Grade 10 &11

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Transcript of Grade 10 &11

Military High School

AL- Ain

Grade 10 &11 Biology Sample Questions

Student Name:_________________________________________

Computer #:___________________________________________

Chapter 1: Cells

In all multiple choice questions, more than answer could be correct Section №: 1 What Is a Cell? 01. The basic unit of all living organisms is called ___________ (nucleus/ atom/ cell). 02. What are the three basic structures in all living cells?

______________________________________________ 03. Label the following animal cell.

04. Label the following plant cell.

05. What is the main function of the cell membrane?

06. _________ (Cell membrane/ Cell wall/ Nucleus/ Cytoplasm) is a thin boundary enclosing the cytoplasm that control substances that enter and leave the cell. 07. What is the main function of the cytoplasm?

___________________________________________ 08. What is an organelle? Give three examples of organelles.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 09. What are the main functions of the nucleus?

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Which of the following is/are NOT a function of a nucleus? [-A-] protect the cell [-B-] site of cell’s reactions [-C-] carry hereditary information [-D-] control cell division [-E-] A & B

11. ______ (Starch grain/ Vacuole/ Mitochondria/ Nucleus) in a living cell produces energy from food substances. 12. Mitochondria are found in larger quantity in :- [-A-] skin [-B-] cheek cells [-C-] liver cells [-D-] muscle cells 13. What is the main function of the ribosomes?

___________________________________________ 14. What types of cells contain chloroplasts?


15. What is the function of chloroplasts?

___________________________________________ 16. __________ (Mitochondria/ Ribosome/ Chloroplast/ Starch grain) is present only in plant cells, and it makes glucose from carbon dioxide and water by a process called photosynthesis.

Section №: 2 Plant Cells Compared with Animal Cells Concept №:

17. _______ is used as a food store in plant cells. (Cell wall/ Cell membrane/ Starch grains)

18. _______ makes plant cells firm.

( Cytoplasm / Vacuole/ Starch grains)

19. _________ support and protect plant cell. (Cell wall/ Cell membrane/ Cytoplasm) 20. Match the following parts of a light microscope to its corresponding function: 1. Diaphragm a. is used to the specimen in focus

2. Stage b. magnify specimen 3. Course adjustment knob c. is used to observe a specimen 4. Objective lens d. control amount of light

5. Fine adjustment knob e. reflect light

6. Mirror f. hold the specimen

7. Eye piece lens g. is used to see specimen clearly

21. Label the following parts of a microscope:

Chapter 2: Tissues and Organs

01. The electron microscope uses beams of ___________________ (light/ electrons/ protons) instead of beams of light. 02. What is the maximum magnification of an electron microscope?

______________________________________________ 03. The image seen under the electron microscope is (of) __________ (lower/ higher) when compared to that of light microscope. 04. Which of the following best describes an electron microscope?

Resolution Ease of use magnification A High Easy Up to 1000 times

B High Difficult Up to 500,000 times

C Low Difficult Up to 1500 times

D Low Easy Up to 500,000 times

05. Which of the following is an image of the electron microscope?

A B C 06. State two advantages of using an electron microscope.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 07. State two disadvantages of using an electron microscope.


Section №: 2 Cell Division and Cell Specialization

08. The cell starts to divide when it’s ____________ (fully or completely/ partial) grown.

09. What basic structure divides first in the cell during cell division of an animal cell?


10. Arrange the stages of animal cell division in the correct order.

11. What is the result of the last stage in a cell division? ___________________ 12. All the following happen during plant cell division EXCEPT which of the following? [-A-] The nucleus divides at first. [-B-] Vacuoles join to form one vacuole in one cell. [-C-] new cell wall separates the two new nuclei. [-D-] The squeezing or narrowing of the cytoplasm divides the cell into two cells. [-E-] The nucleus is not the first structure to divide.

13. __________ (Organs/ Systems/ Tissues/ Cells/ Organisms) are groups of cells that have the same shape and function.

