Got life - November/December

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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A newsletter for spiritual enrichment for the body of Christ. This newsletter is done by members of New Life in Houston

Transcript of Got life - November/December


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The Gift of ServingSometime this year I

discovered that my maternal grandmother left me a special gift.

Growing up, I can remember my grandmother always cooking for someone or inviting people to come to her home and eat.

I don’t think my Grand understood that was a ministry, a gift God had given, not to her hands, but to her heart. She honestly loved feeding people. And over the last couple of years that mantel has fallen on me.

Now I know using the word mantel just made it sound ubber spiritual. And guess what? Serving is spiritual.

My point is this, many people have the gift of serving in one way or another. Though it may not seem like a spiritual gift, it is one of the most important spiritual gifts in the Body. So this holiday exercise your gift, and SERVE. You will be so happy you did.

-Pastor Mel

GOT LIFEThe Gift Is For Everyone

On Sunday, October 26, Children With Purpose held a special service for the children of New Life to receive the Holy Ghost. During that service 8 children received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Below are photos from that service, as well as some of the children receiving their certificates, acknowledging that they received the Holy Ghost.


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Bishop Brenda K. Perry,Sr. Pastor of NLTC

There is a chorus that says, “O’ come, let’s sing, let us rejoice. Messiah has come and He brought life and laughter to my soul”. The song goes on to say it would have been enough if He brought love, joy and peace, but He put laughter to my soul. In 1974, August 21st, I truly can testify this came to pass in my life; and my children’s life as well, and so many more lives.

I go no farther than to say Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

O’ come, let’s sing O’ give thanks unto the Lord for He is good… the first holiday of celebration is Thanksgiving.

“Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. It is a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for bountiful harvest.” We know that it goes back to Christopher Columbus, and to the first pilgrim Charles Cittie of New Jamestown, Virginia, and those pilgrims at

Plymouth. I need not go to deep into history.

Begin your holiday in the spirit of celebration, and singing praises unto our God. In spite of the hostility that is in American and the rise of the anti-Christ, there are those that are still thanking God for this country’s freedom of speech and religion. It is a joy to be with family and friends in a close atmosphere of laughter, and eating, and talking about the goodness of the Lord.

O’ come let’s sing about Christmas, the birth of Christ (Messiah) who was born of a virgin in Bethlehem Judea. We thank God for the obedience of Joseph and Mary in being the vessel used by God to bring about this birth.

When you go to the Word of God, in the gospel of Matthew and Luke, you hear or read the story of the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. You see how important His birth was… as is His death. Even before His life began and His death, you see the awesomeness of God’s hand in bringing His only begotten Son into existence. What a mighty God we serve.

We see that the angel came to the shepherds that were watching their sheep and informed them, “for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: you will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,

lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” Luke 2:11-14 (NKJV)

May I ask of you don’t destroy this day of celebration with commercialism and greed and lust with material things to heap upon ourselves. The day after Thanksgiving, black Friday, is when hundreds and thousands of people line up outside stores around the country, waiting on price mark downs on items. So many are already in debt and the complaining of what they don’t have. Yet they continue getting even more in debt just to please mankind. Let us not be caught up in this rat race.

This is a great time to show the Spirit of Christmas and giving thank to God for His Son’s birth. I just love to see our children of New Life Children Church celebrate Christmas with singing and play acting. I love to see the spirit of giving among God’s people to those that have less.

O’ comes let us sing and let us rejoice that our Messiah has come. He brought life and He brought laughter to my soul. It would have been enough if He would have just brought life, but He brought love, joy and peace… Merry Christmas!


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Looking AheadPlease mark your calendars for the upcoming events for November & December

NOVEMBER8 Leadership Prayer9 Evening Service14 Annual Staff Meeting23 Mission Sunday23 Evening Service27 Thanksgiving Day28 OfficeClosed30 Outreach

DECEMBER6 Annual Staff Follow up13 Leadership Prayer14 Evening Service21 Christmas Program (Children)22 Christmas St. John Project25 Christmas (Thursday)26 Office Closed31 New Year Eve

