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This report is issued under the terms of the Education Act 1986 and related Instruments which require school governors to report annually to parents. The report will be the subject of discussion at the Annual Meeting between governors and parents due to be held at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 25 February 2003 in Bader Hall.


As Chairman of Governors it gives me much pleasure to present to you the Annual Report for the school academic year ending in July 2002. As you will see when you have read this report the school has continued to make progress in all areas and this has helped to maintain its position as one of the top schools in Staffordshire. In fact in a recent published league table it now has a place in the top 250 schools in the country. This is the result of the partnership between students, parents, and staff. The school underwent another Ofsted inspection in February. This report clearly shows that the school has continued to make good progress. The school has continued to achieve excellent examination results. Many extra curricular activities continue to be provided; these include Art, Drama, Public Speaking, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, school visits and many successful sporting teams. I would also like to mention the contribution the school makes to the community and to draw your attention to the amount raised for charities during the year. Furthermore I would like to thank all staff for their hard work and the commitment shown in updating their own skills for the students’ benefit; students whose determination to succeed is clearly seen in these results and parents whose support is demonstrated at consultation evenings and regular contact with the school; the Parents’ Teachers’ Association for function organization and fund raising activities.


Meetings of the Full Governing Body were held on 4 October and 29 November 2001 and on 17 January, 21 March, 16 May and 4 July 2002.

Meetings of Governors’ Committees were held on the following dates:

Personnel and Finance Committee: 6 November, 10 December 2001 and 12 March, 20 March and 20 June 2002. Curriculum Committee: 30 October 2001 and 24 April and 26 June 2002. Premises Committee: 25 September 2001 and 6 March and 20 June 2002. Strategic Development Committee: 26 February 2002

In addition to the above, meetings also took place with regard to Target Setting, Performance Review and various Appointments Meetings.



The number on roll in January 2002 was 1356. Full details of examination results are given in the appendices. Our rates of attendance were very high again at almost 95%. This compares very well with other County schools.

Advanced level examination results were outstanding. This was the first year in which the new style of ‘A’ level was completed and we are delighted with the students’ success. Overall, they were the best Advanced level results achieved by the school, the strongest results in the County and bear national comparisons very favourably. A total of 112 students sat the equivalent of at least two ‘A’ levels and absolutely everybody achieved something positive. Jennifer Dale achieved no fewer than five grade A passes. Michael Barr, John Branch, Tom Dale, Claire Evans, James Howes and Kate Morton all achieved four grade A passes. Another seven students achieved three grade A passes within their results. They are: Catherine Bagg, Alexander Broomfield, Samantha Cox, Robert Hearne, Rob Kinghan, Nathalie Marsh and Gemma Stewart. In addition to these results many of these, and other, students also achieved additional AS and Key Skills qualifications which makes their achievement better still. Three students from the year group were successful in securing Oxbridge places. Michael Barr will be studying Philosophy at Jesus College, Cambridge; Jennifer Dale is studying Law at Balliol College, Oxford; and Tom Dale will be studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. At GCSE, 74% of the students in Year 11 achieved at least 5 grades A* to C. Beyond that, all 229 students in that large year group achieved at least 5 grades in the range A* to G. These are tremendously strong figures and the “average” result for the students overall was the highest figure for the school ever. No fewer than 29 students achieved seven or more grade A or A* passes within their results. These students are Claire Anslow, Elisabeth Bagg, Sophie Benton, Emma Birch, Rosemary Borland, Eleanor Bull, Lucy Carey, Victoria Copeland, Alice Cust-Hughes, Elizabeth Davis, Laura Dyal, Catherine Earnshaw, Darran Fowler, Fiona Gee, William Hilder, Clive Johnson, Emma Kempster, Elisabeth Kershaw, Susannah Kinghan, Rosemary Mallard, Geraldine O’Sulllivan, Neena Sandlin, Richard Sear, Jessica Slater, Anna Soryal, Sarah Soryal, Paul Talbot, James Thurlow and Charlotte Welch. Ten students actually achieved A or A* grades in absolutely every subject that they took this year – Sophie Benton, Emma Birch, Rosemary Borland, Sophie Butler, Fiona Gee, Elisabeth Kershaw, Susannah Kinghan, Rosemary Mallard, Jessica Slater and Sarah Soryal. Congratulations to all students who have done so well this year. Details of the further education/employment destinations of students leaving in July 2001 are given in the appendix information.


Once again, we have provided a wide range of activities for students. As for links with the community, our facilities continue to be used by a variety of groups and clubs. Staff and students contribute to many events within Lichfield. We are represented on local committees and the Youth Forum. The Parent Teacher Association ran a number of successful events, again, for the benefit both of school and the community. Equally, students in school continued to raise money for charities, many of them local ones, and £2,969 was achieved altogether. There is a wide range of school trips available. Many are one-day excursions but others are longer residential opportunities and exchanges. The Ski trip to Canada was successful again. Other memorable excursions abroad last year included the Year 12 German study visit; the Year 10 Battlefields visit to Belgium and France; and the Arts trip to Paris. These, and other trips, enrich the work that we do and are wonderful opportunities for students. They also keep us very busy.


In helping me to compile this part of the report, various members of staff have contributed the following:

i) Sport One of our successes this year was the achievement of the prestigious

Sportsmark Award. This is a tribute to PE in our curriculum and to the extra opportunities that we provide. The school aims to provide a broad range of sporting activities for all students. In consequence, there is a wide range of activities within our PE lessons. In addition to this, students are also involved in many team and sometimes individual events. (Please see Appendix 6a and 6b for details of team events and sporting achievements.)

Music The Music Department has been as busy as ever, led by Mrs Brannan and ably assisted by Mrs Foulkes. The Autumn Term began with the School Band leading the Johnson Birthday Celebrations in the Market Square, then later in the term, the choirs, Extet, and band performed in the Cathedral for the Annual Dedication Services. The Christmas Carol Concert, also in the Cathedral, was as popular as ever with choirs, band, Extet, recorder ensemble and string orchestra performing to their usual high standard. Mrs Foulkes organised a visit for Year 8 to see a performance of ‘Joseph’ as part of their National Curriculum studies. In the Spring Term the annual production was ‘Anything Goes’. Later in the term, there was a splendid concert by students from all the year groups. In the Summer Term the highlight was the County Music Festival at the Albert Hall, London. Our junior choirs were invited to perform with the massed choirs and Mrs Foulkes organised the visit and trained the singers. Eighteen of our instrumentalists represented the school at County level on this occasion performing in the County Symphony Orchestra, Wind Band, Jazz Orchestra and the Recorder and Renaissance Ensemble. We are very proud of the exceptionally large number of students who play for the County at this high level. Finally, we gave our second school concert of the year and it was a great success. The number of students taking Associated Board Royal Schools of Music Exams has increased and we are indebted to the peripatetic instrumental teachers who assist in this work. There is an enormous commitment to extra-curricular music led by Mrs Brannan, Mrs Foulkes, Mr Paul, Mr Hunt, Mrs Henderson and Mr Lunt. Inter-departmental collaboration was essential for the annual production which this year was ‘Anything Goes’ – there were five successful performances of the musical with a large number of staff and students helping to put it all together. Congratulations to producer Mrs A Wright, Musical Director Mrs Brannan, Stage Managers Mrs Thurlow, Mrs Eccles, Mrs Eversham, Wardrobe Mrs Mulligan, Publicity Mr Hunt, Tickets Mrs Murray and Mrs Underhill. Further details of students’ musical achievements are given in Appendix 7.