14. A tissue is a group of similar _____________ (organs/ systems/ tissues/ cells/ organisms) that have the same function and shape. 15. Examples of tissue include


16. __________ (Organs/ Systems/ Tissues/ Cells/ Organisms) are different tissues working together to carry out special function.

17. Organs are several different _________ (organs/ systems/ tissues/ cells/ organisms) working together to carry out special function. 18. Examples of organ include

_____________________________________________ 19. Which of the following is NOT an organ? [-A-] Muscle [-B-] Brain [-C-] Stomach [-D-] Nerve [-E-] Eye

20. ______ (Organs/ Systems/ Tissues/ Cells/ Organisms) is a group of organs whose functions are closely related.

21. A system is a group of _____ (organs/ systems/ tissues/ cells/ organisms) whose functions are closely related.

22. The digestive system including mouth, stomach and intestine is an example of a ______ (organ/ system/ tissue/ cell/ organism).

23. A/An _______ (organ/ system/ tissue/ cell/ organism) is made up of different organs and systems working together to produce a complete plant or animal.

Chapter 3: Chemistry for Biology

Section №: 1 Molecular Biology 01. The approximate size of the cell is ____________________________

02. Atoms are made up of _______________, _________________,

and ________________. 03. Which of the following statements is TRUE? [-A-] Atoms contain electrons and protons only. [-B-] The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons. [-C-] The nucleus of an atom contains electrons. [-D-] Electrons have a positive charge. 04. Protons have

A. positive charge and is much larger and heavier than electrons. B. negative charge and is larger and heavier than the electrons C. no charge and is much smaller than the electrons D. protons positive charge and are found around the nucleus of the atom

05. Protons have:

A. Positive charge B. Negative charge C. No charge D. It is impossible to predict the charge on a proton as it is inside the nucleus.

06. Electrons have:

A. Positive charge B. Negative charge C. No charge D. It is impossible to predict the charge on a proton as it is inside the nucleus

07. The electrical attractions in an atom keep the ___________ (electrons/ protons/ neutrons) near the nucleus. Section №: 2 Symbols and Formulae 08. Name the following symbols of atoms:

H: ________________ He: ________________

C: ________________ O: ________________

N: ________________ S: ________________


09. 2 S represents:

[-A-] An atom of sodium made up of two molecules joined together [-B-] Two separate sulphur atoms [-C-] A molecule of sulphur made up of two atoms joined together [-D-] A molecule of sodium made up of two atoms joined together [-E-] An atom of sulphur made up of two molecules joined together

Section №: 3 Essential Compounds in Cells and Their Properties

10. __________ (Organic/ Inorganic) compounds are substances that contain carbon and hydrogen.

11. __________ (Organic/ Inorganic) compounds are substances that don’t contain carbon except CO2. 12. Which of the following are inorganic molecules?

[-A-] Fe2O3 [-B-] CO2 [-C-] C2H5OH [-D-] H2O [-E-] C6H12O6 13. Which of the following are inorganic compounds? [-A-] Fe2O3 [-B-] CO2 [-C-] NH3 [-D-] H2O [-E-] All of the above 14. What is the general formula of amino acids?


15. There are ___________ (20/ 25/ 30) amino acids in nature. Amino acids differ from

each other by their ___________ (acid/ base/ radical) group.

Section №: 5 Use of Equations in Biology


16. Glucose + Oxygen Water + Carbon dioxide + Energy A. Circle the reactants.

B. Underline the products.

C. State the conditions necessary for the reaction. __________________ 17. What are the reactants in the following chemical equation? Zn + CuSO4 Zn SO4 + Cu

A. Zinc and copper

B. Zinc sulfate and copper

C. Zinc and copper (II) sulfate

D. Only zinc

Chapter 4 : Molecules Found in Cells

Section №: 1 Proteins

01. Structural proteins: [-A-] are used as tools [-B-] are used as building material [-C-] are always enzymes [-D-] control chemical reactions

02. The protein used as a chemical tool is called a_______ (structural/ functional) protein. 03. What are the common elements in all proteins?


04. The basic units of proteins are _____________________________ 05. Which of the following is/are chemical structure of amino acids?

