Global MBA Program - ·...

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Transcript of Global MBA Program - ·...

MBA Program


Global MBA 3

Table of contents

At the dawn of the 2010-2011 academic year, the Interdisciplinary Center

(IDC) Herzliya will be in the midst of implementing the strategic plans for its

future. Over the past sixteen years, our schools and research institutes have

won international recognition while our alumni have taken impressive steps

toward changing the face of Israeli society. We will be building upon these

accomplishments by expanding our academic programs and activities to exciting

new heights.

I believe that an era of renewal is starting to take shape within Israeli society.

Joining IDC Herzliya means being part of this fascinating process, which

will infuse a commitment to constitutional and governmental reform as well

as economic growth; will address the challenges presented by new media

technology; and will reevaluate Israel’s diplomatic strategy and policies as

well as the country’s social and moral agenda – all of which are intrinsic to our

academic mission.


Prof. Uriel Reichman

President and Founder of the

Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

IDC Herzliya has led an academic avant-garde movement since its inception. We combine the study of theory with real-

world experience. Our educational method is based on an interdisciplinary approach, information technology and openness

to the international horizon. Our outlook, which is rooted in the concepts of liberty and responsibility, emphasizes initiative

and leadership alongside community service.

I am convinced that everyone who joins us will not only obtain an excellent education in business management along with

a far reaching professional network, but also meaningful friendships and an experience that will accompany them for the

rest of their lives.

The Global MBA Program benefits

from the generous support

of the Ted Arison Family Foundation.

FROM THEPRESIDENTLetter from the President


Dean’s Welcome 4

Global MBA Program 6-7

Global Management GMBA 8-9

Strategic Management GMBA 10-11

Entrepreneurship GEMBA 12-13

Beyond the Classroom 14-15

Career Development 16-17

Faculty 18-25

Global Outlook 26-29

Rafael Recanati International School 30-33

Student Services 34-36

Admissions, Classes and Course Schedule 37-42

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Global MBA 5

The Arison School of Business strives to prepare future business leaders and

executives for the modern business world and its constantly shifting challenges.

The Global MBA Program offers students high-level MBA courses taught by

world renowned professors who are experts in their fields. The program is

innovative and is continually updated to reflect new developments in business

education and the global arena. It is designed and taught by experienced and

internationally regarded faculty members who have lectured at the world’s top

universities. They bring the best and latest in international education and a

strong commitment to teaching excellence.

Studying in a program with an international student body gives participants a

significant advantage in developing international connections and in discovering

global business opportunities. The program also provides students with the

practical tools and theoretical knowledge needed to establish and manage

businesses as well as to develop and implement business initiatives on an

international scale.


Prof. Yair Tauman

Dean, Arison School of Business


The facts confirming Israel’s achievements are indeed impressive: the highest number of scientists per capita; the highest number of companies traded on US exchanges outside of the US; the significant presence of such leaders as IBM, Intel, Microsoft, HP, and others, together with their continuous acquisition of Israeli start-ups that make major contributions to their offerings. Add world-acclaimed universities and research centers, and you can feel the tempo in every after-hour haunt of the high-tech sector.

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MBA Program


Global Management GMBA - In addition to the core foundation in general management,

Global Management is comprised of a range of elective

courses that are relevant to current trends in business.

Global Management is enriched with an Exchange program

with the Wharton School, numerous visiting professors,

and a study module and trip to India or China.

PaRT-TIMESunday 16:00-21:00FRIday 8:00-14:00Global Management is designed for working professionals who plan to continue working throughout the program.

Global Strategic Managment GMBA -In addition to the core foundation in general management,

Global Strategic Management focuses on giving the students the

cutting edge tools and practical experience to design operational

and business development strategies in a global environment.

It is run jointly with the Wharton School, and sharpens the

students’ problem solving and strategic thinking ability.

PaRT-TIME/ModulaRSunday 16:00-21:00Monday 16:00-21:00FRIday 8:00-14:00

Global Strategic Management is designed for students who have a flexible work schedule and/or agreements with their employer, allowing for an increase in time devoted to projects throughout the program.

Global Entrepreneurship GEMBA- In addition to the core foundation in general management,

Global Entrepreneurship provides students with the

theoretical knowledge and practical tools vital to

entrepreneurship. Students gain hands-on experience by

establishing a commercial or social venture with the direct

guidance of seasoned and successful entrepreneurs.

Full-TIMESunday 16:00-21:00WEdnESday 16:00-21:00FRIday 8:00-14:00Global Entrepreneurship is designed for students interested in devoting most of their time and energy to developing their own ventures; that is, for true entrepreneurs.

The Global MBA at the IDC provides future business leaders and executives with the theoretical knowledge and practical tools to conduct business in the global arena. The Global MBA offers part-time

and full-time programs in areas such as Innovation, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Global Management that share core classes in general management taught from a global perspective.

Grasp the PresentTransform the FUtUre

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Global MBA 9

An Invitation to Make a DifferenceWe invite you to join us in this adventure, where you will gain professional skills

and knowledge from a faculty who are experts in their fields and drawn from

the world’s top business programs. Simultaneously, you will build a professional

network with the leaders of the future that you will carry for a lifetime.