Drama The Theatre Studies A2 students performed an original piece of drama based upon a young girl’s obsession with Judy Garland bringing out the themes of loneliness, depression and self-image. They also gave a performance of ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ incorporating film, poetry, realistic and stylised drama to highlight society’s conception of madness. The AS performances were also a major achievement with students preparing: ‘A Dolls House’, ‘The Caretaker’, ‘Bazaar and Rummage’ and ‘The Killing of Sister George’. This year’s House Drama Competition was remarkable and seemed to produce best ever performances in terms of creativity, direction, song/script writing and practical awareness. This competition seems to really bring home the talents of our Sixth Form in organising and working with younger members of the school. Not only has this competition been excellent for the school community but has also given the Sixth Form students confidence and experiences that will last for the rest of their lives. In the Summer Term we gave a Key Stage 3 performance of ‘The Hobbit’ which was an exciting adventure and an enriching


experience for all. Many students were involved in this production and they all came from the lower school. As well as providing a performance experience, the cast was also involved in creating masks, costume and props. This performance was made all the more interesting and exciting because of our use of projected images, colour animations and special lighting and sound effects. Our next Key Stage 3 performance will be ‘Sparkleshark’ by Philip Ridley. We have also undertaken many theatre trips including Sam West as Hamlet at RSC. ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’ at the RSC and the National. ‘A View from the Bridge’ at Malvern and many others. We have also taken part in a workshop on Stanislavski techniques led by an actress from the ‘Out of Joint’ Theatre Company. This year proves to be even more busy as we are planning to take part in the Lichfield Festival and the Lichfield Mysteries. The Sixth Form Revue was very successful again and included some particularly memorable performances – not least within the alternative student version of our Ofsted Inspection. English and Public Speaking The English Department has had a busy year, organising trips to see a variety of theatre productions including ‘Journey’s End’, ‘A View from the Bridge’ and an open-air production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in Regent’s Park during the summer. After Easter, the Bitesize Theatre Company will come into school to perform scenes from ‘Twelfth Night’ to an audience of Year 9 students as preparation for their SATs in May. This year, having assumed responsibility for the Mock Trial competition, Miss Mansell and a group of Year 8 and Year 9 students won through to the West Midlands Regional trials, held in April. The students competed against different schools to prosecute and defend two cases, playing the parts of solicitors, witnesses, magistrates and court staff. Our team narrowly lost out to Newport Girls’ High School. Well done to all those involved, who represented the school with dignity and maturity. Once again the House Public Speaking was a closely fought competition with Addison lifting the trophy. The quality of speeches delivered was outstanding, with some lively and original topics being aired. Duke of Edinburgh Awards During this year 20 students in the present Year 10 enrolled for their Bronze Award, and 12 students in Year 11 enrolled for their Silver Award. Meanwhile, 11 students have completed their Bronze Award and 3 their Silver. These students will be presented with certificates and badges at the local presentation being held at Drayton Manor Park on 12 February 2003. Three previous students, Bethany Robertson, Hannah Robertson and Tom Robertson, have also completed their Gold Award; Bethany received her Award in March 2002, Hannah and Tom will attend a presentation in the Summer of 2003. Our thanks go to the large team of staff involved who have assisted all these young people in their participation in the Award Scheme.


Details of the Delegated Budget for 2001/2002, the Covenant Scheme, Parent Teacher Association Gifts and the School Fund are given in Appendix 4.

I would wish to express my appreciation to Mr Sutton, Mrs Dennis and Mrs Cook for the tremendous work that they have done once again. Our funds are very well managed and this is confirmed time after time by auditors and of course by our own experiences. As we know, Staffordshire is very poorly funded compared with most other counties. The budget this year was disappointing, although we are hoping that a larger Sixth Form in 2002-3 will help us to develop further. Nevertheless, we have been able to continue our premises improvements and to enhance staffing ratios.


Governors have continued to pay attention to the important task of improving our premises and facilities. General redecoration has continued in a number of areas as part of our rolling programme and we have extended barrier matting to cover more of the entrances to the school. New water heaters have improved our supplies of hot water, and our general heating in the Bader building.


Improvements to our Resistant Materials Technology facilities continued and the second phase of our two-stage development has been successfully completed. Our Drama facilities have been improved considerably by converting existing changing-room space, which was adjacent to one of our Drama rooms, into a studio area. This is a more useful way to take advantage of the space that we had. The Sixth Form Common Room now has more effective provision for students because a redundant kitchen/servery area has been changed into additional seating and study space. Concerns about one of the swimming pool walls and the windows just above it were addressed by rebuilding the wall and replacing the windows. This has led to improvements beyond the initial problems because the new windows preserve the temperature in the pool hall much more efficiently. Within the grounds, old tarmac surfaces have been renewed in a number of areas and there has been considerable replanting on the Johnson bank.


The school conducted a thorough review of school security three years ago. Staff were widely consulted and the following measures have been introduced: • identity badges worn by all staff • improved signage to reception offices • installation of secure perimeter fencing • installation of a self-locking mechanisms to vulnerable external doors • written guidance on personal safety given to all staff • provision of short-wave radios for duty staff and staff in isolated locations • installation of CCTV system • improved external lighting • implementation of a car parking control system • provision of a mobile phone for educational visits. In addition, a comprehensive Critical Incident Plan has been drawn up and disseminated. The combined effect of all of these improvements has been to make the site much more secure from unwelcome visitors at all times of the day and to reduce the amount of vandalism considerably.


