Government content strategy and user needs (#csapplied17)

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Government content strategy and user needs (#csapplied17)







First we’ll tell you the story, then talk through lessons learned.


A story about… 1The Smarter Guidance project


The story starts in 1609 with the Devon and Cornwall

Sea Sand Act


150 environment acts, 1200 regulations, and

100,000 pages of guidance later…


No one knows what to do - and the environment is getting worse.


Government red tape challenge trawls through every regulation.


We suggest designing regulations around users:

• 1 act instead of 150 • 1 process for transactions not 250 • 1 version of what you have to do


Ministers decided that sorting the content was the first most

important thing to do.


32 documents 6 organisations

340 pages

Batteries waste (before Smarter Guidance)


For Defra, this led to:

• government costs of £20m to 30m p.a. • business costs of £200m+ p.a. • low awareness and understanding of the

rules • fear and stress for small businesses • potential businesses deciding not to



There was a strong business case for a content strategy

based on user needs.


We started with 120,000 pages. We reduced that by 80%.


We achieved this by designing content around user needs.


Smarter Guidance was about increasing the quality

and reducing the quantity of Defra guidance.


Before GOV.UK government content was like this:


As a…

I want to…

So I can…

A user story articulates a user need

dog owner

get a pet passport

take my dog on holiday


Use data to validate the user need


Mapping content to user needs


Before After32 documents, 6 organisations,

340 pages.1 guide for each of the 5 user

groups. Each guide is 5 pages long.


That was batteries waste. We did the same thing to 119 other topics.


Lessons learned2


It’s easier to manage quality and instil the (counter)culture if you have a central

content team.




Make sure your content team can say no. Get your governance and proposition clear.



Require a user story, acceptance criteria and source content before starting work on

an item.



Have a clear agile workflow and stick to it.




From request to icebox

Content designers ask:

• is there a user need?

• how do you know it's a user need? (any data?)

• is it in proposition?

• is it already met on GOV.UK?

• is it already met elsewhere?

• are there clear acceptance criteria?

• is there clear source material to work from? (or an SME who can explain?)

OK, we'll do something…


From backlog to done

Ideally this:

• Backlog

• Draft

• 2i

• Fact check

• Fact check amends

• 2i

• Published



Make sure people know why you’re messing with ‘their’ stuff.




Know what you mean by ‘quality’ and know what your MVP is.



What does quality mean?

It’s quality content if it meets your needs as a user. That means:

• you can find it

• you can understand it

• it’s factually accurate

• it’s complete

• it’s consistent with the rest of the site

• you can act on it


Sharpen the saw.



You can make specialist content plain English if you try.




Talk directly with the lawyers whenever you hear “the lawyers said it must say

[insert gobbledygook here]”



BAU will probably take longer to arrive than you think. Plan for a slow handover.



Thank you!

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