“The Global MBA program has been a place where I have gained vast knowledge about how to manage a business with direct guidance from top professors and also where I have built a very strong professional network, but it’s also a place where I have made real friends.”

Claudia ChvaicerGlobal MBA, Global ManagementGraduating Class of 2012Undergraduate degree: Advertising and CommunicationAnhembi Morumbi University São Paulo, BrazilProduct Analyst Senior- Expand Group Brazil

The Global Management GMBA Head of Program: Dr. Nadine Baudot Trajtenberg

This rigorous program prepares students to meet the challenges of the modern business world

by providing them with the theoretical and practical tools to conduct business in the global


The foundation of the program is built on core business management principles, where the

global perspective is incorporated into each discipline, whether marketing, finance, strategy, or

decision analysis. In addition to examining the core management courses from an international

framework, students will round out their studies with globally focused electives including an

India or China module with a study trip. During the trip students will visit local and multinational

companies in a variety of locations and industries.

The faculty consists of the best lecturers from the world’s leading business schools. They are

involved in the business arenas of various countries, giving students access to their expertise in

the global market, as well as to the Israeli business sector’s strength in innovation, hi-tech and


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Global MBA 10

Empowering future business leaders to develop the strategies & tactics for

sUccess in tomorrow’s global marketplaces

“Working with a team of highly talented MBAs from Wharton and ISB (one of India’s top Business schools, in Hyderabad), exposed me to the sensitivities of different cultures, but also to the universality of professionalism and personal integrity.”

Noam BernsteinGlobal MBA, Strategic ManagementGraduating class of 2011GCP Project-TEVA Pharmaceuticals Undergraduate degree: Industrial/Product DesignBezalel Academy of Art and DesignIsrael

Global Strategic Management GMBA

Head of Global Strategy Track: Mr. Yuval Dovev

This distinctive program is comprised of core business courses

along with a specialization in Global Strategic Management,

a track that is run jointly with The Wharton School at the

University of Pennsylvania.

Graduates earn a Global MBA degree from the IDC along with

a Wharton-IDC GCP (Global Consulting Practicum) graduate


The Global Strategic Management studies enable students

to acquire the tools and management techniques used

by international management consulting firms. Students

The international arena continues to undergo dramatic

changes, from volatile financial markets to accelerating

innovation and vast migrations of service and

manufacturing sites.

With questions looming about global markets, Global

Strategic Management prepares students to meet these

challenges and anticipate these changes through studies that

strengthen strategic planning skills.

become a part of a multinational consulting team made

up of students from top business schools who will work

together on a real-life project sponsored by a real client,

either a Multinational or Israeli company.

This Global Consulting Practicum includes sponsored

international travel and provides genuine global

collaboration and practical experience. Students have

access to an extensive international network and work

closely with the finest graduates of the world’s leading

business schools.

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The Global Entrepreneurship GeMBA


“I’m not sure I actually would have started my business had it not been for the support and knowledgeable direction I received from Global Entrepreneurship professors, board members, and classmates. I wanted to start my business for three years but it wasn’t until I joined the program that my idea became a viable business.”

Naomi YoungerGlobal MBA Program, Global Entrepreneurship-GEMBAGraduating class of 2011Undergraduate degree: BS Business AdministrationUniversity of Southern CaliforniaFounder, SEGlet

“Starting a business is an immense challenge, and I knew that I’d need help. The Global Entrepreneurship program provided a structured framework for support as well as the guidance and expertise of serial entrepreneurs.”

Aaron BlankGlobal MBA ProgramGlobal Entrepreneurship-GEMBAGraduating Class of 2011Undergraduate Degree: LiteratureColby College, USA

“We don’t teach Entrepreneurship. We work together with our network of Israeli Entrepreneur friends who have “made it” so that we can enable our student entrepreneurs to bring their dreams of creating a successful and meaningful business or social enterprise to life. This program is not for everyone. It is for those who want to leave their impact on society and are willing to do what it takes to make it happen.”

Prof. Ronen IsraelHead of Program, Global Entrepreneurship-GEMBA

Head of Program: Prof. Ronen Israel

This exceptional program is designed for students who wish to acquire the

necessary skills to start their own venture in the global market.

Students are provided with state of the art entrepreneurship studies together

with the core business courses of the Global MBA.

The curriculum addresses entrepreneurship in all its aspects and allows students

to gain practical experience by establishing a commercial or social venture.

The Global Entrepreneurship program builds on Israel’s status as a center of high-

tech entrepreneurship and depends on IDC Herzliya’s reputation and resources

as a leader in business education.

This challenging and intense endeavor is suitable for students who have

demonstrated entrepreneurial, business or leadership skills and are interested in

devoting most of their time and energy to developing their own ventures.

The IDC Global Entrepreneurship program draws on, reflects

and contributes to Israel’s extraordinary entrepreneurial

achievements. IDC is geographically located in Herzliya,

one of the most veteran and exciting crucibles of

entrepreneurship in the world.