Curriculum development in the Sixth Form has included plans for the introduction of a new Psychology course which, at present, is being provided in school by tutors from Tamworth and Lichfield College. We have also refined aspects of our Sixth Form programme on the basis of experience with the new style of ‘AS’ and ‘A2’ qualification. In Key Stage 4 we planned the introduction of new GCSE short courses in RE and in Citizenship to take effect from September 2002. Our approach to citizenship itself, across Key Stages 3 and 4, has been a focus of concerted attention in preparation for the new national curriculum requirements. GCSE targets set for Year 11 were all surpassed. We had set a target of 73% 5 A*-C and we actually achieved 74%. We set a target of 99% 1 A*-C and actually achieved 100%. The average total point score target was 47.0 and we actually achieved 48.3, which is our highest average total points score ever. Meeting all of these GCSE targets so well is pleasing.


At Key Stage 3 we had set some very ambitious targets indeed for last year’s Year 9, and we did not quite manage them this year. The targets were 89% to achieve level 5 or above in Maths and Science and 90% to achieve that level in English. Both Maths and Science came very close with 87% and 88% respectively, although the figure for English was 78%. This was the first time we had been obliged to set targets at Key Stage 3 and we are developing and reviewing approaches. Ironically, had the targets been for level 6 and above we would have done very well. Our Year 9 last year produced the best Key Stage 3 results we have ever had if you measure success as level 6 and above – 48% of Year 9 achieved at least level 6 in all three subjects. Governors have now set new targets. The current Year 10 have been set targets for 2004 which are 74% to achieve at least 5 A*-C with an average points score of 47.5. We have also set an overall target of 98% to achieve at least 5 A*-G, including English and Maths. For the current Year 8 we have set Key Stage 3 targets of 90% in Maths and Science and 85% in English and ICT. As always, whatever the targets are, we are trying hard to make sure that all of our students succeed to the best of their ability in everything they do.


During the academic year 2001-2002 the school was successful in gaining, for a third three-year term, recognition as an Investors in People school, an award which we are proud to hold and which acknowledges the commitment of King Edward VI School to the training and professional development of all its staff. A Performance Management system was also introduced in February 2002 for support staff similar to the model which was implemented successfully for teaching staff in the previous year. During the year another very full programme of professional development activities was carried out by staff, linked closely to the school’s development priorities. For teachers, six days were allowed during the year where students were not required to attend school and which were, therefore, available for professional development activities. Support staff attended also on one of these days. Details of how the days were used is given below. Planning for the days reflects the high priority placed in the school’s development plan upon ensuring progress in our work to improve further the quality of teaching and learning. 3rd September 2001 A day of planning meetings and information sessions to allow staff an opportunity to make final preparations for the start of the new school year. 19th October 2001 A full day’s training run by members of the school’s Literacy Working Group focusing upon aspects of literacy, using the training package prepared as part of the National Literacy Strategy. 5th February 2002 Performance Management interviews were conducted by team leaders, according to a pre-arranged timetable. 27th and 28th March 2002 Two days at the end of the spring term in which individual subject departments had the opportunity to work on their own particular needs and priorities, relating these to whole-school issues where appropriate. 1st July 2002 A full day’s training run by members of the school’s Key Stage 3 Strategy Working Group and members of the Maths Department on aspects of numeracy, using the training package prepared as part of the National Numeracy Strategy. In addition to the above most teachers were involved in NOF (New Opportunities Fund) training, a centrally-funded scheme designed to give all teachers the opportunity to develop their skills in Information and Communications Technology to the standard which is now expected of all newly qualified teachers. By the end of the autumn term 2002 most staff will have completed this training and will have submitted for approval a portfolio of materials designed to develop the use of Information and Communications Technology within their teaching.


Other main areas of focus for professional development during the year included: • A full induction programme for all newly qualified teachers who joined the school in September

2001. • An extensive training programme for Learning Support Assistants and Tutors who are now on the

staff of the school. • Training to help with the introduction of Citizenship into the curriculum from September 2002. • Preparation sessions for support staff in advance of the introduction of a full Performance

Management structure for them. • Training for teaching staff in lesson observation techniques. • One member of staff was successful in being awarded an MSc degree from Manchester

Metropolitan University, supported by the school. • Further progress by a small number of staff towards the completion of Masters degrees with

Loughborough, Derby and Manchester Metropolitan Universities. • Extensive professional development to support teaching staff in the introduction and

implementation of the national literacy and numeracy strategies at Key Stage 3. • A further introductory course in counselling skills for eighteen staff (teachers and support staff)

following the success of a similar course run in March 2001. In addition to the above, further training and professional development was arranged throughout the year in response to priorities which were identified at whole-school, departmental and individual level. Full records of these activities are held in school and each is evaluated by the member of staff taking part. This, in turn, assists with future planning.


There are 40 students currently on the register with statements, 80 without statements but with Individual Education Plans and a further 41 are being monitored. We currently employ eleven LSAs (Learning Support Assistants) who between them work a total of 172 hours per week supporting students who are experiencing difficulties predominantly within the classroom. Seven LSAs underwent a rigorous programme of induction training in January 2002. Further training for LSAs has concentrated on Behaviour Management. The Department Training Day in February 2002 was led by Sally Williams, an Educational Psychologist who focused on behaviour strategies to use with individual students. The five part–time teaching staff in the department work 72 hours between them. Two of the staff are studying for a qualification in the teaching of dyslexic students and will also be able to deliver, from next year, the assessments required for special exam arrangements. Another is beginning to develop an expertise for dealing with students with communication difficulties on the Autistic Spectrum. We intend to develop further individual skills on positive behaviour management programmes in the next year. We are delivering the ASDAN Youth Award Scheme (Bronze) in Key Stage 4 this year to a discrete group of Year 10 and lately of Year 12 students. It seems to be a great success and it is hoped to offer it again to selected students next year. Key Stage 3 teaching to students without statements is covered by in-group work taught mainly by the SENCo. In Year 7 students are withdrawn for a 1 x 50 minute session weekly from their English library reading lesson. In Year 8 students are withdrawn from French 2 x 50 minutes per week and in Year 9 from French for 3 x 50 minutes per week.