Nov. 4! ! Ray Dodd, Jr

Nov. 12! ! Marissa Davila

Nov. 14! ! Kija Colemon

Nov. 17! ! Dell Powell

Nov. 19! ! Gwen Williams

Nov. 20! ! LaNeail Alexander

Nov. 21! ! Steve Stephens

Nov. 23! ! Jasia Smith

Nov. 30! ! Thomas Clark


LaNeil & DeLesa Alexander Nov. 3

Raymond & Capricious Wright Nov. 4

Samuel & Margaret Darden Nov. 17

Darnell & Gladys Simmons Nov. 20

Dec. 8! ! Larry White

Dec. 10! ! Ruth Knox

Dec. 10 !! Sonja Blouin

Dec. 10! ! Phoebe Roquemore

Dec. 11! ! Kristina Chambers

Dec. 11! ! DeLesa Alexander

Dec. 12! ! Eldora Christian

Dec. 18! ! Pam Clark

Dec. 19! ! Danielle Hardiman

Dec. 28! ! Marva Coney

Dec. 30! ! Clara Britton

Dec. 31! ! Katie Alimon


Warren & Robin Green Dec. 13

Elmer & Catherine Powell Dec. 23

Birthdays & Anniversaries


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Elder Edna Johnson,Outreach Director

Newspaper headlines, TV news reports all tell the same stories. Stories such as the following:“Vermont man guilty of luring, killing teacher”; “Putin accuses United States of damaging world order”; “In Israel, priest draws fire for preaching Christians are not Arabs”; “15 year old ISIS fighter describes atrocities”; “Ebola virus in the U.S.”

Such headlines are typical any day of the week because this is the state our world is in. The enemy is Satan and the unseen powers of evil have permeated every level of existence in our world.

If I was to dwell on such news, if I would allow myself to contemplate my existence and future on where this world is and is headed, I would be dressed in a straight jacket, and

living in a room with padded walls. Sure, I am aware of what is occurring, however I never forget the gift that was given to me on a Christmas morning.

In all of Scripture there is no prophecy more thrilling than that found in Isaiah 9:6. In the midst of some awful prophecies about Judah and the fate of Jerusalem, we find this jewel of hope.

Those words are “UNTO US.” Those words change vague and impersonal words to a powerful personal prediction. Isaiah tells us that this “child” was born and given unto us. What He is in this verse He is in relation to us. He came for us, for our benefit.

Scripture tells us that His name will be called

Wonderful, Counselor: To me He is “my wonderful counselor.” The adjective “wonderful” refers to actions that are beyond the bounds of human power and can also be translated as “astonishing” or “amazing” or “extraordinary.” Judges 13:18 translates it as “incomprehensible” or “beyond understanding.”

Mighty God: He not only tells me what to do as Wonderful Counselor but He can also energize me to do it—because He is the mighty God”.

“Everlasting Father”: His question to me is ……will you be my child? (John 1:12-13)

“Prince of Peace”: This phrase can be translated, “The prince whose coming brings peace. My acknowledgement of him in any situation brings peace.

“For unto us…..” our Father gave to us His greatest gift.


Bro. Leroy Abrams,Outreach Director

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to our God and Savior for all the wonderful

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New Life MinistriesWords from our ministries


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blessings that he has blessed us with all year long; not just on Thanksgiving Day, but the past and future. He’s been so good to me and my family over the year, that I can’t count the many ways I’ve been blessed. We also celebrate Thanksgiving with our family and friends. On this special occasion we have fun, we fellowship, we laugh, and we eat all types of wonderful dishes that our family has long prepared for us with love and much care. Everyone pitched in to help with the greatest meal that we will feast on this special and joyful day we call Thanksgiving.

Thanks be to God as it is a special day to cherish and remember for the rest of your life. Thanksgiving is meant to share love, hope, fun and a gracefull time with your family who you love so dear. We have to be reminded to share our blessings with someone who is less fortunate than us, because that’s what God would want us to do as a Christian. Show love and kindness on this day, and continue to give thanks to the Lord for bringing you through another gloriously blessed year of grace and prosperity in our life.

Remember to be thankful for our great country, America. Other countries don’t have the freedom and luxuries we have here in America. FREEDOM, PEACE, AND THE WONDERFUL LIBERTY TO DO THINGS WITH NO DANGER LIKE OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE. So let us be very thankful for that. God has blessed us with His mercy and grace to have a lot of

freedom that other countries don’t have. Learn to thank God for the simple things we have like electricity, refrigerator, light and bathing water, luxuries some countries are without. So let us reflect on God’s goodness always with thanksgiving.