You will find start-ups that launched the solutions

that created entire industries, companies that have

exited on major financial markets, and investors

from Israel and abroad.

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GLoBAL MBASTudEnTS ClaIM VICToRy IDC team overcomes some 1,500 students from all over Israel in national leading business magazine, The Marker’s Case Study Competition.

Members of IDC’s winning team stand with Prof. Sarit Markovich and Mr. Yuval Dovev, Head of the Strategic Management track of the Global MBA, who advised them on their winning strategy (from left: Ilan Guttman, Yaniv Nissim, Sarit Markovich, Yuval Dovev and Noam Bernstein)

When Yaniv Nissim, Noam Bernstein and Ilan Guttman, three students in the IDC’s Global MBA

Program entered The Marker’s ‘Case Study’ competition, they were in it to win.

The contest, co-sponsored by Entrepreneur Dan David and TASC international consulting firm, invited

MBA students to solve real-life problems posed by four leading Israeli companies. Some 1,500 students

in 416 teams registered for the first round.

“For the first cut, we were given a general problem to solve, that related to a consumer electronics

company and what it had to do in order to grow its market share,” says Nissim. The team, who chose

the name “YNG” to represent their team, did more than solve the problem at hand - they delivered it in

an exciting visual manner, using graphics to get their message across and win them an extra edge. The

judges were impressed, and YNG moved to the semifinals. For next round, the 40 semifinalists were

divided amongst the 4 ‘client’ companies, with YNG assigned to Bank Leumi. They met with Bank Leumi

executives, who briefed them on their challenge: Develop a strategy for the bank to enter the field of

mobile banking.

According to Nissim, “Mobile banking is happening around the world, and there are security issues and

psychological barriers, so one of the main things we had to show the bank was an added value that

would motivate users to switch banks or to deepen their relationship with the bank.”

The team sailed through semifinals, with one more hurdle to go: Final Presentations at the end of

January. To prepare, they debated long and hard on their opening – what words and even what

intonation to use.

All that was left was to wait, and at a special event in downtown Tel Aviv, the winners were announced

and the three team members were thrilled to hear that they would be taking home the first place prize

for Bank Leumi. A second IDC team, with members Ron Levy, Uri Ron and Amir Rapson, took third

place with their solution for Matrix. According to the team, they could never have succeeded without

IDC and their advisors from the Global MBA program.

“IDC helped us a lot all along the way,” says Nissim, “especially Prof. Sarit Markovich, a Strategy

Professor in the Global MBA Program, and Mr. Yuval Dovev, head of the Global Strategy Track of the

Global MBA Program.

Taken from the IDC Herzliyan Spring 2010 issueby Joy Pincus

“When I was looking for a top tier MBA program, among other things I was looking for a diverse program that focused on broad subjects that would attract people from very different backgrounds.

With the Global MBA I found exactly that: a demanding program with first rate professors, a focus on conducting business in a global environment, and a diverse group of classmates.”

Amir RapsonGlobal MBA, Global ManagementGraduating Class of 2012Undergraduate degree: PhysicsTel Aviv University, Israel Director of Embedded Development- CTERA Networks

“They were in it to win, and it was really exciting to see that commitment.”

Prof. Sarit MarkovichGlobal MBA Program, Arison School of Business

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A heAd stArtcAreer Development Center

The Career Development Center (CDC) at IDC Herzliya aims to prepare students and alumni for the modern

job market by providing them with the tools and resources to find employment both before and after they

graduate. CDC serves as a bridge between the educational and the professional periods in the lives of IDC

Herzliya students and alumni. The CDC provides a variety of networking, career counseling, placement and

informational services to IDC Herzliya students and alumni enabling them to meet their career goals.

Karin Kaufman Director of the Career Development Center Former HR Manger of Polar International GroupEarned an MBA from the IDC, Arison School of Business

CDC servicesIncLUde:

Recruiting and Networking Events which allow employers and students to meet and network. »

Individualized career counseling and career guidance in the field of employment: Career paths, CV workshops, Interview tips. »

A frequently updated database containing a variety of full-time, part-time and short-term job and internship offers. »

A variety of open positions for MBA students/alumni are sent via emails on a weekly basis. »

Workshops, lectures and printed material on supplementary processes of job hunting. »

Job Fairs. »


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An interaction thatInspIres

The most sUccessFUL from Business

“Eventually, what you get from this program is in relation to what you put into it. Thankfully, what I found in the GMBA is that I am surrounded by good people and they all put a lot into it.” Arnon SchrireGlobal MBA, Global ManagementGraduating Class of 2012Undergraduate degree: Information System Engineering & Knowledge ManagementTechnionProject Manager, SW Team Manager, Consultant, and System Analyst- Matrix IT

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Prof. Amir BarneaPhd, CoRnEll unIVERSITy

Prof. Barnea is the founding dean of the Arison School of Business. He was a

professor of finance at Tel Aviv and Rice universities. His main area of specialization

is corporate finance. He has published many articles in top journals of finance and

the book Agency Problems and Financial Contracting. Prof. Barnea has been a board

member of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, a member of public committees and a board

member of public corporations in Israel.