06. Proteins differ in ________, _________, and _______ of amino acids.

07. The bond that joins one amino acid to another to form a polypeptide is called a:

[-A-] A dipeptide bond [-B-] A peptide bond [-C-] A hydrogen bond [-D-] A polypeptide bond [-E-] None of the above

08. The shape of a protein is important because:-

1 if it is too large it won’t fit inside the cell 2 if it is too long it denatures easily 3 it will take a long time for the cell to make it 4 it is important to perform its function 5 it makes it easier to leave the cell

09. Which of the following is TRUE when a protein is denatured?

1 it loses its shape 2 it loses its function 3 it should have been heated to temperature above 50oC 4 its damage is irreversible 5 it doesn’t lose its function

10. A protein is denatured when it is heated to temperatures [-A-] below 30 O C [-B-] above 50 O C

[-C-] below 40 O C [-D-] between 30 O C and 40 O C

Section №: 2 Lipids

11. Name the elements found in lipids.


12. Lipid includes the following groups of substances:

1. Fats 2. Oils 3. Peptides 4. Steroids

[-A-] 1,2 only [-B-] 1,2,3 only [-C-] 1,2,4 only [-D-] 2,3,4 only

13. One molecule of a lipid is formed of _________ (1, 2, 3) molecule of glycerol and

_________ (1, 2, 3) molecules of fatty acids.

14. Basic units of lipids are ______________ and _______________.

15. Name the bond that joins a fatty acid to glycerol.

______________________________________________ 16. The diagram below represents a:

[-A-] fatty acid molecule [-B-] protein molecule [-C-] glycerol molecule [-D-] lipid molecule 17. The part labeled (1) in the diagram below represents:

2 1 [-A-] lipid [-B-] fatty acid [-C-] glycerol [-D-] ester bond 18. The part labeled (2) in question (17) represents: [-A-] lipid [-B-] fatty acid [-C-] glycerol [-D-] ester bond 19. Which of the following is (are) a function(s) of a lipid? 1. Energy store 2. Insulates the body 3. Formation of cell membranes 4. Protein synthesis

5. all of the above

Section №: 3 Carbohydrates 20. Name the elements found in carbohydrates.

______________________________________________ 21. Carbohydrates are classified according to their ____________.

1 elements they contain 2 sweetness 3 size

22. Name the bond between the two glucose molecules in maltose.


23. The bond labeled A in the diagram below is a :



[-A-] peptide bond [-B-] hydrogen bond [-C-] dipeptide bond [-D-] glycosidic bond

24. ___________________ is a function of carbohydrate.

1 Formation of cell membranes 2 Insulation the body 3 Being a readily source of energy 4 Protein synthesis

25. Which of the following form cell walls in plants?

1 Proteins 2 Lipids 3 Carbohydrate (Cellulose) 4 Vitamins 5 Nucleic acids

Section №: 4 Nucleic Acids

26. The basic unit of nucleic acid is _____________________ (ribose, organic base, phosphate, nucleotides). 27. Which of the following is (are) a nucleic acid (s) involved in protein synthesis? 1 RNA 2 steroids 3 carbohydrates 4 glycerol 5 DNA

28. Nucleic acids are essential for _____________________.

Military High School

AL- Ain

Grade 10 &11 Biology Sample Questions

Answer key

Student Name:_________________________________________

Computer #:__________________________________________

Chapter 1: Cells

In all multiple choice questions, more than answer could be correct Section №: 1 What Is a Cell? 01. The basic unit of all living organisms is called ___________ (nucleus/ atom/ cell). 02. What are the three basic structures in all living cells?

__Cell membrane – nucleus- cytoplasm_____________ 03. Label the following animal cell.

04. Label the following plant cell.

05. What is the main function of the cell membrane? Holds the cell contents and controls which substances are allowed to enter and leave the cell.

06. _________ (Cell membrane/ Cell wall/ Nucleus/ Cytoplasm) is a thin boundary enclosing the cytoplasm that control substances that enter and leave the cell. 4. Know the function of the cytoplasm 07. What is the main function of the cytoplasm?