Phillippians 4: 6 states, “be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD.”

God bless you and have a BLESSED THANKSGIVING IN THE LORD!


Sis. Sharon ClayCAYC, Singles Ministry, Director

I’m a kid when it comes to Christmas. The lights, the cool crisped air, the joyful noise, the Christmas plays, presents under the tree, etc. I can’t help but fall in love with the season. Come on, I’m not the only one.

What else about Christmas? It’s the birth of our Lord and Savior. This should be the genuine reason for celebrating. I know, it’s so easy to get caught up in the

festivities, and that’s ok too. However, remember to put what’s really important to you to the forefront.

This being my favorite time of the year let me explain. Winter is here, Texas style. The cold air (yeah, I know, it’s not like what the northern states experience, but it’s our version of winter) always put me in the mindset of “repentance”, my thoughts for many years.

When working downtown, I had the option to walk underground from the parking garage to the building where I worked. On cold mornings, I chose to walk outside. I’d wrap up and look toward heaven and breathe in the morning fresh air. That’s what the cold does; it rids our atmosphere of staleness, germs, etc. This is how I would equate repentance; we are cleansed from the staleness and contamination of the “old man”. This gave me joy and I would rejoice along the way.

And for the lights, OMG!!!! Lights everywhere! Ever notice how our homes, buildings, trees look when lit up? Beautiful in every way! Well, who’s our light? We say Jesus Christ, and when we accept him in our lives, do the sceneries changes? We are being observed by others.

This Christmas, remember the cold snap that refreshes and cleanses. Let the lights that lights up the city remind you of being the light to others that will make a

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difference to all who are looking to you to represent Christ. And in closing, let me hear the Christmas carols being sung, you gotta love it!



Sis. Phoebe Roquemore

We’re almost through another year! We are soon to celebrate Christmas! This is my most favorite time of the year! The lights, decorations, food, parties, music, scents, family gatherings and presents! Oh yes, lots and lots of PRESENTS! Give me shiny...big...colorful wrapped boxes!!!

I remember one time I received a present from my dad! I saw how excited he was to give it to me! His excitement made me even more anxious to receive it! I new it was something big because it was outside! I ran to the door...swung it open...and there it was...the ugliest bicycle I had ever seen! My poor dad's expression changed when he saw the look of disappointment frozen on my face! How I wish I could turn back time. Unfortunately, I could not. I

truly regretted the hurt I caused someone who cared so dearly for me.

Well, guess what? I didn't learn from that experience. I did it again to someone who loved me even more than my dad. He too anticipated giving me this beautifully, colorful wrapped package! He joyously watched as He unfolded the layers, unveiling His precious gift to me. He trusted that I would care for it and treasure it. What was that gift? What gift brought an equally disappointing response as the bike so many years past? My Lord’s gift of...SINGLENESS.

The old bicycle wasn't pretty to me. I didn’t want it. I didn’t see or understand its value. But, when I rode it, I was free to enjoy it! It took me places full of fun, adventure, and excitement! It was so much fun, that friends joined me in my travels!

Well, my Daddy God knew even the more what I needed! This gift is not intended for everyone. It's special. For some it may be temporary. For others it may be until you move from your earthly to your heavenly home! Whatever way or circumstance you received this gift, enjoy it! Delight in it! Let our Father see the excitement in your expression as you joyously receive it! Trust that He knew exactly what He was selecting for you! In all your singleness acknowledge Him and He will let you know what to do! (Paraphrased Proverbs 3:5-6)

SHARE YOUR MINISTRY....Whether you are a ministry

leader or a member, if you have something you would like to share with the readers of Got Life, we would love to hear from you. This is a great opportunity to minister and encourage other believers in their Christian walk. To submit your article or inquire about articles, please email


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On several occasions I’ve used this spot to talk about my few travels. Once again I want to

drag your mind across thousands of miles on my recent trip to South Africa.

I recently decided that I have very little to loose in the area of conversation with perfect strangers. For me, there are very few things more invigorating than striking up a conversation with a perfect stranger.

So I have made a very simple decision. Every trip I take I will see how many perfect strangers I can learn about. It doesn’t require very much planning, just a couple of useful tools.