King’s Hill House provides an excellent resource and is used for both individual and group teaching. The gardening club continues to flourish and those students involved were delighted to take home a selection of vegetables that they had grown. The house is now open every break and Monday - Thursday lunchtimes to support students with homework and to use as a drop-in centre. We continue to benefit from the support of SENSS (Special Educational Needs Support Service). Mrs Ann Woffinden, the Behaviour Support Specialist has continued to work very profitably with individual students. Mrs Gill Mansell from SENSS has continued to work with students and in particular provides exam dispensation reports for Year 10 and Year 11 students. Mrs Mansell will further develop her support for the school as we continue our bid for Dyslexia Friendly Status, Part 1. The first whole-staff training meeting for this will be held in March. Individual departments have also expressed an interest in developing their skills with dyslexic students. Mrs Marion Kettle from Specialist Support Students comes into school regularly to give touch-typing lessons to a number of our dyspraxic students. The LEA Educational Psychologist, Vicky Nelson, comes in on a regular basis. The input of an Educational Psychologist is much valued and we have increased the support by employing another Educational Psychologist, Paul Mawer, on a consultancy basis using social inclusion funding. Both meet together regularly with key members of staff to plan and co-ordinate their work. The Social Inclusion Programme run in conjunction with Stowe Teaching Unit and other secondary schools in Lichfield has proved very successful and has allowed a number of students to spend differing periods of time in a small teaching unit and to work closely with specialist staff. The Stowe project and the further development of multi-agency Pastoral Support Plans have contributed significantly to our success in reducing student exclusions during the past academic year and have enabled students to remain in school successfully until the end of their compulsory education. We continue to maintain contacts with local special schools. Two students from Rocklands School attend Year 8 drama lessons once per week. We have one Year 10 student currently attending Queen’s Croft School for one day each week, which is proving very beneficial. Links with Saxon Hill School continue to be developed and students from King Edward VI have participated in lunchtime activities with students from Saxon Hill. Staff at Saxon Hill act as the outreach team in our area for Specialist Support Services and have visited school on a number of occasions this year to meet students and advise the Department.



Admission arrangements and access facilities provided to assist pupils with disabilities It is a regrettable fact that a considerable part of the school is inaccessible to wheelchair users and others unable to use staircases. The LEA has funds to provide disabled access for students in schools and its policy is to identify and target one school in each district for the provision of access facilities. Although King Edward VI School is not the identified "Pathway" school in this district, we are still aware of accessibility issues and new projects are designed with these in mind. There are provisional plans for the year 2002-3, with LEA support, to create new access ramps near the front Bader entrance and in a main corridor on that site. The newest classroom block (Q-block) is on a single floor, has ramped access and a disabled person’s toilet. In addition there is a hoist in the swimming pool to assist pupils with disabilities getting in and out of the water. Most recently, we have made alterations to the entrance to Bader Hall and the restaurant, with a level path and doorway to the rear, so that wheelchair users are now able to access the building much more easily.



The School Development Plan was updated during the year and Governors were delighted with the positive response given to our planning processes and documentation by the Ofsted inspectors. The inspection itself took place in February 2002, was a great success, and clearly recognised the way that our planning had helped lead to improvements. Regarding that progress, the Inspection Report commented that: “The school has made good progress since it was last inspected in January 1997. The management of the school has improved considerably; there are long term strategic plans; the senior management has initiated procedures to evaluate teaching and learning and to help teachers acquire and apply these skills themselves. Overall, teaching has improved and is a priority in the school’s development plan”. It was also pleasing to note their comment that: “Overall, pupils and students show increased responsibility. The school has good capacity to continue its improvement.” Following the Ofsted Inspection we took steps to ensure that this continued improvement was possible. Governors developed a new Action Plan related to the new report and the existing School Development Plan has been revised to reflect the comments made by Ofsted. This progress will be consolidated as we prepare the new Development Plan and Strategic Planning for the period beyond 2003. A huge amount of work goes on each year, but the following points are particularly worth of mention: i Momentum has been maintained regarding site improvements. Improved space for Drama and in

the Sixth Form Common Room is a first stage which will be followed by more extensive site improvements still. We have also improved the Resistant Materials Technology area.

ii Performance Management arrangements for all staff, both teaching staff and support staff, have

developed and are operating well. We have also implemented a new Pay Policy based on County guidance.

iii Systems for managing and using assessment data have developed considerably. iv Citizenship has been more fully coordinated within the curriculum and our Key Skills delivery

has been revised. v We discussed and determined our position regarding Specialist School Status. vi The operation of school Assemblies has been completely revised leading to regular days for each

year group Assembly and an increase in the frequency of Assemblies. viii “Connexions”, which is the enhanced and revised Careers system, has been integrated into the

operation of the school and is working well. viiii Our initiatives regarding social inclusion have continued to bring benefits to the school and its

students. ix General guidance and mentoring provision for students has developed further. Lots and lots of other developments have taken place too, but it is scarcely possible to mention them all within a document of this kind.



I am sure that having read this report you will agree with my introductory comments that the school has again had a very successful year. To all those staff and governors who have now left, may I wish you every success in the future. To those who have joined us, may I welcome you and hope you will be able to become fully involved with the life of the school and contribute to its high standards of success and achievement. Finally can I thank all my fellow governors for giving many hours on a voluntary basis to support the school in many ways as well as bringing such a variety of experiences, which are so valuable to such a large and complex organisation.

M S Maybury Chairman of Governors


SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Appendix 1 The following currently serve as School Governors: Term of office expires County Council Governors: Miss M D Bailey 31.08.03

Cllr J R Brooks 31.08.04 Mr D R Mayes (Vice Chairman) 24.06.05 Mr A O’Donnell 10.09.06 Mr S Sanders 31.08.04 Parent Governors: Mr D Bagley 17.09.04 Mr S Barr 04.04.04 Mr M Gee 17.09.04

Mr M Kinghan 14.02.03 Mr M S Maybury (Chairman) 06.10.05 Mrs K Wilcox 03.10.03 Teacher Governors: Mr S Pitt 15.09.04 Mrs S Sly 31.08.03 Support Staff Governor: Mrs P Neilson 31.08.03 Co-opted Governors: Reverend Prof C Baker 28.11.06

Canon A Barnard 31.08.04 Mr C Cartwright 04.10.04 Mr N Jenkins 31.08.04 Mrs B Williams 04.10.04 Headteacher: Mr A D Meikle Chairman of Governors: Mr M S Maybury King Edward VI School Upper St John Street LICHFIELD WS14 9EE Clerk to the Governors: Mrs S J Pestridge Headteacher’s Secretary King Edward VI School Upper St John Street LICHFIELD WS14 9EE GOVERNOR APPOINTMENTS During the academic year 2001-2002 the following appointments were made: Following a Parental Ballot, Mr M Maybury was reappointed as a Parent Governor with effect from 05.10.01. During the current academic year 2002-2003, the Local Education Authority confirmed that Mr A O’Donnell be reappointed as an LEA Governor with effect from 09.09.02. Reverend Professor C Baker was appointed as a Co-opted Governor with effect from 27.11.02 following the end of Mr A Stenton’s term of office. ELECTION OF PARENT GOVERNORS Parent Governors are elected to serve a 4-year term of office. At the end of that period, or should there be any resignations, a letter will be sent out to all parents/guardians giving information and details on procedures for an election. At the same time, parents/guardians are invited to complete nomination forms which are obtainable from the Johnson and Bader school Offices.