Prof. Elazar BerkovitchPhd, noRThWESTERn unIVERSITy

Prof. Berkovitch is the former dean of the Arison School of Business and the director

of its MBA Program. He has been a professor at the University of Michigan and at the

School of Business Administration at Tel Aviv University and served as a member of

the editorial board of the Review of Financial Studies and the European Financial

Review. The primary focus of Prof. Berkovitch’s research is corporate finance, mergers

and acquisitions, bankruptcy and firm reorganization.

Prof. Jacob BoudoukhPhd, STanFoRd unIVERSITy

Prof. Boudoukh is a graduate of the PhD program in finance at Stanford University’s

Graduate School of Business. Currently he serves as the research director of the

Rothschild Caesarea Center for Capital Markets and Risk Management at IDC. Until

2004 he served as an associate professor of finance at the Stern School of Business,

NYU. His research focuses on empirical asset pricing, investments, derivatives and

risk management.

Prof. Eyal Byalogorsky Phd, dukE unIVERSITy

Prof. Biyalogorsky has a PhD in marketing from Duke University and a BSc in electrical

engineering from Tel Aviv University. He is an associate professor at the University

of California, Davis, where he teaches courses on pricing, product management

and marketing management. Prof. Biyalogorsky’s research has appeared in leading

marketing journals such as Marketing Science and the Journal of Marketing. He

received the “Professor of the Year Award” recognizing excellence in teaching in 2000,

2003 and 2004.

Prof. Rafi EldorPhd, haRVaRd unIVERSITy

Prof. Eldor is the academic director of the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild

Center for Capital Markets and Risk Management at IDC. He has taught at Tel Aviv,

Boston, Columbia and Bar-Ilan universities. He has served as the chief economist of

Israel Discount Bank, chairman of the board of a publicly traded company, general

manager of a money management firm and a consultant on futures and options. He is

the author of a number of books and textbooks.

Prof. Ronen IsraelPhd, noRThWESTERn unIVERSITy

Prof. Israel is a finance professor at the Arison School of Business, the

director of the Entrepreneurship Center at IDC Herzliya and a visiting professor

at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. Prof. Israel has served as a

finance professor both at Michigan University Business School and Carnegie

Mellon University and taught in the MBA programs at the Kellog School

of Management at Northwestern University, Columbia Business School, Duke

University and London Business School. He has published many articles in leading

economic journals on corporate finance. His main research interests are the capital

allocation process, organizational design, capital structure and bankruptcy. Prof.

Israel’s current research focuses on entrepreneurial finance, the capital

location process and managerial compensation.

Select Facultyof the Global MBA

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Global MBA 23

Dr. Varda LibermanPhd, TEl aVIV unIVERSITyDr. Liberman is a deputy dean of the Arison School of Business and the director

of Mathematical and Statistical Studies at IDC. She has served as an associate

researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies at The Hebrew University of

Jerusalem and at Stanford University where she still spends every summer as a

visiting researcher. Her research focuses on probabilistic judgments and decision-

making. She is the author of a number of books and textbooks.

Prof. Sarit MarkovitchPhd, TEl aVIV unIVERSITyDr. Markovich holds a BA in Computer Science and Economics and a PhD in

Economics from Tel Aviv University. Her postdoctorate is from the University of

Chicago in Economics. She joined the Arison School of Business after four years

at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Dr. Markovich’s

research interests focus on strategic interactions in markets with network effects,

patents and licensing, enterprise-wide systems, and strategic pricing in IT markets.

Prof. Roni MichaelyPhd, nEW yoRk unIVERSITyProf. Michaely’s recent research covers raising capital, conflicts of interest in the

investment and banking industry, and companies’ payout policies. In two recent

studies, Prof. Michaely was ranked number 25 in terms of the impact of his

publications and number 32 in terms of the number of publications among all

finance academics. He has won awards for best papers from the Journal of Finance,

the Journal of Financial Economics and the Review of Financial Studies.

Dr. Talia RymonPhd, unIVERSITy oF PEnnSylVanIaDr. Rymon serves as a deputy dean of the Arison School of Business and the head of

the Marketing Program at IDC. She has served as a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon

University. Dr. Rymon received a BA in economics from Tel Aviv University and an MA

and PhD in marketing from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Her

research interests include marketing strategy, competitive signaling, entertainment

marketing and services marketing.

Prof. Oded SarigPhd, unIVERSITy oF CalIFoRnIa, bERkElEyProf. Sarig is the Shrem, Fudim, Kelner Professor of Finance at IDC and former dean of the

Arison School of Business. Prof. Sarig received his BA in accounting and economics from

Tel Aviv University. His past academic positions were at Columbia University, Tel Aviv

University and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has published

books and multiple articles in leading academic journals.

Dr. Mark SchwartzPhd, yoRk unIVERSITyDr. Mark Schwartz is associate professor of Governance, Law and Ethics at York University,

Toronto and a lecturer in the Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department of the

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He has published in a number of academic

journals including the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, and Business

& Society. He is a co-author of the textbook Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in

Corporate Morality and is a research fellow of the Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem.

