Goal setting

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Goal setting




your future

Identify what is


Write a plan of intent

Set a duration

of desired goals

Be motivated

and accountab


The Meaning & Purpose of Goals• One definition of the word “goal” according to www.dictionary.com,

is “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed.”

• The purpose of setting goals is to identify what is important to you and to help turn your thoughts and ideas into specific, measurable, and actionable goals.

TYPES OF GOALS• You can set short term or long term goals from one day to five years or longer. • Keep a notebook on hand to track your progress, be motivated, and hold yourself accountable to every task. • Use the SMART goals acronym. Specific - goals that you want to achieve; measurable - time allowed for each task; achievable - goals that are the most easiest to complete; realistic - goals that can be accomplished; and time-bound - goals that have a deadline.

BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE• Keep in mind that God has a plan concerning your life so always remember to align your will to His will and you will achieve great success. As you listen to His voice, “write the vision” as God instructed Habakkuk in Habukkuk 2:2 as writing down a vision for your future brings your ideas to life.

REFERENCE • Addis, S. (2008). THE ART OF GOAL SETTING. Rough Notes, 151(11),

48-48,50. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/200333675?accountid=54847

• Hudgins, J. (2010, 03). Learning from the Ants. Retrieved 01 13, 2017,

from http://www.bible.ca/ef/expository-proverbs-6-6.htm.