Appendix 2

SCHOOL HOLIDAY DATES SPRING TERM 2003 School opens: Monday 6 January Half term: Monday 17 February - Friday 21 February (inclusive) School closes: Friday 11 April *INSET days: Wednesday 8 January, Thursday 3 and Friday 4 April. SUMMER TERM 2003 School opens: Monday 28 April May Day: Monday 5 May Half term: Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May (inclusive) School closes: Friday 18 July * Please note: In addition to normal holiday dates, the school is closed to students on INSET days which are allocated for teacher training. AUTUMN TERM 2003 School opens: Tuesday 2 September Half term: Monday 27 October to Friday 31 October (inclusive) School closes: Friday 19 December SPRING TERM 2004 School opens: Monday 5 January Half term: Monday 16 February to Friday 20 February (inclusive) School closes: Wednesday 31 March SUMMER TERM 2004 School opens: Monday 19 April May Day: Monday 3 May Half term: Monday 31 May Friday 4 June (inclusive) School closes: Friday 21 July **In addition to the 2003/2004 holiday dates, the school will be closed for four INSET training days; details of these will be announced.


Appendix 3 ATTENDANCE RATES 2001/02 (Students of compulsory school age)

Autumn Term 2001 % % Attendance Unauthorised Absences Y7 96.63 0.15 Y8 95.40 0.01 Y9 94.36 0.02 Y10 94.60 0.25 Y11 92.56 0.26 TOTALS 94.68 0.14

Spring Term 2002 % % Attendance Unauthorised Absences Y7 95.72 0.03 Y8 95.35 0.02 Y9 95.13 0.24 Y10 94.07 0.45 Y11 92.58 0.28 TOTALS 94.55 0.21

Summer Term 2002 % % Attendance Unauthorised Absences Y7 95.48 0.14 Y8 94.41 0.07 Y9 94.09 0.21 Y10 93.63 1.04 Y11 97.83 0.03 TOTALS 95.11 0.30

Whole Year % % Attendance Unauthorised Absences Y7 95.99 0.11 Y8 95.05 0.03 Y9 94.48 0.14 Y10 94.13 0.57 Y11 94.34 0.19 TOTALS 94.79 0.21

Unauthorised absences were lower last year, in part as a result of the new absence monitoring procedures. We hope to maintain the progress we have made in keeping absentee rates to such a low level. LEAVERS' DESTINATIONS 2001

Continued Full Time Education


Training without employed status


Employment and employed status training




Year 11 90.4 1.9 4.3 3.4

Year 12 98.3 0.0 0.9 0.9

Year 13 Higher Education Further Education

Employment & Training


86.1 3.3 9.3 1.3


1 Delegated Budget 2000/2001 Income Expenditure£ £

Basic budget 3338470Standards fund 201600Delegated SEN funds 69350Other Grants 13080Income from facilities and services 41621

Staffing:Teachers 2479858Supply/relief teachers 30466SEN support staff 60430Clerical and support staff 236615All other staffing costs 85772

Supplies and Services:Learning resources 262528Staff development and advice 56831Other supplies and services 99803

Premises Buildings and grounds improvements 42486Buildings and grounds maintenance 96366Cleaning and waste disposal 93757Other premises costs 150751

Balance b/f from 2000/2001 87900Balance c/f to 2001/2002 56358

3752021 3752021

2 Trust Fund 2001/2002 £

Covenant and Gift Aid 4234

Tax reclaimed 844Other receipts and donations 1552


3 Parent Association Grants 2001/02 £

School prizes and pupil aid 500.00Text books 3000.00First Aid courses 493.50Bader Reception furniture 365.11Hockey kit 100.00Gardeners Club 70.00


4 King Edward VI School Fund - period ending 31/3/02 £ £

Opening balance 40726.17 40726.17Receipts during the year 148970.21Payments during the year -156746.34Excess of payments over receipts -7776.13Closing balance 32950.04 32950.04

5 Nil


Appendix 4

Governors' Expenses - 2001-2002


Number of students in year 11 in January 2002 = 229 SUBJECT B C D E F G U X A*-C A*-G

% %FULL GCSE:ART 63 27 9 9 13 4 0 0 1 0 0 92.1 100.0BUSINESS STDS 48 2 9 13 9 8 3 3 1 0 0 68.8 100.0HE: CHILD DEVEL 28 6 12 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 96.4 100.0SYSTEMS & CTRL 21 0 6 3 4 2 0 2 4 0 0 61.9 100.0DRAMA 34 2 11 14 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 94.1 100.0ENGLISH 229 14 34 68 53 28 25 5 2 0 0 73.8 100.0ENGLISH LIT 229 7 31 64 63 41 14 6 3 0 0 72.1 100.0FOOD TECH 28 3 6 5 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 85.7 100.0FRENCH 144 10 23 46 33 14 15 3 0 0 0 77.8 100.0GERMAN 110 5 12 20 48 20 4 0 1 0 0 77.3 100.0GEOGRAPHY 93 9 14 25 25 11 5 1 3 0 0 78.5 100.0HISTORY 117 19 22 14 23 10 10 10 7 2 0 66.7 98.3MATHEMATICS 229 4 35 62 49 34 29 14 2 0 0 65.5 100.0MUSIC 20 7 11 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0 100.0PE 49 2 12 14 10 8 3 0 0 0 0 77.6 100.0RELIGIOUS STDS 61 4 7 17 15 8 4 4 0 2 0 70.5 96.7SCIENCE 454 22 68 76 130 70 62 20 6 0 0 65.2 100.0RESISTANT MAT 22 0 0 4 10 2 3 2 0 1 0 63.6 95.4GRAPHIC PRD 55 0 12 11 14 10 3 3 2 0 0 67.3 100.0DANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0 100.0TEXTILES 8 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 87.5 100.0

TOTALS: 2043 143 339 471 522 278 180 73 32 5 0% OF TOTAL: 7.0 16.6 23.1 25.6 13.6 8.8 3.6 1.6 0.2 0.0 72.3 99.8CUMULATIVE %: 23.6 46.7 72.3 85.8 94.6 98.2 99.8 100.0SHORT GCSE:ART 6 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 66.7 100.0FOOD TECH 35 0 12 12 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 88.6 100.0HISTORY 6 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0 100.0GRAPHIC PRD 45 2 6 7 5 11 5 5 3 1 0 44.4 97.8TEXTILES 21 1 4 8 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 85.7 100.0TOTALS: 113 3 22 32 22 18 6 5 4 1 0% OF TOTAL: 2.6 19.5 28.3 19.5 15.9 5.3 4.4 3.5 0.9 69.9 99.1CUMULATIVE %: 22.1 50.4 69.9 85.8 91.1 95.5 99.0 100.0