___________________________________________ 08. What is an organelle? Give three examples of organelles.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 09. What are the main functions of the nucleus?

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Which of the following is/are NOT a function of a nucleus? [-A-] protect the cell [-B-] site of cell’s reactions [-C-] carry hereditary information [-D-] control cell division [-E-] A & B

11. ______ (Starch grain/ Vacuole/ Mitochondria/ Nucleus) in a living cell produces energy from food substances. 12. Mitochondria are found in larger quantity in :- [-A-] skin [-B-] cheek cells [-C-] liver cells [-D-] muscle cells 13. What is the main function of the ribosomes?

___________________________________________ 14. What types of cells contain chloroplasts?


Cytoplasm is the site of the cell’s reaction.

Organelles : are tiny sub-cellular objects which have a specific functions in the cytoplasm.

Examples: mitochondria, chloroplasts , ribosomes and the nucleus (largest organelle)

1. Contains chromosomes, which carry heredity information. 2. Controls cell division

3. Controls type and quantity of proteins produced into the cytoplasm.

Synthesis of proteins.

Plant cells.

15. What is the function of chloroplasts?

___________________________________________ 16. __________ (Mitochondria/ Ribosome/ Chloroplast/ Starch grain) is present only in plant cells, and it makes glucose from carbon dioxide and water by a process called photosynthesis.

Section №: 2 Plant Cells Compared with Animal Cells

17. _______ is used as a food store in plant cells. (Cell wall/ Cell membrane/ Starch grains)

18. _______ makes plant cells firm.

( Cytoplasm / Vacuole/ Starch grains)

19. _________ support and protect plant cell. (Cell wall/ Cell membrane/ Cytoplasm) 20. Match the following parts of a light microscope to its corresponding function: 1. Diaphragm (d) a. is used to the specimen in focus

2. Stage (f) b. magnify specimen 3. Course adjustment knob (a) c. is used to observe a specimen 4. Objective lens (b) d. control amount of light

5. Fine adjustment knob (g) e. reflect light

6. Mirror (e) f. hold the specimen

7. Eye piece lens (c) g. is used to see specimen clearly

21. Label the following parts of a microscope:

Convert the sun’s energy into chemical energy used for making glucose from carbon dioxide

water by photosynthesis.

Chapter 2: Tissues and Organs

Section №: 1 The Electron Microscope Compared to Light Microscope Concept №: 01. The electron microscope uses beams of ___________________ (light/ electrons/ protons) instead of beams of light. 02. What is the maximum magnification of an electron microscope?

______________________________________________ 03. The image seen under the electron microscope is (of) __________ (lower/ higher) when compared to that of light microscope. 04. Which of the following best describes an electron microscope?

Resolution Ease of use magnification A High Easy Up to 1000 times

B High Difficult Up to 500,000 times C Low Difficult Up to 1500 times

D Low Easy Up to 500,000 times

05. Which of the following is an image of the electron microscope?


Up to x 500,000

06. State two advantages of using an electron microscope.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 07. State two disadvantages of using an electron microscope.


Section №: 2 Cell Division and Cell Specialization

08. The cell starts to divide when it’s ____________ (fully or completely/ partial) grown.

09. What basic structure divides first in the cell during cell division of an animal cell?


10. Arrange the stages of animal cell division in the correct order.

11. What is the result of the last stage in a cell division? ___________________ 12. All the following happen during plant cell division EXCEPT which of the following? [-A-] The nucleus divides at first. [-B-] Vacuoles join to form one vacuole in one cell. [-C-] new cell wall separates the two new nuclei. [-D-] The squeezing or narrowing of the cytoplasm divides the cell into two cells. [-E-] The nucleus is not the first structure to divide.

1. Very high magnification

2. Very high resolution

1. Cells are killed and dehydrated 2. Some preparation treatments produce artificial artifacts

3. Very expensive 4. Requires specialist training

The nucleus

B – E – D – A – C - F

Two daughter cells are formed

13. __________ (Organs/ Systems/ Tissues/ Cells/ Organisms) are groups of cells that have the same shape and function.

