Google New Product Development Process

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Google New Product Development Process and Key Insights

Transcript of Google New Product Development Process

Bruce JangAnirudh OswalAziz RehmatullahSushma ShethDaniele Vicente


Who is Google?

Some Numbers

Innovation Process


“Don’t be evil.”

• Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 19961

Who is Google?


“I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making

a big difference in the world.”

“We just want to have great people working for us.”

“If you have a product that's really gaining a lot of usage, then

it's probably a good idea.”

More than 1 trillion indexed pages1

2 billion searches per day2

176 million Gmail accounts3

Susan Boyle was viewed on you tube

more than 120 million times in 20094

Michael Jackson was the most searched

term in 20095

Some numbers

1 3 VASCELLARO, JESSICA (2010-02-08). "Gmail, Too, Seeks to Rival Facebook". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2010-04-07. "Gmail had 176 million unique visitors in December, according to comScore Inc.“4

Innovation Process .. Any thoughts?

The Innovation ProcessCornerstones Free Food!

• Use ‘Culture’ to generate as many ideas as possible▫ Hire smart people of Non-

traditional talent▫ Have a creative

environment▫ Haven an ‘outlet’ for ideas

• Launch early and get user feedback to develop further

• Release 5 products and 2 of them will really take off

A kind of ‘Stage-Gate’List of Top 100 ideas

• “Innovation reviews” force management focus

• Build products the “people” really want

• Effort relative to impact

• “If you build something users use, then there will be a way to make money.”

What makes it tick

• The ‘invitation’ model ▫ Google Labs▫ Buy time to scale

• Lean▫ Agile development▫ Early release

• Flat Organization

Challenges .. Any thoughts

ChallengesCompetition Talent Retention

Challenges Lack of Product Focus

Insights• Strong culture geared towards innovation.

• Bottom-up culture slowly making way for top-down


• The process – while largely engineering driven – is

now being tightened around financial metrics.

• Launch and iterate: make frequent updates based on

user data and testing. Contrast this with the

traditional approach of launching, and then upgrading

over time.

• Carry out tests on a large sample of users on a variety

of products. No other company has this kind of data.

The Past, The Present and The Future

Google, A Story of Innovation

Special Thanks to:

• Aspi Siganporia – Engineering Director – Mountain View

• Mukarram Bin Tariq – Engineer – Mountain View• Shailesh Rao – Managing Director –India• Meredith Papp – Product Marketing Manager –

Mountain View