146 361 503 544 296 186 78 36 6% OF TOTAL: 6.8 16.7 23.3 25.2 13.7 8.6 3.6 1.7 0.3 72.1 99.7CUMULATIVE %: 23.5 46.8 72.1 85.8 94.4 98.0 99.7 100

109 281 467 543 244 125 69 41 20 0% OF TOTAL: 5.7 14.8 24.6 28.6 12.8 6.6 3.6 2.2 1.1 73.7 98.9CUMULATIVE %: 5.7 20.5 45.1 73.7 86.6 93.2 96.8 98.9 100.0Percentage of students obtaining 5 or more grades A* - C = 73%2000 COMBINED TOTAL: 1900 114 350 416 462 288 155 71 23 21 0% OF TOTAL: 6.0 18.4 21.9 24.3 15.2 8.2 3.7 1.2 1.1 0 70.6 98.9CUMULATIVE %: 6.0 24.4 46.3 70.6 85.8 93.9 97.7 98.9 100.0 0



Percentage of students obtaining 5 or more grades A* - C = 74%

Appendix 5a

Percentage of students obtaining 5 or more grades A* - C = 68%




Appendix 5b As a comparison at GCSE In England as a whole 51% of Year 11 gained 5 or more A* - C in 2002. The figure for Staffordshire was 50% in 2002. At King Edward VI in 2002 the figure is 74%. In England as a whole 87% of Year 11 gained 5 or more A* - G (including English and Maths) in 2002. The figure for Staffordshire was 90% in 2002. At King Edward VI in 2002 the figure is 100%. In England as a whole 95% of Year 11 gained 1 or more A* - G in 2002. The figure for Staffordshire was 97% in 2002. At King Edward VI in 2002 the figure is 100%.


Qualification or unit by subject Number entered for Qualification or unit

Number obtaining Qualification or unit for which they were entered

OCR - RSA CLAIT - Stage I 142 Number of applications passed: 6 5 4 3 Total 16 19 39 63 137 5 profiled Note:- Candidates are required to successfully complete

a minimum of 3 applications to pass CLAIT Stage I OCR - RSA IBT - Stage II 41 25 passed 16 profiled Note:- Candidates are required to successfully complete

all 5 applications to pass IBT Stage II OCR-RSA Internet Technologies Stage I 5 2 profiled + 3 passed Note:- Candidates are required to successfully complete

all 3 applications to pass Internet Technologies Stage I



ART & DESIGN 19 13 4 1 1 0 0 0 100.0BUSINESS STUDIES 10 1 6 3 0 0 0 0 100.0BIOLOGY 37 8 10 9 7 3 0 0 100.0CHEMISTRY 17 2 5 5 3 2 0 0 100.0DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 21 2 6 8 3 2 0 0 100.0ECONOMICS 17 3 3 5 4 2 0 0 100.0ENGLISH LITERATURE 30 12 9 7 1 1 0 0 100.0ENGLISH LANGUAGE 13 2 2 7 2 0 0 0 100.0ENVIRON SCIENCE 4 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 100.0FRENCH 16 5 5 2 1 3 0 0 100.0GERMAN 5 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 100.0GENERAL STUDIES 107 19 22 37 14 11 4 0 96.3GEOGRAPHY 26 5 11 4 5 1 0 0 100.0HISTORY 9 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 100.0MATHEMATICS 16 7 3 4 2 0 0 0 100.0MUSIC 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 100.0PE 7 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 100.0PHYSICS 14 1 3 2 5 2 1 0 92.9RELIGIOUS STUDIES 14 2 6 4 1 1 0 0 100.0SOCIOLOGY 18 5 6 3 3 1 0 0 100.0THEATRE STUDIES 9 0 6 2 1 0 0 0 100.0

2002 TOTALS: 412 94 115 109 59 30 5 0PERCENTAGE 22.8 27.9 26.5 14.03 7.3 1.2 0 98.8CUMULATIVE%: 50.7 77.2 91.5 98.8 100

A B C D E U X %PASSVCE Single AwardsHEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 100.0

SUBJECT BB BC CC CD DD DE EE U %PASSVCE Double AwardsBUSINESS 4 2 2 100.00HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 3 1 2 100.00TOTAL 7 1 2 2 2 100.00



Appendix 5C

Average points per candidate = 25.1 (using old system and full 'A' level points only)





2002 TOTALS: 429 94 115 115 68 32 5PERCENTAGE 21.9 26.8 26.8 15.9 7.5 1.2CUMULATIVE%: 48.7 75.5 91.4 98.8 100


2001 TOTALS: 531 116 97 107 90 66 38 17PERCENTAGE 21.8 18.3 20.2 16.9 12.4 7.2 3.2CUMULATIVE%: 40.1 60.3 77.2 89.6 96.8 100

2000 TOTALS: 480 70 106 103 77 75 30 19PERCENTAGE 14.5 21.8 22.0 16.0 15.5 6.2 4.0CUMULATIVE%: 14.6 36.7 58.1 74.2 89.8 96.0 100

AS Results - for students in Year 13(These results achieved in addition to successes at full 'A' level and are therefore the results

SUBJECT A B C D E U TOTALBIOLOGY 0 1 0 1 0 1 3BUSINESS STUDIES 1 2 1 1 0 0 5BUSINESS (VQ) 0 0 2 0 0 0 2CHEMISTRY 0 1 1 3 0 0 5DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 0 0 0 4 0 0 4ECONOMICS 0 0 1 0 0 2 3ENGLISH LANGUAGE 0 0 1 1 1 1 4ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 1 2 2 1 0 7ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 0 1 3 0 1 0 5FRENCH 0 2 4 3 0 0 9GENERAL STUDIES 0 0 0 0 2 0 2GEOGRAPHY 0 0 3 2 1 1 7GERMAN 2 4 1 0 0 0 7HEALTH & SOC CARE (VQ) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1HISTORY 1 1 0 2 1 0 5ICT (VQ) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1MATHEMATICS 1 1 3 0 9 3 17MATHEMATICS (FURTHER) 0 0 0 0 2 0 2MUSIC 0 1 0 0 0 0 1MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 0 2 0 0 0 0 2PHYSICAL EDUCATION 0 2 1 1 0 0 4PHYSICS 0 0 0 0 4 1 5RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 0 0 0 0 1 0 1SOCIOLOGY 2 2 2 1 1 0 8TOTALS 8 22 25 22 24 9 110


in subjects that particular students did not continue to full 'A' level)

Average points per candidate = 21.9 (including AS points)

Average points per candidate = 21.0 (including AS points)

Appendix 5d


Average points per candidate 28.2 (Using old system plus AS and AVCE points)