14. A tissue is a group of similar _____________ (organs/ systems/ tissues/ cells/ organisms) that have the same function and shape. 15. Examples of tissue include


16. __________ (Organs/ Systems/ Tissues/ Cells/ Organisms) are different tissues working together to carry out special function.

17. Organs are several different _________ (organs/ systems/ tissues/ cells/ organisms) working together to carry out special function. 18. Examples of organ include

_____________________________________________ 19. Which of the following is NOT an organ? [-A-] Muscle [-B-] Brain [-C-] Stomach [-D-] Nerve [-E-] Eye

20. ______ (Organs/ Systems/ Tissues/ Cells/ Organisms) is a group of organs whose functions are closely related.

21. A system is a group of _____ (organs/ systems/ tissues/ cells/ organisms) whose functions are closely related.

22. The digestive system including mouth, stomach and intestine is an example of a ______ (organ/ system/ tissue/ cell/ organism).

23. A/An _______ (organ/ system/ tissue/ cell/ organism) is made up of different organs and systems working together to produce a complete plant or animal.

Bone , nerve, or muscle in animals. tissues of the leaf, examples epidermis and palisade

In animals: heart, lungs, intestines, brain, eyes…etc. In plants: root, stem and leaves.

Chapter 3: Chemistry for Biology

Section №: 1 Molecular Biology

01. The approximate size of the cell is ____________________________

02. Atoms are made up of _______________, _________________,

and ________________. 04. Which of the following statements is TRUE? [-A-] Atoms contain electrons and protons only. [-B-] The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons. [-C-] The nucleus of an atom contains electrons. [-D-] Electrons have a positive charge. 05. Protons have [-A-] positive charge and is much larger and heavier than electrons. [-B-] negative charge and is larger and heavier than the electrons [-C-] no charge and is much smaller than the electrons [-D- ]protons positive charge and are found around the nucleus of the atom

06. Protons have:

A. Positive charge B. Negative charge C. No charge D. It is impossible to predict the charge on a proton as it is inside the nucleus.

07. Electrons have:

A. Positive charge B. Negative charge C. No charge D. It is impossible to predict the charge on a proton as it is inside the nucleus

08. The electrical attractions in an atom keep the ___________ (electrons/ protons/ neutrons) near the nucleus.

10 microns

electrons protons


Section №: 2 Symbols and Formulae 09. Name the following symbols of atoms:

H: ________________ He: ________________

C: ________________ O: ________________

N: ________________ S: ________________

Na:________________ 10. 2 S represents:

[-A-] An atom of sodium made up of two molecules joined together [-B-] Two separate sulphur atoms [-C-] A molecule of sulphur made up of two atoms joined together [-D-] A molecule of sodium made up of two atoms joined together [-E-] An atom of sulphur made up of two molecules joined together

Section №: 3 Essential Compounds in Cells and Their Properties

11. __________ (Organic/ Inorganic) compounds are substances that contain carbon and hydrogen.

12. __________ (Organic/ Inorganic) compounds are substances that don’t contain carbon except CO2. 13. Which of the following are inorganic molecules?

[-A-] Fe2O3 [-B-] CO2 [-C-] C2H5OH [-D-] H2O [-E-] C6H12O6 14. Which of the following are inorganic compounds? [-A-] Fe2O3 [-B-] CO2 [-C-] NH3 [-D-] H2O [-E-] All of the above 15. What is the general formula of amino acids?

Hydrogen Helium






16. There are ___________ (20/ 25/ 30) amino acids in nature. Amino acids differ from

each other by their ___________ (acid/ base/ radical) group

Section №: 5 Use of Equations in Biology

17. Glucose + Oxygen Water + Carbon dioxide + Energy A. Circle the reactants.

B. Underline the products.

C. State the conditions necessary for the reaction. __________________ 18. What are the reactants in the following chemical equation? Zn + CuSO4 Zn SO4 + Cu key

A. Zinc and copper Zn: zinc B. Zinc sulfate and copper Cu: copper C. Zinc and copper (II) sulfate SO4: sulfate D. Only zinc CuSO4: copper(II) sulfate

Chapter 4 : Molecules Found in Cells

Section №: 1 Proteins

01. Structural proteins: [-A-] are used as tools [-B-] are used as building material [-C-] are always enzymes



[-D-] control chemical reactions

02. The protein used as a chemical tool is called a_______ (structural/ functional) protein. 03. What are the common elements in all proteins?

