45 SecondsMedium ShotMusic/Sound:Non Diagetic Sound bridgeHeavy breathing-urgencyLooking around wall as if she's hiding from someoneCats head in the background turns same time as hers, as if it’s her protector, white cat symbolises innocent and holy connotations.


4.7 secondsMedium shotMusic/Sound:Non diagetic Sound bridge Diagetic-distressed breathing, banging on the doorDistorted image-contrast is sharpened and makes it more unusualHands on head show distressLots of space around her makes her look small, helpless and vulnerable.

Fade to White

3.5 SecondsMusic/Sound: Non Diagetic Sound bridgeNon diagaetic-Scratching sound to sound like knives, something sharp. Makes it violent. Underlying sound makes it chilling. “Death is coming” glows and fades out and goes with the other sound because of the style of font like it’s been torn apartRed symbolises blood and goreBlack symbolises death and nothingness

Fade to Black

3.4 secondsMedium Long ShotCamera tilted. Gives uneasy feeling. Music/Sound: Sound bridgeNon diagetic-static soundDiagetic speech-“never let them go again” echoWardrobe frames herWire is twisted (unpleasant) in background she looks connected to it, like she’s not part of the human world, only functions because of another source. Staring into camera is unsettling to the audience. Twists head of doll and drops it with no remorse, emotionless. Draw open-symbolises the spirit world open. Not how it should be, messy, not tidy having been disturbed.

Fade to Black

1.65 secondsMedium Close up. High Angle Shot. Music/Sound:Non Diagetic “again” echoesNon diagetic-Ticking sound (shows time running out)Bare legs, no shoes or socks show she’s not a proper child. Dolls arms and legs on floor,, signifies dismemberment of humans, whilst the head dropping shows brutality.


Black3.5 secondsMusic/Sound:Non diagetic-Dripping sound could represent dripping bloodCircles could represent ghostly green orbs. bright light disappears means no hope. Coming soon fade then it goes quiet and black and the audience think it’s the end, and are deceived like the characters


4.5 SecondsMusic/Sound:Non Diagetic dripping continuesNon Diagetic (sci fi music makes it normal, however is more chillingWith dripping noise. Blood circle-bold font-whiteFades in and then Fades outCutMusic/Sound: Non Diagetic sound of electricity sound, could be like electric power, and how life is going out, ending abruptly, it ends harshly.

Blood Circle

Open can productions bold and large (showingOur logo name)

Open Can Productions


1.2 secondsMusic/Sound: No SoundAssociated with film 4 is small font not bold making it. less importantFilm 4 logo is in red font to symbolise their logo

Associated with Film 4

Type of shottransitionsound musicshot typeprop