Good Personal Hygiene - Who We Are GMP document… · PPT file · Web viewGood Personal Hygiene...

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Transcript of Good Personal Hygiene - Who We Are GMP document… · PPT file · Web viewGood Personal Hygiene...

Good Personal Hygiene

keeping yourself clean

22 Dec 07 Good Hygiene 2

Importance of good personal hygiene Hygiene

describes a system of sanitary principles to preserve health

Personal hygiene Refers to cleanliness of a person’s body

Communicable disease Pathogens transmitted by one person to

another – may be by touch / through food / by aerosols

22 Dec 07 Good Hygiene 3

Communicable diseases May be:

Diseases of respiratory tract Intestinal disorders Infectious hepatitis, dysentery, typhoid fever Staphylococci (boils, acne, infected cuts)

A person may be a carrier (no symptoms) Convalescent (< 10 wks after acquiring disease) Chronic (carries it indefinitely) Contact (carries but doesn’t get sick)

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Wearing clean clothing Clean outer garments Hair nets / head coverings Employee uniforms

No uncovered street clothes in production area

Worn to protect product and equipment from employee’s clothes

Clean footwear / overshoes Use locker facilities provided

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1. Before you get to work Take a shower

Wash off dead skin and bacteria Put on clean clothes and footwear

Clothes and footwear can carry bacteria into the plant

Keep fingernails clean, trimmed and without polish / no artificial nails Polish or artificial nails can fall off

Your skin sheds and carries bacteria

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2. When you get to work Place outside

clothes/footwear in locker

Put lunches (food) in designated places

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When you get to work Put on clean uniforms/smocks and

footwear for use in plant only Smocks are to keep your clothes

from contaminating the product! Wash hands before

touching food product

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When you get to work Don’t wear watches

or jewelry They carry soil and

bacteria Use clean footwear

Footwear can bring in contamination from the outside

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Empty pockets above waist Sew pockets shut if possible Pens and other objects can fall out

when you bend over These items are often physical

hazards They also carry bacteria

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3. When you are at workYou should wash After using the toilet After touching bare body parts (skin) After coughing, sneezing, using a

handkerchief or tissue After eating, drinking, smoking tobacco Before returning to your workplace Before entering finished product

packaging area to package product

Have you washed your hands?

22 Dec 07 Good Hygiene 11

Hand sanitizer stations Convenient location & visible

For employees entering process area For employees moving between jobs

Hand dip stations Hands must be washed before sanitizing Gloves should be put on before dipping Keep concentration at correct level

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How to wash Use adequate amount

of soap with warm water

Scrub vigorously between fingers (include wrists)

Use brush to remove dirt from under fingernails

Rinse thoroughly and dry with paper towel

Use hand sanitizer when leaving washroom

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Why wear hair nets?Hair gets washed less frequently than

other parts of the body Hair follicles produce oil The oil attracts dust containing bacteria Hair falls out periodically If the hair drops into food or onto food

contact surfaces, it will contaminate the food

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Wear hair nets / beard nets

Hair nets and beard nets protect food products from contamination

Baseball caps or bump caps are not sufficient!

All hair must be tucked in nets

22 Dec 07 Good Hygiene 15

Use of gloves Gloves are used to protect food product

from your hands Cuts, etc. should be covered with an

approved bandage first Hands should be washed thoroughly before

putting on gloves Dip gloved hands into sanitizer to keep

the gloves sanitized Inspect gloves at least daily for pinhole

leaks or cuts

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Employee responsibilities No food or drink in storage,

processing & packaging areas No use of gum or tobacco in food

handling areas Injuries, infections, disease must

be reported to employer Wash hands thoroughly

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Workplace habits Don’t use smock or uniform to

clean hands Don’t stick hand into food product

to test it Don’t chew gum Never sneeze into air

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Plant production personnel policies Policies

To prevent contamination of product Minimize potential routes of entry Control visitors

Restrict access Post signs Control drivers Authorized visitors only / wear clean gear Use footbaths where necessary

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Use of Lunchroom Eat only in the lunchroom

Not in the processing area Store your lunch in designated

area Not in lockers

Don’t leave garbage lying around Food attracts rodents and insects

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Allergens Allergens are usually proteins that

cause a severe anti-body reaction Allergens include: eggs, soy, milk,

nuts, seafood, and sulfites Employees bring lunches that have

allergens Wash hands and don’t bring food

into plant