Dr. Schwartz has consulted with a number of business firms and governments around the

world on topics related to business ethics.

Select Facultyof the Global MBA

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Select Facultyof the Global MBA

Dr. Dan SegalPhd, nEW yoRk unIVERSITyDr. Segal is a faculty member at the Arison School of Business. He has degrees in

business administration, economics and accounting. His primary research interests

include financial accounting issues such as the effects of accounting information on

economic decisions, earnings management, the conservatism principle and company

valuation. Dr. Segal has published research papers in leading accounting and finance

journals such as the Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research and

Review of Financial Studies.

Prof. Oded ShenkarPhd, ColuMbIa unIVERSITyProf. Shenkar is the academic advisor of the Global Management Program (GMBA) at

IDC Herzliya. His academic training is in business administration, East Asian (Chinese)

studies and sociology. He specializes in Chinese management systems, cross-border

alliances and mergers, and the management of multinational companies. Prof.

Shenkar holds the Ford Motor Company Chair of Global Business Management and is

a professor of Management and Human Resources at the Fisher College of Business,

Ohio State University. He was a senior visiting fellow at Cambridge University and

has taught at leading universities around the world. He also serves as a consultant to

multinational enterprises, governments, international institutions and universities. Prof.

Shenkar is vice president of the Academy of International Business. He has published

numerous articles in major journals and is the author of many books, most recently The

Chinese Century.

Dr. Neil WilkofJd, unIVERSITy oF ChICaGo; Phd, unIVERSITy oF IllInoISDr. Wilkof is a partner and head of the Intellectual Property and Information Technology

Department of the law firm of Herzog Fox & Neeman, Tel Aviv. Dr. Wilkof has served as

an adjunct lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, the University of Haifa and the ITT Chicago-

Kent School of Law and as a consultant to the Global Entrepreneurship MBA Program

(GMBA). Dr. Wilkof is the author of the first edition and is co-author with Daniel Burkitt

of the second edition of Trade Mark Licensing and is a co-editor of Intellectual Property

in the Global Marketplace. He is a member of the editorial board of the European

Trade Mark Reports, European Copyright and Design Reports and the Oxford Journal of

Intellectual Property Law & Practice.

Dr. Nadine Baudot-TrajtenbergPhd, haRVaRd unIVERSITyDr. Baudot-Trajtenberg is associate dean of the Global MBA Program. She has

taught at Tufts and Tel Aviv universities. Dr. Baudot-Trajtenberg spent 20 years

in the banking industry in Israel and is a leading spokesperson to the investor

community on matters of finance, banking and economic developments. Her

interests are the economics of globalization, corporate communication, and the

political economy of Israel. She serves on the board of public corporations and

public organizations.

Prof. Yair TaumanPhd, ThE hEbREW unIVERSITy oF JERuSalEMProf. Tauman obtained his PhD and MSc in mathematics, both under the

supervision of Nobel Laureate Robert Aumann. His areas of research are game

theory and industrial organization. Prof. Tauman has published articles in

Econometrica, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory,

Quarterly Journal of Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, among others. He

has been Leading Professor of Economics and the Director of the Center for

Game Theory in Economics at State University of New York, Stony Brook. Prof.

Tauman has taught at Tel Aviv and Northwestern universities, at the Kellogg

School of Business and was a visiting professor at Stanford University.

Insight Knowledge experIence

overseAs Module

The idea behind the country modules is that efficient and effective business

operation in any market requires thorough knowledge of the context in which

business takes place. The module and study trip therefore introduce students

to the historical, economic, cultural, social and geopolitical circumstances of a

country along with its economic and geopolitical rise. At the end of the module,

students will be familiar with some of the unique features of each country and

develop tools with which to extend their knowledge in the future. The study trip

allows students to fully immerse themselves in the environment and take their

business and cultural understanding to a deeper level.

The Global MBA proGrAM bEnEFITS FRoM ThE aCadEMIC GuIdanCE oF PRoF. odEd ShEnkaR, an ExPERT on Global ManaGEMEnT Who haS ExTEnSIVE ExPERIEnCE ConduCTInG buSInESS In ChIna.

Prof. Oded Shenkar

“On August 1st I began my true education of China when we landed in Shanghai. Until then, we studied in class, I read a few online articles, looked at a tourism book- but nothing could prepare me for the true experience the study trip delivered.”

Adit MoskovitchGlobal MBA, Global ManagementGraduating Class of 2012Undergraduate degree: Double major of Computer Science and Economics Tel Aviv UniversityDirector Field Services EMEA- Jacada

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Global Business oAth

At the recent 2010 Annual World Economic Forum, members

of ‘The Forum of Young Global Leaders’, including Efrat Peled,

Chairperson and CEO of Arison Investments, joined forces

with top tier business schools in an effort to transform the

value system associated with current business practices.

The forum devised a Hippocratic Oath of sorts for MBA

students, by introducing a petition that outlines a

commitment to ‘do no harm’ and to add value throughout the

practice of business management.