Even though people say that I’m shy, I would classify myself as an introvert sociologist/philosopher. I prefer to study people, learn them, and then engage them in conversations of life. Unfortunately, not everyone peeks my interest and I in turn retreat inward to enjoy

the conversations of my thoughts.

Wait, did I just tell on myself? Well, I guess we all have sort of an ego...and I’ve just revealed a bit of mine.

Any who, despite my slight egotistical nature, I really do enjoy people...yes, I do. No need to laugh or drop your mouth in unbelief at that statement.

So a couple of months ago I took two back to back trips to South Africa. Disappointed that the first one allowed me little energy to engage with new “stranger friends” (the whole trip took less than 6 days), I was determined to make ago of it on the second trip.

So with the help of a few tools (a big smile sometimes accompanied with a hello, a few pairs of 5 Fingers shoes, and mobile phones) I was ready to see how much I could learn about perfect stranger.

Here’s a secret that most of us don’t know we know. Most people love telling about their life to perfect strangers. Yea, probably you too. That’s why people show pictures of their family to perfect (why do we call them perfect, anyway) strangers.

It started with a young South African med student, who lived in Kenya because of her husbands work in banking, but she was taking a couple of courses at the NWU in South Africa for about a month.

Over breakfast at the B&B she shared a great deal about herself, enough for me to start a Wikipedia profile on her. And all I did was smile and say, “Good morning” in English. She longed to speak to a black English speaking person.

A few days later, I met 3 other people, 2 men and a woman and her mother, while drinking coffee, waiting inline for my Kulula flight to Cape Town, and the actual flight.

Each of these persons shared with me more than I know about people I see all the time. The conversations ranged from the many travel trips they had taken; children’s dating relationships; where they once lived to why the moved to a new city; where they studied in college; how they moved to Europe and married and later divorced and moved back to South Africa and got in to the business of art. And that’s just touching the surface.

As Christians we often ask how do we engage and reach people for Christ in this day? The answer maybe, meet perfect strangers and engage them in the conversations about where they are. They love to know someone is interested in them. I was amazed at how much people were willing to share with me, an absolute stranger, and how much they were interested in my life.

Before we can interest some people in the gospel, we must be interested in them.

The Lite Side

“When Strangers


Mel A. Perry


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M i s s i o n S u n d a ySunday, November 23 at 10am

Presented by NLTC & Global Reach

Celebrating the FamilyCreating Photographic Memories

During the month of November and December, we want to see how many pictures we can collect of people spending time with their immediate, extended or NLTC family.

Captures those moments that are special to you, whether during studying the Bible together, meal time, hanging out at the mall, at a local festival, volunteering or wherever it may be. And there is no limit to how many pictures you can submit.

This is a great project to involve your children and youth in. They love taking mobile photos.

You can submit pictures via Twitter @NLTC, Instagram @nltchouston, or Please use the #CelebrateFamily #newlifefamily.

NL Ministry Leaders

Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor

Mel A. Perry, Assistant Pastor & Global Relations Director

Pastor Steve Stephens, Associate Pastor

Pastor Elmer Powell, Associate Pastor

Donna Ross-Powell, Administrator

Deacons Roy & Veronica Seivwright, Head Deacons

Pastor Elmer & Cathy Powell, Marriage Min.

Donna Stephens, Ladies Minstry

Elder Roy & Min Pam Clark, Perfecting Light Ministry

Elder Edna Johnson, Outreach

Sis. Sharon Clay, Singles Ministry

Statement of Faith

We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as omniscient and omnipresent.

We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration.

We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.

We believe in the death, burial and resurrection.

We believe in being born again of water-by immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus” Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost - speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing.

We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.

We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing.

The purpose of New Life is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of all people, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.

Weekly Service Schedule

SundaySunday School! ! ! 9:00amSunday Worship ! ! 10:00am

WednesdayBible Study! ! ! 10:30amBible Study! ! ! 7:30pmYoung People On Fire! ! 7:30pmChildren With Purpose! ! 7:30pmCouples In Unity! ! 7:30pm(1st & 3rd Wednesday)

ThursdayMusic Ministry! ! ! 7:30pm

Saturday! ! !Intercessory Prayer! ! 9:00am

*NLEC Senior Connection Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm for all seniors 60+