Gr final poster 2

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Gr final poster 2


Connectivity throughout the site allows each person to experi-ence a different journey specifically tailored to suite one’s lifestyle needs. To allow these journeys to take place we created pathways that allows people to easily experience what they are feeling in that moment. The B-Line path is a straight line from one side to the other and is useful when in a hurry. If time isn’t available, this path allows people to not be distracted by the surroundings and focus on the end point. If time is more available, the Long Walk Home is for people who would like to enjoy their surrounding and get lost in nature for a little while. The path allows for people to relax and “smell the roses.” The last path is Meanderer’s Paradise which is suited for people who would like to spend a couple hours enjoying the park. The serenity of being immersed in this context is very calming and can positively boost one’s health. The long meandering path leads to the center of the park where people can find a place to picnic or read. These pathways are all connected to the building where the journey will further con-tinue.

Illustrious Journeys



6am Summer Winter



Sun-Shade Diagram




Proposal for new subway stop



B Line

Long Way Home

Meanderer’s Paradise

As it can be seen in this sun shade exploration, Copen-hagen has many less hours of sun in the winter than in the summer months. The little sun in the winter months makes utilizing the light that is available during the day imperative. With lighting being of cen-tral focus to our design we incorporated as many sky-lights and glass atriums as possible to create an indoor experience that takes advantage of the natural lighting in Copenhagen when it is available.

The rooftop garden on the west side of the building is ideally located to reap the best lighting from noon to sunset. Which is when the gardens will be in most use because the culture of Copenhagen encourages people to eat outdoors, so lunch and dinner meals outside will be well lit throughout the seasons.

The green roof above the parking garage on the east end is situated so that the early morning sun is not an issue for commuters. They drive into the parking garage with the sun on their back and by the afternoon or eve-ning they depart again with the sun on their backs eliminating the potential hazard of direct sunlight in the eyes of the commuters as they try to enter and exit the building. A glass atrium along the main building axis pulls light down to the street below, which not only makes for a more enjoyable driving experience but allows for a flourishing road median filled with growth as large and lush as a red oak.