The IDC, Arison School of Business is the first business school

in Israel to embrace the pledge at an institutional level. Many

MBA students at the IDC who have long been involved with

volunteer activities are eager to unite with other business

schools in supporting and furthering this cause.

the ted ArIsonFaMIly FoundaTIon

TED ARISON (1924-1999)

Ted Arison was born and raised in

Tel Aviv, studied engineering at the

American University in Beirut but left

to enlist in the Jewish Brigade of the

British Army during WWII. Mr. Arison

went on to become a lieutenant-

colonel in the Israel Defense

Forces. He set up the renowned

Carnival Cruise Company in Miami,

established the National Foundation

for Advancement in the Arts and the

New World Symphony, and purchased

the Miami Heat NBA Team. Mr. Arison

founded the Arison Foundation in the

U.S. and, in 1991, also established a

foundation in Israel bearing his name.

The Israeli foundation supports and

contributes to education, health,

research, and art.

The Arison School of Business at the

IDC was established in 1995 through

the support of the Ted Arison Family

Foundation. The Family Foundation

continues to play a prominent role in

supporting the success of the program.

The Ted Arison Family Foundation is

headed by Mr. Ted Arison's grandson,

Mr. Jason Arison

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rAphAeL recAnAtI International School

The Raphael Recanati International

School was established in order to

allow students from around the world

to benefit from the excellent academic

programs at IDC Herzliya by offering

several of these programs in English.

The school strives to find the brightest

and most promising young adults and

help them develop the skills necessary

to become the world’s future leaders,

while introducing them to Israel and

all it has to offer. The school has

grown quickly, attracting hundreds

of talented students from across

the globe with its high academic

standards, outstanding faculty,

innovative teaching methods and

personal attention to each student’s

needs. It is the only institution in

Israel where one out five students are

international students thus creating

an international flavor on campus.

Many Israelis who are looking for

a global outlook and would like

to perfect their English-language

skills study at the Raphael Recanati

International School. Global MBA

students benefit from the services

provided through the RRIS and are

active participants in RRIS activities.

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rAphAeL recAnAtI International SchoolBuilding a community together with you

Though the Raphael Recanati International School’s

main focus is academics, it also provides international

students, including Global MBA students, with the

opportunity to learn more about Israel and the Middle

East. International students learn side by side with

their Israeli counterparts and are involved in all aspects

of campus life, from the Student Union and volunteer

projects to sports and debate teams. The school

offers an extensive extracurricular program that takes

students beyond the boundaries of the IDC Herzliya

campus and acquaints them with the long, rich, diverse

history of Israel.

Studying in an academic institution in Israel is a

fantastic way for students to become acquainted with

contemporary Israel and the history of the Jewish

People. The staff of the Raphael Recanati International

School feel a responsibility to take students beyond

the boundaries of the IDC Herzliya campus and

expose them to all that Israel has to offer, from the

Golan Heights in the north to the Red Sea in the

south. This is done through a variety of extracurricular

activities. They include field trips, seminars and events

in uniquely Israeli locations, such as Masada and

Jerusalem; hiking trips in the Galilee and the Negev;

and becoming better acquainted with Israeli society by

volunteering in the Herzliya community.

The municipality of Herzliya invites the school’s

students to the cultural events and performances it

organizes free of charge. The school also organizes

events on campus, such as a Theater Club and the

Ambassadors Club, which teaches Israel advocacy and

diplomacy. In addition, a wide range of social events –

from barbeques to beach parties to formal receptions –

bring together international and Israeli students. These

activities are intended for both undergraduate and

Global MBA students.

lanGuaGE dEVEloPMEnT Global MBA students are able to partake in the Hebrew Ulpan in the summer

before the program begins. Throughout the program Global MBA students are

able and encouraged to continue their Hebrew language development and may

take Elective Language Courses in Arabic, Italian or French.

dEbaTInG ClubIDC Herzliya’s Berman-Lippa Family Foundation Debating Club is the largest

debating club in Israel and one of the most popular activities at IDC Herzliya. The

club has represented IDC Herzliya in competitions in Israel and abroad, winning

first prize at the European University Debating Championship in the “English as a

Second Language” category.

IdC EnTREPREnEuRShIP ClubAnother anchor of extracurricular activities is the IDC Entrepreneurship Club,

which facilitates the exchange of information and views among students

with entrepreneurial interests and ideas, faculty members and successful


Social responsibility and social entrepreneurship are components of the club as


younG EnTREPREnEuRS ISRaEl PRoGRaMReflecting IDC Herzliya’s philosophy that campuses should be an integral part

of their communities, many student activities focus on serving the public. Some

extracurricular activities allow students to use their newly acquired knowledge

to contribute to the community. For example, business students can mentor

budding entrepreneurs at local schools through the Young Entrepreneurs Israel


hIllElThe IDC Herzliya Hillel House serves as a hub for Jewish activities on campus and

a platform that enables a variety of student initiatives. It aims to enrich students’

lives with meaningful Jewish experiences. The IDC Herzliya Hillel House strives

to meet the specific needs of international, veteran Israeli and new immigrant

students through activities that celebrate the broad spectrum of languages and

cultures in Israel. Activities include Friday night dinners, trips around Israel,

weekend seminars and celebrations of Jewish and Israeli holidays.