Entered 5+

Achieving 5+A*-C or equivalent

Achieving 5+A*-G or equivalent

Entered 1+

Achieving 1+A*-G

No Passes A*-G

Boys Number Percentage

114 100%

114 100%

73 64%

114 100%

114 100 %

114 100%

0 0%

Girls Number Percentage

115 100%

115 100%

97 84%

115 100%

115 100%

115 100%

0 0%

Total Number Percentage

229 100%

229 100%

170 74%

229 100%

229 100%

229 100%

0 0%

Achieving 5+ A*-C: 74% Achieving 5+ A*-G: 100% Achieving 1+ A*-G: 100% YEAR 13 ‘A’ AND ‘AS’ SUMMARY OF RESULTS FOR 2002 Pupils aged 17 or 18 taking 2 or more GCE A Levels or AS equivalent: Number of

Candidate 0-60 points

61-119 points

120-180 points

181-239 points

240-300 points

301-359 points

360+ points

Average Score per candidate

Boys Number Percentage

52 100%

0 0%

0 0%

2 4%

1 2%

12 23%

8 15%

29 56%


Girls Number Percentage

60 100%

0 0%

0 0%

4 7%

2 3%

8 13%

11 18%

35 58%


Total Number Percentage

112 100%

0 0%

8 0%

6 5%

3 3%

20 18%

19 17%

64 57%


Average score per GCE A/AS examination entry: Boys 83.9 Girls 85.8 Total 84.9


TEACHER ASSESSMENT : Percentage at each level Dis. Ab. W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP 5+ English School

National 0 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 2

4 8

9 23

28 35

37 22

20 8

2 1

0 0

87 65

Mathematics School 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 16 49 27 4 0 95 National 0 1 0 0 1 9 20 27 24 15 3 0 68 Science School

National 0 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 2

0 9

7 24

21 32

51 24

20 8

0 0

0 0

92 64

TASK AND TEST RESULTS : Percentage at each level

Dis. Ab. B N 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP 5+ English School

National 0 0

2 4

0 4

2 4

2 4

16 20

25 33

32 22

17 8

4 1

0 0

78 64

Mathematics School 0 2 0 1 0 2 8 14 30 38 5 0 87 National 0 4 1 1 1 9 18 24 23 17 3 0 66 Science School

National 0 0

2 5

0 1

0 1

0 1

2 7

7 20

21 32

43 26

25 7

0 1

0 0

88 66

TEACHER ASSESSMENT : Percentage at each level

Dis. Ab. W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP 4+ 5+ History School

National 0 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 2

0 9

8 24

19 33

40 22

27 9

5 1

0 0

92 64

Geography School National

0 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 2

0 9

3 24

20 32

38 22

33 9

5 1

0 0

97 64

Design & Technology

School National

0 0

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 1

0 7

3 24

71 38

20 23

6 6

0 0

0 0

96 67

Information Technology

School National

0 0

2 1

0 0

0 0

0 2

0 8

0 24

29 37

69 21

0 5

0 0

0 0

98 65

Modern Foreign Language

School National

0 1

0 1

0 0

0 2

4 7

15 18

14 27

35 28

21 14

11 3

0 0

0 0

81 72

67 36

There are no National figures available for Teacher Assessments in the following 3 subjects:-

Dis. Ab. W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EP 4+ 5+ Art School














Music School














Physical Education















Key: Dis.: disapplied under section 364/365 of the Education Act 1996. Ab.: failed to register a level due to absence. W: working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for Level 1. EP: exceptional performance. B: (tests only) Children not entered for the tests because they were working below Level 3 in English or below Level 2 in

Mathematics or Science. N: pupils not awarded a level in the test.

Appendix 5f

Comparative Report: KING EDWARD VI SCHOOL


SPORT 2001-2002

BOYS’ PE (Including extra-curricular results)


County Representatives: U15 – Sam Nicholl (Shot Put) U14 – Chris Dunford (1500 m)

Special Achievements

Overall 3rd in the Cannock Athletics League. RUGBY: Senior Team Captain – David Bassett

Team Played Won Lost Drew County Representatives: U12 8 4 4 0 U14 – John Everton, Oliver Fathers, Greg Massey, U13 11 8 3 0 Sam Nicholl U14 10 8 2 0 U15 – Simon Dutton U15 10 2 8 0 U18 – David Bassett, Joe Wall 2nd XV 4 1 3 0 Ist XV 11 6 5 0

Special Achievements

1ST XV County Cup runners-up. BASKETBALL: School Captain Ahmed Al’na-ama

Team Played Won Lost Drew County Representatives: U14 20 16 4 0 U14 Midlands Squad – Andrew and Matthew Brewerton, 1st Team 6 4 2 0

Special Achievements

U14 Birmingham Schools League Champions. TENNIS: School Captain – John Branch

Team Played Won Lost Drew County Representatives: U13 6 4 2 0 Steven McDermott, U15 5 3 2 0 James Eddowes

Special Achievements U13 County Champions


Team Played Won Lost Drew County Representatives: U12 6 6 0 0 U13 - Tom Stone U13 4 3 1 0 U16 – James Tooze U14 4 2 2 0 U15 5 3 2 0 HOCKEY:

County Representatives:

U18 – Simon Rodgers SWIMMING

County Representatives: U12 – Adam Taylor U18 – Tim Healey

Special Achievements

All squads overall winners of the Cannock Schools Swimming Gala

BADMINTON County Representatives: U14 – Oliver Ford, Robert Godson CROSS COUNTRY County Representatives: U12/U13 – Jason McGonigle, Christopher Dunford, Thomas Adams

Special Achievements Overall 2nd in the Cannock League.


Appendix 6a

Appendix 6b

GIRLS’ PE (Including extra-curricular results) HOCKEY: School Captain – Jodie Batchelor

Team Played Won Lost Drew County Representatives: U12 4 2 0 2 U16 – Jenny Rodgers, Amy Savage, U13 5 4 1 0 Frankie Washington, Hannah Wilmot U14 10 9 1 0 Midlands Trial U17 – Alice Gregr U15 5 5 0 0 U16 7 5 1 1 1st XI 5 2 3 0

Special Achievements U15 District Champions and League Winners U16 District Champions and League Winners U18 District Champions and League Winners Record score by Year 10 beating Chase Terrace 14-0 NETBALL: School Captain – Laura Summerton

Team Played Won Lost Drew County Representatives: U12 6 5 0 1 U14 – Becky Gentle, Stephanie Clegg, U13 9 9 0 0 Gwen Youlden U14 8 8 0 0 U16 – Laura Keyte U15 7 6 0 1 District Respresentatives: U16 6 5 1 0 U14 – Nicole Waterman, Helen Martin, U18 4 3 1 0 Caron Marks, Laura Matile, Eleanor Matile U16 – Frances Young

Special Achievements:

U12 -Tournament Winners, U13 - Cannock & District League Winners, U14 - Cannock & District League Winners, U15 - Cannock & District League Winners, U16 - Cannock & District League Runners-up TENNIS:

Team Played Won Lost Drew U13 3 3 0 0 U15 4 4 0 0 Over 15 4 3 1 0 Special Achievements Team: U13 – Won District League, U13 – Losing County Finalists, Individuals: Charlotte Lees U13 Cannock & District Single Champion Rebecca Gentle U15 Cannock & District Single Champion


Team Played Won Lost Drew U12 2 1 1 0 U13 2 2 0 0 U14 2 1 1 0 U15 2 1 1 0 SWIMMING: All teams entered the District Swimming Gala. Collectively, the school came first in the District. ATHLETICS:

District Representatives: U13 – Hannah Andrew, Catherine Clague, Stephanie Clegg, Rhian Davies, Emma Langdell, Stephanie McDonnell, Anya Popp, Emma Wagstaff, Becky Watkins, Hollie Wildman

County Hurdles: Emma Wagstaff CROSS COUNTRY District Representatives: U12 – Helen Clayton, Stephanie Clegg, Harriet Dewsbury, Sarah Hickman, Laura Johnston, Emma Langdell, Stephanie McDonnell, Anya Popp, Emma Wagstaff, Becky Watkins, Hollie Wildman GIRLS’ FOOTBALL District tournaments: U13 – Winners U15 – Runners-up



Grade 1 Gemma Caddy - Saxophone Charlotte Lee - Clarinet (D) Kate O’Connor - Clarinet (M) Jenny Slade - Flute

Grade 2 Charlotte Bermingham - Clarinet (D) Robert Jones - French Horn

Grade 3 Charlotte Bermingham - Violin (M) Jonathan Forster - Trumpet Ashlee Grant - Flute Andrew Jones - Trumpet Tara Thornton - Flute Richard Tibbott - Trumpet Sarah Wells - Clarinet Robert Wilson - Tuba

Grade 4 Laura Carter - Clarinet Stephanie Chang - French Horn Stephanie Clegg - Clarinet Fiona Davies - Violin Charlotte Millar - Piano (M) Samantha Payne - Violin Simon Soryal - Trumpet Emily Thurlow - Flute

Grade 5 Robert Ashford - French Horn Heather Brannan - Saxophone (D) Hannah Bostock - Flute & Saxophone Eleanor Bull - Saxophone (D) Miles Horner - Trumpet (D) Christopher Jones - Trumpet Helen Martin - Flute Philippa Welch - Clarinet Emma Worth - Clarinet Helen Martin - Flute

Grade 6 Heather Brannan - Cello (M) Stephanie Chang - Piano Timothy Eardley - Cello (D)

Grade 6 Miles Horner - Trumpet (M) (Cont.) Anna Soryal - French Horn Robert Tunningley - Trombone (M) Charlotte Welch - Violin (M)

Grade 7 Amy Knighton - Clarinet Edward Yeo - Violin

Grade 8 Victoria Boynton - Clarinet Eleanor Bull - Clarinet Natalie Marsh - Clarinet Josephine Jones - Oboe (M)

County Instrumentalists

County Talent School (Senior) - Heather Brannan - Timothy Eardley

County Talent School (Junior) - Charlotte Bermingham

County Youth Orchestra - Heather Brannan - Timothy Eardley - Josephine Jones - Eleanor Jones - Kate Morton - Edward Yeo County Youth Wind Orchestra - Robert Ashford - Eleanor Bull - Sarah Soryal - Emma Shuttleworth

- Robert Tunningley

County String Ensemble - Heather Brannan - Timothy Eardley

County Renaissance Ensemble - Eleanor Bull - Amy Knighton

- Sophie Morton

County Youth Choir - Stephanie Chang - Richard Bateman

County Brass Band - Rebecca Timms


Appendix 8


SEPTEMBER 24 Y11 Jewish Museum, Manchester 26 & 27 Y9 Blists Hill Museum, Ironbridge OCTOBER 9 Y11 D & T Investigation, Lichfield 17 Y13 General Studies lecture, Derby University 18 Various Sponsored cycle ride, Cannock Chase 29 Y7 St Michael’s Church, Lichfield NOVEMBER 1,5,8 Y7 St Michael’s Church, Lichfield 7 Y10 “A View from a Bridge”, Stafford 17-18 Y10 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Derbyshire 22 Y8 “Joseph”, Stoke on Trent 22 Various Snowdome, Tamworth 26 Y13 Biology updates conference, London 28 Y12 Biology conference, Aston University 30 Y12 RE conference, Sutton Coldfield 30 Y13 Bank of England Competition, Stafford DECEMBER 3 Y13 Geography conference, Birmingham 12 Various Clothes Show, Birmingham 12 Y10 Clothes Show, Birmingham 13 Y12 Cannock Sewage Works JANUARY 17,18 Y10 Textiles’ research, Lichfield FEBRUARY 8-16 Various Ski trip Stowe. America 6 Y10-Y13 “Midsummer’s Nights Dream, Stratford 6 Y12 Data Collection, Sutton Coldfield 22 Y12 RE conference, Sutton Coldfield MARCH 4-8 Y12 Geography fieldcourse, Yorkshire 6 Y10,Y11 “Singing in the Rain”, Birmingham 14 Y11 “Hobsons Choice”, Birmingham 24-29 Y12 Germany

MARCH/ 16 Y8,Y9 Stafford Magistrates Court Continued 16-17 Y10 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Derbyshire APRIL 15 Y10,Y11 Cadbury World 17 Y8 “Merchant of Venice”, Haydon Hill 16,17,22,25 Y9 Buddhist Centre 25 Y12 Biology conference, Aston University 11 Y12 Physics conference, Manchester 27 Y8,Y9 Wolverhampton Magistrates Court 18 Y18,Y11 “Midsummer Nights Dream”, London MAY 3 Y12 Chemistry conference, Aston University 8 Y12 Staffs Higher Education Fair, Stoke on Trent 23 Y9 “Twelfth Night”, London 3 Various Extet Choir wedding performance 23,24,30,31 Y10 D & T research, Lichfield JUNE 11-18 Y7 France 27 Y10 “Romeo and Juliet”, London 20,21 Y10 Geography field course, Milford Common 19 Y9 SEN student, London 28-30 Y10 Duke of Edinburgh Silver, Derbyshire JULY 9-12 Y10 Battlefields of France and Belgium 4-10 Y13 Arts trip, Paris 4 Y8 Commandery, Worcester 12 Y9 Bowling, Tamworth 10,11 Y9 St Michael’s School, Lichfield