______________________________________________ 4

04. The basic units of proteins are _____________________________ 05. Which of the following is/are chemical structure of amino acids?



R 3 R−NH2 4 R−CO−NH2.

06. Proteins differ in ________, _________, and _______ of amino acids.

07. The bond that joins one amino acid to another to form a polypeptide is called a:

[-A-] A dipeptide bond [-B-] A peptide bond [-C-] A hydrogen bond [-D-] A polypeptide bond [-E-] None of the above 08. The shape of a protein is important because:-

1 if it is too large it won’t fit inside the cell 2 if it is too long it denatures easily 3 it will take a long time for the cell to make it 4 it is important to perform its function 5 it makes it easier to leave the cell

09. Which of the following is TRUE when a protein is denatured?

1 it loses its shape 2 it loses its function 3 it should have been heated to temperature above 50oC

Carbon, hydrogen , oxygen and nitrogen

amino acids

number type sequence

4 its damage is irreversible 5 it doesn’t lose its function

10. A protein is denatured when it is heated to temperatures [-A-] below 30 O C [-B-] above 50 O C

[-C-] below 40 O C [-D-] between 30 O C and 40 O C

Section №: 2 Lipids

11. Name the elements found in lipids.

______________________________________________ 12. Lipid includes the following groups of substances:

1. Fats 2. Oils 3. Peptides 4. Steroids

[-A-] 1,2 only [-B-] 1,2,3 only [-C-] 1,2,4 only [-D-] 2,3,4 only

13. 13. One molecule of a lipid is formed of _________ (1, 2, 3) molecule of glycerol

and _________ (1, 2, 3) molecules of fatty acids. 14. Basic units of lipids are ______________ and _______________.

15. Name the bond that joins a fatty acid to glycerol.


Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

glycerol fatty acids

Ester bond

16. The diagram below represents a:

[-A-] fatty acid molecule [-B-] protein molecule [-C-] glycerol molecule [-D-] lipid molecule 17. The part labeled (1) in the diagram below represents:

2 1 [-A-] lipid [-B-] fatty acid [-C-] glycerol [-D-] ester bond 18. The part labeled (2) in question (17) represents: [-A-] lipid [-B-] fatty acid [-C-] glycerol [-D-] ester bond 19. Which of the following is (are) a function(s) of a lipid? 1. Energy store 2. Insulates the body 3. Formation of cell membranes 4. Protein synthesis 5. all of the above

Section №: 3 Carbohydrates

20. Name the elements found in carbohydrates.

______________________________________________ Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

21. Carbohydrates are classified according to their ____________.

1 elements they contain 2 sweetness 3 size

22. Name the bond between the two glucose molecules in maltose.

______________________________________________ 23. The bond labeled A in the diagram below is a :



[-A-] peptide bond [-B-] hydrogen bond [-C-] dipeptide bond [-D-] glycosidic bond

24. ___________________ is a function of carbohydrate.

1 Formation of cell membranes 2 Insulation the body 3 Being a readily source of energy 4 Protein synthesis

25. Which of the following form cell walls in plants?

1 Proteins 2 Lipids 3 Carbohydrate (Cellulose) 4 Vitamins 5 Nucleic acids Section №: 4 Nucleic Acids

26. The basic unit of nucleic acid is _____________________ (ribose, organic base, phosphate, nucleotides).

Glycosidic bond

27. Which of the following is (are) a nucleic acid (s) involved in protein synthesis? 1 RNA 2 steroids 3 carbohydrates 4 glycerol 5 DNA

28. Nucleic acids are essential for _____________________.

protein synthesis