Global MBA 34

Global MBA 35

ALuMNI AssocIAtIon


IDC Herzliya’s first graduates and administration together

founded the Alumni Association in 1998. It has grown to

have some 6,000 members. Alumni from various years

volunteer to serve on the Alumni Association Board,

planning its activities with the director.

The Alumni Association seeks to foster relationships

between alumni, as well as between alumni and IDC

Herzliya, and to encourage graduates to help one another

advance common goals. The Alumni Association’s goals

include establishing a dynamic network of alumni in order

to help alumni further their professional careers in Israel

and abroad. It strives to be a supportive organization that

offers services and activities relevant to alumni and to

develop avenues for alumni of experience and stature to

serve as mentors and role models for current students.

VISa and STaTuS aSSISTanCEStudents are responsible for clarifying

and establishing their status in Israel

and can turn to the Raphael Recanati

International School staff for advice

and assistance. Before commencing

studies, all students must clarify

their status and eligibility for a visa

or Israeli citizenship with the Israeli

embassy or consulate in their county

of origin.

The Ministry of Immigrant Absorption

provides advice and assistance to

students considering immigrating to


hEalTh InSuRanCEAll IDC Herzliya students are required

to have comprehensive health

insurance coverage throughout their

studies. Israeli citizens, including new

immigrants, receive health insurance

for a low monthly fee in accordance

with the country’s health insurance

legislation. An Israeli health fund

provides a special insurance plan for

international students at IDC Herzliya.

The plan provides comprehensive

health coverage and high-level

primary and secondary medical care

for $500. This includes hospitalization,

a 24-hour English-language

hotline, house calls and subsidized

medication. Students can sign up for

health insurance through the Raphael

Recanati International School.


Organizing professional enrichment conferences and seminars. »

Sponsoring remedial, elective and continuing education »

courses for alumni at reduced prices.

Helping alumni to continue to use IDC Herzliya services, such »

as the Career Development Center and the Marc Rich Library,

by arranging informative and networking events specifically for


Hosting on-going social events so that alumni can stay »


Establishing and coordinating business clubs which allow »

alumni to meet leading figures in the Israeli economy.

Fostering ties with alumni associations of other institutions in »

Israel and around the world.

Operating an internet site that is an effective tool for nurturing »

connections and furthering cooperation between alumni.

Organizing community service initiatives and raising funds for »


Global MBA 37

Global MBA 36


Global MBA Committee Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded based on

academic excellence and professional and

personal achievements.

Masa Scholarships

The Jewish Agency for Israel and the Israeli

Prime Minister’s Office co-sponsor the

Masa project to encourage young Jews

who are not Israeli citizens to study in

Israel. Application forms for Masa must

be submitted to the Raphael Recanati

International School, which will stamp

the application and forward it to Masa.

Masa will not accept applications without

an RRIS stamp. Please note, Masa is an

independent initiative and therefore its

criteria for evaluating scholarship requests

may differ from those used to evaluate

requests for the Global MBA Program.

FFEl loan FoR u.S. STudEnTSThe Raphael Recanati International School

at IDC, Herzliya has been approved by the

U.S. Department of Education as a Foreign

School to participate in the FFEL Loan

Program. Students will need to submit a

FAFSA and can do so electronically at the

following website:

This website allows the student to submit

a FAFSA, make any needed corrections

and print the student version of the FAFSA

request. Our FAFSA school code is G40703.

Etti Levi - Financial Aid;


aPPlICaTIon PERIodThe application period for the academic year starting in 2011 and ending in 2012 is

December 1st, 2010– July 1st, 2011.

The Global MBA Program has a rolling admissions process, meaning that applicants

do not have to submit an application on a fixed date but may submit their

application at any time prior to the last deadline on July 1st. Due to the competitive

nature of the admissions process, applicants are recommended to prepare their

application well in advance of the deadlines. In particular, studying for and taking

the GMAT is a lengthy process that should be started in parallel with the application


The early application period is open from December 1st, 2010 until February 1st,


The standard application period is open from February 1st, 2011 until July 1st, 2011.

aPPlICaTIon FEE (non refundable)

Application fee: $110. U.S.

The application fee covers part of the expense of processing and evaluating an

application to study at IDC Herzliya.


Completed Undergraduate Degree »

from a recognized academic institution.

Solid academic background as demonstrated »

by grades and overall GPA

GMAT score »

Demonstrated professional experience »

Outstanding personal achievements »

AppLIcAtIon & adMISSIon REGulaTIonSVarious scholarship

opportunities are available to Global MBA Students.

Global MBA 38

Global MBA 39

onlInE aPPlICaTIonComplete the online Application form, including essays, recommendation letters,

transcripts and documents at:

Upload the scanned Official transcripts of previous academic studies

(undergraduate or graduate degrees). The documents have to bear the official

stamp from the issuing institution. Scanned photocopies of the original

documents will be accepted only if properly notarized. Upload to:

Official results of the GMAT exam. *Applicants should ask the testing agency to

send the results directly to the IDC, Arison School of Business.

Upload a detailed CV describing professional experience to:

Upload 2 (two) letters of recommendation. Preferably one from a source who

can comment on Academic abilities and one from a source who can comment on

Professional experience:

* If requested original documents will be returned by mail.

how to Apply?


The application process consists of two stages:

Stage 1: Your application will be evaluated by the

Admission’s Committee, based on the submitted material

(essays, official transcripts, GMAT score, etc..)

Stage 2: Applicants who successfully pass Stage 1 will

be invited to a personal interview with the Admissions

Committee. (Applicants living outside of Israel may be interviewed by

phone, video conference or by a visiting professor).

The admissions committee will evaluate and reach decisions

regarding your candidature and you will be informed of your

Applicant Status within 45 days of receiving the completed


Applicant Status: Accepted, Accepted-Conditional, Waitlist, Rejected

(A, AC, WL, R)

Global MBA 40

Global MBA 41

Academic CalendarFoR ThE Global Mba PRoGRaM ClaSS oF 2013

August 7th-September 16th, 2011Preparatory Courses for students who need Statistics,

Economics and/or Mathematics

October 2nd-11th 2011 Leadership workshop

October 21st, 2011Official start of the Global MBA Program- Orientation


October 23rd-December 12th, 2011 Mini Semester 1

December 18th, 2011-January 27th 2012 Mini Semester 2

February 12th-March 23rd, 2012 Mini Semester 3

April 6th-13th 2012 Passover

April 15th-June 1st, 2012 Mini Semester 4

June 17th-July 27th, 2012 Mini Semester 5

August 5th-17th, 2012 Study Trip (China or India)

September 2nd-October 19th, 2012 Mini Semester 6

November 4th-December 14th, 2012 Mini Semester 7

December 30th, 2012-February 8th, 2013 Mini Semester 8

February 24th-April 12th, 2013 Mini Semester 9

Selected Core Courses Global Management Elective Courses Selected Global Entrepreneurship Courses

Business & The Digital Media

China Module

Corporate Valuation

Decision Making

Global Leadership

Entrepreneurship in the Web Era


Global Economic Environment

Global Marketing

Growing your own Company

Intro to Entrepreneurship & S.U

Entrepreneurship 101

Practicum in Sustainable


Communication in the Business World

Entrepreneurs' Tales

Bringing Business to Life

Entrepreneurial Finance

* Courses are open to all Global MBA students

as electives

Business Strategy A

Business Strategy B


Financial Accounting 1

Financial Accounting 2

Finance 1

Finance 2

Global Strategy

Human Resource Management

Intellectual Property Rights

Leadership Development


Bi-Cultural Negotiation

Marketing Models

Marketing Strategy

Mergers & Acquisitions


Presentation Skills Workshop

Pricing Policy

Sales Management

Strategic Innovation Management


Global MBA Program

Managerial Accounting

Marketing 1

Marketing 2

Organizational Behavior

Private Equity

Quantitative Methods

Supply Chain Management

Thinking Strategically

Mba PRoGRaM TuITIonThe entire tuition for the Global Management (GMBA), which 1.

begins in the Fall of 2011, is $27,000 U.S.

The entire tuition for the Global Entrepreneurship (GEMBA), 2.

which begins in the Fall of 2011, is $29,000 U.S.

Preparatory course tuition is $450. U.S. per course. Tuition 3.

must be paid by the date stamped on the payment voucher.

SECuRInG youR PlaCE In ThE PRoGRaMAccepted applicants must pay a down payment in order to secure their

place in the program. Please remember that only once the down payment

has been received is an accepted applicant’s place secured, thus

confirming their place in the program

Meet Us

Global MBA 42

We encourage you to arrange an individual consultation with us in order to gain feedback

about your candidate profile, ask questions and gain more insight into the Global MBA Program.

Although these meetings do not take the place of a formal Admissions interview they provide

you with valuable information throughout your application process.

To schedule an individual consultation either in person or by telephone

please contact: (Candidates living in Israel) (Candidates living in North America) (Candidates outside of Israel and North America)

You are also encouraged to fill out the contact form at:

The IDC, Arison School of Business hosts

Open Days, which take place on the IDC

campus throughout the year. These events

give you the opportunity to gain a deeper

understanding of the Global MBA Program

through presentations by heads of

programs. You also have the opportunity

to speak with professors, alumni and

current students. To find out when the

next Open Day is you may contact us

directly or go to:

Throughout the year the Global MBA

participates in numerous MBA Fairs

from Los Angeles, CA to Hyderabad,

India. Please contact the Admissions

Department to find out about events

in your area:

EventsneAr yoU:



MBA Program


ADMISSIONS DEPARTMENT(for Israeli students)Interdisciplinary Center HerzliyaKanfei Nesharim St.P.O.Box 167Herzliya 46150, IsraelTel: +972-9-952-7381Fax: +972-9-956-7392E-mail:

ADMISSIONS DEPARTMENT(for International students)Interdisciplinary Center HerzliyaKanfei Nesharim St.P.O.Box 167Herzliya 46150, IsraelTel.: +972-9-9527658Fax.: +972-9-9527334E-mail:













